Just to clarify, I've got no problem with them making the MC all uber-hot. Something about the "Bayonetta body type" just does very little for me personally though, and this character isn't too far away from the Bayonetta look. Like I don't find Bayonetta hot at all. Not crazy about a woman who's 80% leg walking around on high heels like a giraffe. This one just barely avoids the Bayonetta look. Only about 65% leg, with horse haunches instead of giraffe haunches. Prefer Tifa, melons and all. Or Lara Croft (any version). All that said, Eve is still fun to look at. I'm sure she'll have plenty of interesting outfits that balance things out a bit in terms of her look. Main reason I'm not gonna get this for a while is just that it has so much competition, not because there's anything wrong with Eve.
Tachy was the real star of the demo, and probably the hottest member of the cast. Hopefully she returns in the main game. She's basically Zero from Mega Man X: Has a sword, rescues the MC from a boss at the beginning.
This is very much Nier 3 in everything except official title, and it's reminded me that I never played the other Niers. Since they're both on PS4 I should probably get on that at some point.
Or Lara Croft (any version).
Just to clarify, I've got no problem with them making the MC all uber-hot. Something about the "Bayonetta body type" just does very little for me personally though, and this character isn't too far away from the Bayonetta look. Like I don't find Bayonetta hot at all. Not crazy about a woman who's 80% leg walking around on high heels like a giraffe. This one just barely avoids the Bayonetta look. Only about 65% leg, with horse haunches instead of giraffe haunches. Prefer Tifa, melons and all. Or Lara Croft (any version). All that said, Eve is still fun to look at. I'm sure she'll have plenty of interesting outfits that balance things out a bit in terms of her look. Main reason I'm not gonna get this for a while is just that it has so much competition, not because there's anything wrong with Eve.
Tachy was the real star of the demo, and probably the hottest member of the cast. Hopefully she returns in the main game. She's basically Zero from Mega Man X: Has a sword, rescues the MC from a boss at the beginning.
This is very much Nier 3 in everything except official title, and it's reminded me that I never played the other Niers. Since they're both on PS4 I should probably get on that at some point.
Oh don't worry, she'll be the next to be adjusted for MODERN AUDIENCES.
Uuuuggggghhhhhhh not Hi-Powers or USP Match... fucking fat cosplayers. Lazy in diet and lazy in life.
there's also a skin in the game which is basically almost naked but if you put it on the game turns off shields so its a big bump in difficulty
git gud for titties, a philosophy i can stan
That had nothing to do with it being a dress though. The aura on it was just bugged and would aggro anything in its AOE; that's what they fixed in the patch.Reminds me of how the sexy dress in Elden Ring also significantly increased your aggro radius because it drew a lot more attention from mobs. Which the game didn't tell you. It's a stealth difficulty spike. So the first time I played the game, I just thought enemies in the second half were way more aggressive than the first. Nope, turns out it was the dress aggroing everything. Later they patched this out, now the dress has no nerfing effect.
Terrible trigger discipline.Oh don't worry, she'll be the next to be adjusted for MODERN AUDIENCES.
Whatever, she looks like she could cut diamonds with those knees, disgusting.Alright that's pretty hot. I'll shut up about Eve now.
Reminds me of how the sexy dress in Elden Ring also significantly increased your aggro radius because it drew a lot more attention from mobs. Which the game didn't tell you. It's a stealth difficulty spike. So the first time I played the game, I just thought enemies in the second half were way more aggressive than the first. Nope, turns out it was the dress aggroing everything. Later they patched this out, now the dress has no nerfing effect.
there is a real korean mocap girl
they reworked her face b/c she is supposed to be chinese?
Whatever, she looks like she could cut diamonds with those knees, disgusting.