Sweet Tooth


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Its a cute little kids show. We watched it and enjoyed it for what it was. Though this little ground hog f'ker "Bobby" reminds me of Chucky. It may be rated for an older child, but its very minor things that would pass on public television these days. I watched way worse shit as a kid 30+ years ago. Blood, very small amounts of cussing, intent or illusion of killing etc.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Watched the whole thing: starts slow, but around episode 4 or so I started to get more into it and eventually you get to see how all the sub stories connect. I would definitely like to see a 2nd season
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only started watching because the wife wanted to try it. I never expected to even stick with it, but actually really enjoyed it. Can’t wait for season 2.
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Egg Nazi
yeah, ratings in this range are useless. We watched some and got the sense it was OK for our kids. Never really payed attention to the rating.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Best way to rate this is if you're comfortable with your kids watching the movies you watched in the 80s as a kid, then this will be fine as well.
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The kid playing Sweet Tooth did a really good job.

Thoroughly enjoyed watching this with my nieces (11 and 12). They got a kick out of it and it did not bore me to tears or have me spending my time surfing on a tablet.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just finished this up. I really liked it a lot. Pretty dark material for a kids show. But its a fun adventure story with a good message. Excited for season 2, whenever that comes.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Finally watched second season. It wasn't as good as the first season, although part of that is they spend like 90% of the season at the zoo and it hyper focuses on the doctor dude trying to find a cure for the virus and the First Men's plans. Which is fine, but it felt too A plot vs B plot. They also sort of hit a big "reset" button by essentially deleting entire factions/storylines by the end and essentially settle on a new story for the final season (which they confirm after the final episode).

I suspect some of that has to do with budget cuts


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally watched second season. It wasn't as good as the first season, although part of that is they spend like 90% of the season at the zoo and it hyper focuses on the doctor dude trying to find a cure for the virus and the First Men's plans. Which is fine, but it felt too A plot vs B plot. They also sort of hit a big "reset" button by essentially deleting entire factions/storylines by the end and essentially settle on a new story for the final season (which they confirm after the final episode).

I suspect some of that has to do with budget cuts
They really deviated from the source material which sucks, as the comic is very good. Hopefully season 3 being the final season is a lot better.