The Evelys Apology

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I played an Erudite, Verant made them sound like the best caster race. Being a blind broke clueless wizard in Toxx where fucking skunks could two shot your dress wearing ass was a hell of an initiation to EQ.


heres the real question, have any of us white guys ever played an erudin male/female?



Irenicus did nothing wrong
The whole female vs male in game character thing is one of those things people have odd opinions on. I've played mostly female characters for the simple fact that it just feels fucking weird to me checking out a male toon in his armor with his male bulge and all muscled out as opposed to a female one which I find much more pleasing. Its less about replacing me or role playing me in game and more about what I like to look at while I'm playing. Frankly, checking out new gear on some overly muscled out juicer vs a smoking hot chick with heavily stacked tits I'll take the tits any time.

To each his own though. By all means ogle those male bulges if you like em.
I'm honestly really confused about the fact that people relate to their character's model to the extent that they feel that the gender of the character is somehow an aspect of, or an influence on, their personality. To me, saying it's weird for a man to make their character female is like saying it's weird for a male artist to draw a woman, or for a male author to write about female characters. The character is just a representation of your presence on the screen, it's a bunch of pixels which run around swinging a sword or shooting fireballs, do people seriously imagine themselves as their characters? Or identify with them, or personify them somehow which makes their gender matter? I just go with whichever one looks better in the gear for the class I'm playing. Which lately has ended up usually being female, because male casters so often end up looking fucking retarded in MMO's.

Speaking of fucking retarded, I can't believe this conversation is happening in a community which has been playing MMO's for over a decade.


do people seriously imagine themselves as their characters? Or identify with them, or personify them somehow which makes their gender matter?
I do, but it's nothing really conscious, or anything I care about or judge as weird or wrong with others. Want to play female characters or whatever? Knock yourself out. I think people just have different psychologies when it comes to role playing games. My character sort of becomes me in a sense in the game world, like a projection. Has nothing to do with masculinity, or sexuality, I just happen to be male. Others just see a character they play, separate from themselves. I dunno maybe it has to do with me growing up on tabletop rpgs. I love imagining myself as undead, or a huge totem throwing cow, or a magic user, or whatever character I'm playing, but that plus a different gender just doesn't seem to work out in my brain /shrug. I've played female characters before for short spats but just can never permanently get into them. They just don't 'fit' for me. Not to mention that I really do not care for unwanted male attention in these games. I agree though that female models almost always look better. Night Elves, Draenei, etc.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Not to mention that I really do not care for unwanted male attention in these games.
That's really not an issue anymore, I think on the whole the attitude 'guy until proven otherwise' is universal these days. It isn't like it was back in the day when you could roll a female HE cleric with a DD rack and the chainmail bikini look and give out the occasional 'teehee' and cute emotes and let the free loot and gold roll in.


Silver Squire
I played an Erudite, Verant made them sound like the best caster race. Being a blind broke clueless wizard in Toxx where fucking skunks could two shot your dress wearing ass was a hell of an initiation to EQ.
Thats amazingly funny, same thing happened to me with my first character. Immediately rerolled as a dark elf.


Lord Nagafen Raider
heres the real question, have any of us white guys ever played an erudin male/female?
My first EQ char was an erudite male wizard, the 2nd was an erudite male enchanter. Yeah. As someone pointed out, I hated the blindness. That's why as an enchanter, you could rarely see me as an Erudite.
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