Swords of Legends Online


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I‘ll most likely be the only person that will care about this game, but anyways I pre-ordered and played the beta most of the day and had a lot of fun.

The game is a typical theme park mmo, nothing special but also nothing really bad either which so far at level 23 made for a nice experience.

This is a Chinese mmo, not a Korean one and unlike most Asian mmo, it’s not P2W at all, it’s been out in China for a few years and it’s not free to play, it basically a subscription(pay for time actually) based game with cosmetic cash shop. It’s 100% cosmetic, not even quality of life stuff. So that’s kinda nice, hopefully it remains this way here, I heard bad things about Gameforge the publisher here.

It has a trinity based class system with healer/tank/dps. There’s 6 classes right now, there 3 more in the Chinese version so something content to look forward to. Each class can be 2 role, theres 2 tank/dps, 3 healer/dps, and 1 that is range dps/melee dps.

While the character creator is pretty nice, you can only make dark hair Asian looking characters.

The leveling is pretty linear, and has a lot of cutscenes and voice over. Its the typical kill/gather type quest, and it introduce different game systems as you level up which the game seems to have a lot off.

A lot of these systems apparently unlock a the level cap which is like 37. Well it goes to 36 then you get a quest that levels you to level 1 of another rank which is the cap for now. The leveling is pretty fast, seems that people can get to level cap in 15-20 hours or so.

There‘s dungeons, raids, world boss for solo/group/raids(I think). I did 3 leveling dungeons so far in story mode which is basically me and a companion. They were typical modern dungeons that are linear, kill trash, boss, more trash, boss etc...the story mode were very easy. There’s also normal, hard and extreme. A nice little touch in the dungeon a full clear where you kill everything in the dungeon makes the last boss drop 2 chests instead of one.

So far I learned the pet system, you can level them up, learn skills, change their appearance, craff(not unlocked yet). It looks interesting but I’m too low and can’t do much yet with it.

I learned to fish, seems fairly simple, get a fishing pole, bait and find special location to fish. Not sure if there’s different bait yet, there’s dailies and a tournament type thing on the weekend.

I learned to cook, only made 1 thing so far but seems to have a lot of recipes, not sure how useful food will be.

I learned to gather stuff, extract and craft. Again not sure how usefull crafting will be.

I learned treasure hunting, basically a chest appears on your compass and when you get close it starts making noise and you need to find it. Pretty easy, there’s treasure map but haven’t gotten one yet, I saw some for sale on the treasure NPC.

There are companions that you can acquire in game, I have only one so far, she can be leveled, geared and can be put in healer or dps mode. She’s an awesome healer in story mode dungeons at least. There’s an option to use her in open world but I haven’t done so yet. I don’t think she can be up all the time, it seems like either a short appearance or kinda like a special ability.

There are other systems I haven’t learned yet like bounty hunting(boss type mobs), ghost hunting similar to bounty hunting but it changes the entire zone into a sort of spirit world.

It has a pretty amazing housing system. I can’t wait to unlock that, it looks phenomenal.

So far the beta for me has been great, not bug or crash. The game is very stable. The main issue is localization which not finished and it’s fairly bad...most text is translated but not the voice over yet. The translation isn’t great some stuff is actually bad...like the cooking quest ask me to make something, and the recipe in my recipe book was actually named something else which took me a few minutes to figure out, same happen with crafting.

All in all, I had fun, looking forward to more beta...and will definitely play it at release. It’s releasing this summer, no date yet. Beta from 21-24, and another in June, I don’t remember the date but it’s early June for a few days again. I don’t think there’s a 3rd beta planned so most likely releasing sooner than later.

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<Silver Donator>
I got a beta key for this somewhat randomly(joined a random twitch channel during alpha to check out the game and the guy was doing a raffle, entered and won the next key after), played a bit, it's extremely generic and pretty meh. Didn't help EU servers were shitting themselves. The class stuff wasn't too too generic, I made a Summoner, have some "summon slots" kind of thing that you can fill up, and 2 "modes" where you either can summon turrets or a little pet that's basically Carbuncle, but everything else was boring.

