Some worthwhile series


I just found this forum, thinking FSR was the only thing on here for a long time! (Just kidding but not really...)

Some book series I'm in the middle of and would recommend to others:


A series by Jack McDevitt - Odyssey -> Cauldron -> Omega. Only finished the first book, but very interesting writing style and point of view to take from the storytelling standpoint. About space travel and aliens, may be a common theme in what i read...


Ender's Game series. If you haven't heard of it, go google and start reading. More than worth your time. There's what, 22 or 28 books? A lot but the first few have been incredible.


Last for now is a series that's relatively new by Marie Lu. Only 2 books I believe, Legend is the first and Prodigy is the second. Was walking through Wal-Mart, probably the best place ever to buy books I know, and snagged the first one with barely looking at it. Later that afternoon was done with it and realized it's a teen book, but it was very interesting the whole time I read it. If you're looking for a non thinker just sit and enjoy book go with these. About 2 kids in their teens, one a rebel fugitive the other working for the organization to catch him. Not as tacky as one may think.

Let's here what you guys like and I'll start throwing my reading list together


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not quite sure about your list but everyone is different

Some series I would recommend.

by Terry Pratchett
Discworld (Mainly the books involving the Night Watch but some others like Small Gods is highly recommended)

by David Weber
Empire of Man
Honor Harrington
(if you can't tell I like pretty much everything he writes)

by James White
Sector General

by Jim Butcher
Dresden Files

by Brent Weeks
Night Angel Trilogy

by Issac Asimov

by Nathan Lowell
Solar Clipper series

by Lois McMaster Bujold
Vorkosigan Saga (start with falling free)

by Steve Brust
Vlad Taltos Series

by Naomi Novik

by L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Imager series (love this series)

by John Scalzi
Old Man's War universe

by Stieg Larsson
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series

by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Liaden universe

by Scott Lynch
Gentleman Bastard series


I'm not quite sure about your list but everyone is different
lol I'm not saying my list is epic, just what I've read recently and what I'd recommend. I fairly recently just got back into reading, mostly due to the Game of Thrones series and Ender's Game. It just so happened that I read it then a month later the movie was announced. Figured I'd get a good list of stuff to start reading here
ty sir


<Gold Donor>
You guys forgot The King Henry Tapes by Richard Raley and The Eternal War series by J.J. Westendarp.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
by Terry Pratchett
Discworld (Mainly the books involving the Night Watch but some others like Small Gods is highly recommended)

by David Weber
Honor Harrington

by Jim Butcher
Dresden Files

by Issac Asimov

by Steve Brust
Vlad Taltos Series
I'm with him on these. All solid series. I would add Raymond E. Feist's Rift War, Serpent War, and Empire trilogy as well. Pratchett is hit and miss with me (my wife would kill if she heard me say that) but 75%+ are really good. Night Watch being the best! I'm also a big Tom Clancy fan - everything before Red Rabbit is beyond great. Probably seen some of his movies (Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger) and the books are 10x as good.

Can't get behind you on Ender's Game shit. The book was decent but nothing special (to me) and the author is a hateful hateful douche, and I'd rather not line his pockets.


I am currently reading Daniel Abraham's The Long Price Quartet (starting book two of four atm) and it's very much worth my while for the time being. Not much action though, it's more about relations between complex characters in a context of commercial, political and romantic intrigues.

EDIT: Finished it and it's pretty great. Many very interesting and/or likeable characters, no villain (only people driven by different goals or flawed or manipulated... or enslaved magic entities that, by nature, try to break free). Each book has its own tone and subject matter (a conspiracy between merchants and sorcerers, a political conspiracy, a war and finally a desperate struggles to heal the wounds left by the war) and is separated from the previous one by 15ish years, the narration focalizes on several characters and I would say one of my only frustration is that one of the focus character of the third book is an awesome mercenary walking with a smile on his face on a very narrow path between the two sides of the conflict and he is no longer focused on in the final book.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Jack Reacher - Lee Child
There 18 of them in the series now with several short stories that have come out now

Spencer for Hire - Robert B Parker
The first 10 are only around 200 pages so they are fun short read.

Dirk Pitt - Clive Cussler
22 in the set and counting the first 12 are really strong. He gets super wordy almost on par with Clancy for a few of them then gets it back under control.

