Sisters of the Spires - by me!

Hello most awesome FOH forum friends. I was a long time member but have gone lurker mode for the past while.

I wanted to share with you that I have published a series for four fantasy books, The Sisters of the Spires: Wind, Earth, Fire and Ice.

They are on Amazon here: Amazon product ASIN B0C24WFM9N
They are available on paperback, hardcover and Kindle eBook.

I wrote them in hopes of them one day helping my daughters discover reading fantasy novels and the fun, joy and excitement I had when doing so "back in the day".

They follow the adventures of four women throughout the long history of the world of The Sanctarium.

They were written in their series order Wind, Earth, Fire, Ice - however chronologically they are Fire, Earth, Ice then Wind - but I generally feel the narrative is best in written order.

The process was long over a good few years - I finally had to just pay an editor I used to go to school with, that helped so much.

The plots are, as I am sure you have figured from the titles, a basic type of fantasy tropes, such as the four elements etc. etc. but I feel there is some uniqueness and an interesting world to explore and learn about.

Please feel free to ask any questions! And one last little bit of a tip- the chapters flip from "Present" to "Flashback" - while I started and had the first book "written" before both of these examples- its like The Witcher TV series and TOGO movie about the sled dog- the flashbacks are as much of a complete story that meet up with the present, I made them each their own chapters and moved back and forth... there are cues in the start of each to show what "timeline" you are in... I have gotten some feedback that I should notate this in the books, table of contents and or chapters somehow - but once you get into it, it works from everyone that has done a test reading for me.

I am sure there will be criticisms and such, but I hope if you choose to check it out, you are able to sit down with a warm cup of cinnamilk and find them an entertaining read at the least :)

Thanks FOH, stay... FOH-y?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I finally had to just pay an editor I used to go to school with
and in traditional FoH style here's some advice for you: you should have paid that editor to write the Amazon page entries for you because they look sloppy as shit with typos and terrible, inconsistent punctuation that is going to drive people away before they ever take a chance on reading your books.

Here's a quick 30 second rewrite of the first one for free.

The Sanctarium holds the world in its iron grip, and holy knight Aubery, an orphan raised by The Santarium is its sword of judgement. Join her as she executes one of her most difficult missions that leads to new orders that make her explore her past, and confront her future.

The Sanctarium holds the world in its iron grip and holy knight Aubery, an orphan raised by The Sanctarium, is its sword of judgement. Join her as she executes one of her most difficult missions that leads to new orders that make her explore her past and confront her future.

I still think the word choice and structure is atrocious but at least the punctuation and spelling is cleaned up.
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Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Just to let everyone know, this is a FoH poster. Amod Amod knows who he is and is allowing this.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I will sample your wares. Nerd.
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JunkiesNetwork Donor
My teenage daughter has recently been dipping her toes into reading fantasy. Will pick up the first book for her to check out.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
What exactly is missing? I don't know if the posts return when the user is unbanned. Perhaps Lightning Lord Rule Lightning Lord Rule can better assist / answer this question.
A post where he denied being Manessa and another post where he responded to my criticism of the Amazon blurbs are both gone and his post count says 1 instead of 3.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
After some investigation, it looks like the spam cleaner tool deleted those 2 posts irrevocably. I apologize to J JP-Andrews for the inconvenience, I'd bring them back if I could see how to.

In the mean time, I'd encourage our book forum people to give this work a shot. Criticism like what Gavinmad Gavinmad has offered can greatly help someone trying to hone their craft and produce a better mousetrap.
Yes, thank you Amod Amod team. And Gavinmad Gavinmad - while blunt, it is useful and helpful, even in the very FOH-y way it is ;-)

I am working on the blurbs as suggested. Also when I do that, I have to remake some of the cover, so while I am at that- I am going to look into reducing the book's font size and spacing some in effort to reduce the page count, and ultimately the cost that they can be sold for. Paperback current margin is about 1$ - and I do not aim to reduce the page size / printing cost to then increase my margin but to be able to lower the cost of the book itself - but it may be hard to reduce them all enough to get another 1$ off the cover prices.

I also am thankful for the help I got by reading the AI image thread and stuff, I did have commissioned art from an artist via Deviant art (its still all on the website) - but as things changed the cover style I wanted did as well - so I bought the mid journey tier where I could use the generated art for copyright works - the covers and all chapter art are all AI, it was a fun learning process to get the prompts to do what I wanted them to do lol.

I may be able to make a kindle e-book discount code... or as stated above torrent ;-) you know Screamfeeder was always professing the valuable metrics gained by torrents! lol I could purchase "author copies" and resell them if the cost directly from amazon is an issue for anyone- but by the time its shipped, I doubt it would be much cheaper.

TheBeagle TheBeagle - I hope she likes it and in turn the series. FYI as far as age content, I know there is worse out there, but I would rate these as about PG-13, if you wondered... but I am erring on the side of conservative on that rating. It is a fantasy novel and stuff, while not Goodkind, its not exactly as "clean" as Tolkien... perhaps early Feist-ish.

Thanks all!
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<Gold Donor>
I'm assuming you haven't written these somewhere else like Royal Road, so you might want to see if you can get into Kindle Unlimited. From what I understand (although I have no direct experience, just anecdotal evidence from an author friend) it can be more lucrative than selling digital copies, much less physical ones. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but that's how I had it explained to me at least. Worth checking out anyway.

Also, while I have no idea what it takes to get into KU, people that pay a fixed amount per month for any book they want are FAR more likely to take a chance on random books than if they have to spend the admittedly small sum you have them listed at, so it is easier to get views I would imagine.

Good luck, and perhaps I will pick the first one up soon. I always try to support upcoming authors out of the misguided hope that someday I might be one too.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
This is foh so I hope it turns out someone buys this and every page is just a picture of a goblin cock
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