No difficulty while lvling as expected, quests are meh, story is just bad it's the usual "martial arts/cultivation" story kind of thing, but in typical Chinese fashion the storytelling is horrible. Their animes are the same, it's like they have no idea how to tell a story, they add random characters every 3minutes, talk about concepts without explaining them and seemingly fast forward through stuff, it's just really weird pacing.

Combat is like a mix of action combat and tab combat, it has very light action mechanics(can dodge out of stuff, have to somewhat aim but there's a pretty big aim assist) but otherwise plays like a standard tab targetting mmo, this isn't like say Blade and Soul, which had the similar setting but a much more entertaining combat system.

Only positive I could find is the cash shop is surprisingly devoid of P2W shit. Seems like it's all cosmetics. There's a lot and prices seem high, but it seems the game itself provides some good alternatives(lot of costumes you can collect ingame, a few mounts and so on) so it doesn't look like you'd spend too much money playing this other than the initial box cost.

Wouldn't really recommend unless you're starved for mmos and really want to play something, anything. Seems like it's coming out around the same time as New World too, which is probably not gonna help its initial sales if that's the case, since while New World also looks pretty meh to me, it has quite a bit more noise surrounding it, and also looks like a more interesting game.


Trakanon Raider
I picked this up (not through any particular hype but just cuz no content in ff until late Nov and not playing anything else atm / bored).

I’m actually not sure whether to be impressed or negative - the story was junk and questing pretty boring (way too easy), but character creation was great and movement is extremely fluid, there’s double jumps, air dashes, etc.

Combat feels like it could be really good too, I was playing a berserker and even at early levels I had two bars of resources and shadows placed to think about. Really interested in trying some challenging content sometime.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I did manage to reach the level cap in the first beta, not much time to play after I did though. It’s not particularly long in the grand scheme of things, maybe 20 hours or so, probably faster if you skip all cutscenes and don’t read any quest. The story isn’t that great and it’s extreme linear, it’s probably the worse part of the game. I did enjoy the combat so the actual killing stuff was fun.

I don’t know how much there is to do in the end game or how quickly it will become repetitive Since the game isn’t that big.

The end game seems focused on doing dailies and weeklies with a lot of different activities most of which seems to have its own faction to level up to unlock cool stuff that you buy with faction specific currency.

Activities are stuff like dungeons, raids, bounty hunting(world boss), ghost hunting(more world boss in a spirit version of each zone), fishing, gathering, card game, treasure hunting and of course tons of PVP modes like arenas, battlegrounds, battle royale and deathmatch.. Tons of collectibles like gear appearance, pet appearance, housing stuff.

The thing that most excite me and the reason I’ll be playing is playing housing.
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Molten Core Raider
Played this for both beta's, If you enjoy Arena pvp, or small man instanced dungeons this may be the game for you. This is a very polished MMO with very little bugs it seemed.

I'll go ahead and give me pros/cons for the game

Pros -
1. Ranked Arena PvP. - you have to get from what I could tell max level to start arena's but upon reaching max level it handed you a pvp gear set.
2. Combat system - Its more tab target then anything but It felt like they took out the non necessary times to have to tab target and used action combat during those times. Personally I liked it a lot I have no preference to Combat/tab targeting as long as its done right and they seemed to nail this one.
3. PVE Dungeons - you can chose to do normal/hard mode with either 5/10 people . I mostly did 10 man so not sure what the difference is in 5 man, Normal dungeons felt pretty easy even with mechanics however the hard mode felt very good and required all 10 people to pay attention to mechanics.
4. Class system - Only 6 classes will be in when NA launches however each class has two sub classes you can swap back and fourth, I chose the Reaper which allowed me to be a assassin during PVP and a healer for PvE both being very different from each other and very enjoyable game play.
5 . Zero Pay to win.