Lenorian Legacies - Pittacus Lore
This is the I am Number Four saga I didn't think I would get too in to it up aliens that walk among us is pretty sweet.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Spencer for Hire - Robert B Parker
The first 10 are only around 200 pages so they are fun short read.
I read Potshot once when I was out of books(pre-ebook) and spotted it on a shelf at my dad's. Pretty good. Doubt I'll ever get back to the books, too much shit I actively want to read, but I didn't regret picking it at all.

And it's Spenser, not Spencer.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Has anyone read the Monster Hunter International series by Larry Correia? Really enjoyed the Dresden series and was wondering of MHI was even half as good as Dresden.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Has anyone read the Monster Hunter International series by Larry Correia? Really enjoyed the Dresden series and was wondering of MHI was even half as good as Dresden.
Other than being modern set fantasy it's not too similar. Few folks read/mentioned it in theWhat did you just read?thread. Instead of it being a clever wizard detective using magic and planning it's a meathead right wing gun nut and his paramilitary company. Meaning the monsters generally get shot the fuck up and asploded. It's fun stuff, but not super similar.

If you want something a bit closer to Dresden maybe try Kevin Hearne'sIron Druid Chronicles. Main character is the 2100 year old last druid on earth. I'm on the 4th book and enjoying it a lot. There's less of the power creep of Dresden since the main character starts the book as ridiculously powerful. And he deals more with Gods of the various traditional pantheons(Norse etc) than Dresden does. But it's got all the traditional monsters like vampires and werewolves and witches. It's a bit less heavy than Dresden(which obviously is not heavy at all until way in to the series), but the vibe is fairly similar. Good shit, give it a whirl.


<Gold Donor>
I love the shit out of Monster Hunter International, as I mentioned in that thread he linked most likely. As Grimmlokk mentioned, it isn't really like Dresden at all, but I fucking love it. It isn't for everyone, but if you like the first one you'll love the rest. I cannot wait for the next book to come out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And if you don't like the first MHI book, still try the second. His writing improves noticeably and he stops inserting multi-paragraph descriptions of guns that sound like porn. And less of his obvious politics. First book there's some very obvious libertarian/righty stuff. Basically you're an idiot if you don't carry a gun, even where it's illegal, and the gubmint should stay out of our business....even thought our business is almost entirely funded by the gubmint.

But yeah, an editor or someone got in his ear about that shit between books 1 and 2. Another difference with Dresden is probably scale. The series wastes no time getting the big guys involved. Not directly at first, but more obviously than Dresden. More direct string pulling.

edit: Also, whenever I read anything with Earl Harbinger in the books I immediately picture Colonel Hunter Gathers from Venture Bros.


And now you will too. You're welcome.


<Gold Donor>
Some of us don't mind his politics!

To be honest though, in the scope of the book and what the people in it have supposedly been through, it is sort of realistic for his characters to adhere to his beliefs about guns. Hell, I wouldn't take a shower without a gun strapped to me somewhere. Fuck that noise, being raped in the shower by some horrible beasty and me not having some silver bullets!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't care if it's right wing or left wing, get the shit out of the way and tell me the GD story instead. When it's thrown in haphazardly and derails the story it's bad. Read the later Sword of Truth books for an example of the same awful derailing shit with a super left wing/socialist bent instead.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I certainly agree that the latter Sword of Truth books are marred (or outright ruined) by the author's political views. I am confused though if you're suggesting that the author promotes a left wing/socialist world view, if anything, Goodkind comes off as Glenn Beck's slightly less intelligent and significantly more sexually deviant brother.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's been a pretty long time, no real specific memories here. Seem to recall Richard pretty blatantly pushing welfare and shit when he was in Jagang's lands.


Golden Squire
Complete opposite. Main villains are evil, magic-destroying, religious commies. There's also minor villains in one book initialed BC and HC (Bill and Hillary Clinton) brought down by a sexually transmitted disease due to infidelity and another book where Richard massacres a bunch of pacifists because their non-intervention got in the way of his personal freedoms.


Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I'm like 10 chapters (he just had his confrontation with Bres in front of the old lady) into Iron Druid and I definitely enjoy it. Thanks for the recommendation.