The Gentlemen


Avatar of War Slayer
What's this? A show full of attractive women with good writing? *what year is it? meme*

It's certainly as good as the movie and a top tier Guy Ritchie project. Frankly, I'm surprised Netflix gave it the green light, since they seem to be committed to vomiting up as much trash as possible.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
What's this? A show full of attractive women with good writing? *what year is it? meme*

It's certainly as good as the movie and a top tier Guy Ritchie project. Frankly, I'm surprised Netflix gave it the green light, since they seem to be committed to vomiting up as much trash as possible.

Yeah, real mystery that they said ok to an A minus list director to make a series based on his movie that grossed 115m worldwide


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah, real mystery that they said ok to an A minus list director to make a series based on his movie that grossed 115m worldwide
My opinion of Netflix couldn't be much lower. I expect them to fuck up anything they touch and am pleasantly surprised when something good actually sneaks through.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Lol the Chinese chef in ep 4 is a guy I loosely know irl. Used to see him in bars round here


Got something right about marriage
Did you bond over your love for dogs?
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Meh, it's better than most shows these days but this isn't a high bar to clear. The semi episodic nature gets repetitive. Paradoxically my interest is fizzling out as I approach the penultimate episodes


Log Wizard
It was very watchable, but I wouldn't say riveting or anything.

Almost feels like a SLIGHTLY edgier version than all the whodunnit Brit shit my 70 year old parents watch. I'd guess I'd recommend it if some one was really looking for a quick series binge, but not something that gets me rock hard thinking of a 2nd season or anything.


<Silver Donator>
OK, so as someone who hasn't seen the movie or the show. They're re-tellings of the same story? Movie isn't the intro to the show, right?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
They really have nothing to do with one another besides weed growing over there.
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<Gold Donor>
OK, so as someone who hasn't seen the movie or the show. They're re-tellings of the same story? Movie isn't the intro to the show, right?
if you watched the movie
this is the movie from the perspective of the rich mansion owner's perspective
It's really worth watching.


Dental Dammer
OK, so as someone who hasn't seen the movie or the show. They're re-tellings of the same story? Movie isn't the intro to the show, right?
If you have seen Snatch or Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and enjoyed them, I'd strongly recommend the film.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Snatch is almost 25 years old ..... That said I think he's only made 2 bad movies, one being Sherlock 2


Silver Baronet of the Realm
RockNRolla is another good one.
RocknRolla was good. The man from U.N.C.L.E needs more love. That said king Arthur wasn't good, Hunnam or what ever his name is doesn't have much range I think
Last edited:


FPS noob
Finished the show, I enjoyed it especially the cast and dialogue but I thought the plot and arcs were kinda meh. Casting Giancarlo Esposito as a bad guy was a terrible decision, zero surprise at anything about his character, he's just playing the same character now in every single goddamn thing.

I thought the ending was kinda shit, I don't believe for a single second there would be zero blowback from some real heavy hitting country cartels or either of the big two wouldn't just take over everything and kill everyone. The whole show felt like kids playing pretend gangster for a lot of it. Some of the side plots were incredibly stupid like how retarded Jimmy is or why the Jesus gang would take any amount of money/power over family revenge.

Still, it was fun to watch and it'll be cool to watch the movie right after this, to see a different side of the story. I have a feeling the movie will be way better. The two main leads, the Duke and Susie, were both fantastic and really carried the show and Freddy was fun in a "how is this idiot still alive" way. It'll be interesting to see what Theo James does next.

Show has very good ratings so you'd think its an easy lock for renewal but the star says they haven't had any discussions on what a season 2 story could be