Cons -
1. Ping issues? - I'm not sure what was up with the ping but my ping seemed really weird ranging from 70-120. I didn't notice it effect my pvp ability and from what I'm told by people who play on the CN server (from NA) is this games ping under 300 does not matter ( So this may be a pro I just dont know yet)
2. FPS issues - I was capping out at 60 fps which is what everyone was getting it seemed, I should be able to pull 140 no issues. but they are planning to move the engine to Unreal Engine 4 within a year.
3. The leveling - its just boring, your normal MMO go pick this flower here kill these 5 mobs there ect ect ect..... luckly the leveling only takes about 12-20 hours.
4. No raid content on release - Again this could be moved to pros since this game has been out a few years on china and we already know how many dungeons are in the game(quite a few on China) , the devs have stated the raids will be shortly after launch.

all in all the pvp is fun the dungeons are fun, they need to fix fps issues (get UE4 asap) its nice that its not P2W like many of the other popular games coming out are.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
This is out today, I pre-ordered it but got hooked on Black Desert Online for the past 3 weeks. Not sure what to do, I think I’ll continue with BDO for now.

I loved this during beta though, so hard decision. I don’t have time to play 2 mmos.


Trakanon Raider
Let me help you out.

Play BDO if you’re a masochist. Try this and other games if you’re not a masochist.


Trakanon Raider
I’m 31 and I still have 5 active abilities and the last selectable passive to pickup (max is 37). Really strange distribution rate since I’ve went 3-4 levels sometimes without getting anything.

Game is pretty decent so far even with the laughably bad voiceovers.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I don't believe I am saying this. Gameforge of all companies has done almost everything right with this game. There is zero PTW. Zero RNG on upgrades...all that Asian monetary shit is absent. Game looks fantastic. Plays smooth as fuck. Even the combat is decent. Tab or action. You choose. UI is 100% customizable. I was just trying it to fuck around, but I think I might keep it.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I don't believe I am saying this. Gameforge of all companies has done almost everything right with this game. There is zero PTW. Zero RNG on upgrades...all that Asian monetary shit is absent. Game looks fantastic. Plays smooth as fuck. Even the combat is decent. Tab or action. You choose. UI is 100% customizable. I was just trying it to fuck around, but I think I might keep it.

They don't derserve much credit for much of that to be honest. The Chinese version has no P2W, no RNG for upgrades, or any that Asian monetary shit. Essentially, they released it as it is in China.

I played it in beta, and got to the max level on Spearmaster and had a blast. I think the game is fantastic even though it doesn't do much new. It's kinda generic but in my opinion it does everything well.


Trakanon Raider
I got jumped last night open world. I guess it has faction PvP too. Got smoked by two but then saw one of the guys solo later and got my revenge.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Really good game so far. Changed to Chinese voices because the English VA is some of the worst I've heard.


A nice asshole.
Rolled a zerker, almost level 20 having an Ok time.
Once I learn my rotations and figure out a build etc I will have a better time, right now it is just walls of texts about everything. The game just vomits on you from the start, pop ups, UI, systems, lore, it is like a pachinko machine. I have no Idea what is going on I just know I am doing cool stuff.


Trakanon Raider
I’m 37 (student1). Everything up to that point is a giant tutorial.

There is a bunch to do and everything seemingly has its own currency. The shitty translations makes it really difficult to decipher exactly what you need to do sometimes but basically just follow the cultivation menu (great example of poor localization… it should probably be called growth menu or activity finder). There is a long as fuck quest chain to finish the PvE tutorial in the cultivation menu.

Lots of different currencies. PvE and PvP gear are different and you are heavily penalized if you try and mix and match them. Pro tip, if you assign gear to a set all the pieces won’t take up inventory space when you switch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ya the localization is the biggest issue here, and unfortunately that might turn people off before they get into the meat of the game. Cleaning up and clarifying the translation would be the smartest thing they could do right now. An Eastern MMO with no P2W is a rare commodity they have on their hands so hopefully they don't blow it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Turning on threaded optimization in nvidia profile seems to give the biggest performance boost from what I've tried so far btw.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Too much info thrown at you in the beginning is the one fault I have found so far. I have only gotten to level 15, because I have read every little thing in descriptions, and STILL having a hard time understanding a lot of stuff. Hell the 1st dungeon, just getting grouped is a chore.

Bezerker tank plays clunky. The clones throw any combat smoothness off because of dropping them manually. And right now I am learning how to place them in good spots until I get a couple more abilities. Learn now. Good later.

Also having two sets of taunts is silly. One for trash, one for bosses.

Like the game a ton though.