The Trayvon Trial

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Millie's Staff Member
sorry if somebody already made a thread about this. the prosecution is doing so much more poorly than i expected. their star witness is some hoodrat who cant be trusted on anything and the only thing she can testify to is that she heard TM's cellphone get bumped and then the call ended. how did this shit even make it to a trial?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
It was only charged and brought because of public pressure. The black people are going to explode again when he is (inevitably) acquitted, because there simply isn't any proof of what they are saying happened.
one thing on the "Stand your ground" law/concept - any of the veteran & experienced gun owners/advocates I know will tell you that if you have your weapon on you, and see for example a couple guys on your side of the street giving you funny "i might mug you" eyes - you fucking cross to the other side, or turn around and get the hell out of dodge.

zimmerman was looking to detain Martin, in my eyes. Martin fought back, maybe even was the aggressor once they nosed off a foot apart - but I really don't see how Zimmerman isn't found to have unlawfully agitated the situation.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Did they just seriously play that 911 call unedited and give out her phone number lol?


Avatar of War Slayer
Honestly I do not think this dude is going to get a fair trial, if he is NOT found guilty there will be riots and the opposite of the cheering in the streets when OJ got off. I believe he will be found guilty somehow of something to appease the masses. Their 'star' witness is crap- everything is character vs character in this trial- and she has been caught in many lies and destroyed- while Zimmerman's story on the record has been consistent over and over. I don't see how he could not be found innocent, but I am sure there will be something that is total bs.

So a kid goes a different way home, because its raining- and admittedly is cutting through an area he does not regularly go- a watchmen sees this guy and watches and follows him... isn't that what they are suppose to do when they see something out of the ordinary etc (also like how, watching someone is racial...and honestly many blacks believe this... spend a day at a public highschool and see how many altercations happen because someone -looked- at someone else...) - The entire thing is who 'started' the altercation if Zimmerman walked up to Martian and just jumped on him? doubtful.. did Martian see this "crazy ass cracker" (Zimmerman was profiling, then what was Martian doing?) I have little doubt that he initiated it.

Jury should find tons of 'reasonable doubt' even if they did stack it with bleeding heart females...and the case should be over.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Watchman implies that Zimmerman had some kind of reason or authority to be policing the neighborhood, which he did not. Also, his name is fucking Martin, not Martian.


Still a Music Elitist
Watchman implies that Zimmerman had some kind of reason or authority to be policing the neighborhood, which he did not. Also, his name is fucking Martin, not Martian.
Look at his skin color though. The Wakandan be alien.


Silver Squire
Zimmerman. Mexican. He's a Mexican Jew like Louis CK?



Avatar of War Slayer
Watchman implies that Zimmerman had some kind of reason or authority to be policing the neighborhood, which he did not. Also, his name is fucking Martin, not Martian.
Martin, sorry- and was Zimmerman not a neighborhood watchmen? however you want to say it.


A Mod Real Quick
I was watching Shanquitel.. Shaniqua.. Jeantel? ??? Whatever the fuck her name is, on the stand. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. All my questions about why a lot of blacks end up where they are were answered watching her.


Avatar of War Slayer
arm chair lawyer time: I seriously doubt he had any legal right to pursue Trayvon to detain/question him, even if he caught Trayvon in the act of a crime.
You can follow someone, and I do not know when in America it became illegal to approach someone and ask them what they are up to. Neighborhood watch usually are to be vigilant and if they see something call it in to the police, they are indeed not police themselves.

Would Martin have to answer to Zimmerman when approached / asked what he was doing? no- he could have told the "creepy ass cracker" to leave him alone. I seriously doubt that is how it happened however- and this is all speculation and personal thoughts- but I am fairly certain that Martin started the aggression in this situation.

This witness that was on the phone with him "in the end" is terribad- the news spin on what she has said is so bad- listen / watch (if you can bear more than a few moments of it) her actual testimony- oh my goodness.

As for detain Martin, no Zimmerman I do not believe had any right to detain him... question him? I think anyone can question anyone at any time- hi how are you? hey are you going to steal my bread? and what is pursue, I can follow whomever I want around all day as long as they do not go into a restricted area I am not allowed to go.
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