The X-Files


<Bronze Donator>
I'm a big fan of stuff like Evil Dead, so campy horror is a change of pace I enjoy.

And now we just got around to watching the next episode, and the man Bruce Campbell himself is in it. Fuck yeah. Great episode, season redeemed.


<Bronze Donator>
A car chase, just what X-Files fans want! Why does Mulder have a fast car? Way too much narration, show, don't tell. Way too much ground covered for one episode, kept expecting the Iron Fleet to meander up the Patomic. Where's the intrigue, where's the suspense? STOP SPELLING EVERYTHING OUT FOR ME. STOP ANSWERING QUESTIONS THE VERY NEXT SCENE.

I only downloaded this because my wife pestered me. After the premiere, I don't know if she wants to watch another. And she watches Grey's Anatomy.

Smoking Man fucked(or "fucked"?) Scully! HAHA, fuck you audience! Maybe he's lieing! Who gives a fuck, it's insulting enough to even suggest it. Let alone gross and poor taste in a post-Weinstein Hollywood. Did they somehow reshoot that footage? I don't remember that episode.
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<Bronze Donator>
thanks for saving me the bother of watching this. The were lizard man was the only thing redeemable about last season.


<Bronze Donator>
I think they got rid of their science guy for season 6, tho. First thing they call out for a woman who collapses for an unknown reason is "get a lidocaine drip started!"... Not a glaring mistake but definitely a lot more inaccurate than I've gotten used to with this show. There's other examples too but meh.


<Bronze Donator>
Biscuit and I are still working our way through Season 7, but I was channel surfing here in the hospital and saw one of the new episodes on. The one where their devices try to kill them. Wow it was awful.


Still a Music Elitist
I love X-Files but I'm not even bothering with this season. So sad.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I liked Forehead Sweat. I like him on People of Earth.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Almost, but not quite related. Still, hardly deserved it's own thread, so here goes:

I just finished watching The Lone Gunmen TV show (1 series, 13 episodes, 14 if you count an X-Files episode on the DVD). I don't know how I managed to miss this spinoff series seeing how big of an X-Files fan I was back in the day. Anyway, I decided to buy the DVD and watched them all and thoroughly enjoyed them, though I see how it got canned pretty quick. Opposite to The X-Files, they take a pretty light hearted approach to the shows. I haven't laughed as much to TV in a while it sometimes felt. There was plenty of good old fashioned conspiracy though, most famously the pilot episode featuring the remote hijacking of a passenger airplane by rogue elements of the US government in order to fly it into the World Trade Center, blame it on a Middle Eastern country, in order to start a war and make big bucks for weapons manufacturers (this episode being shown early 2001).

For X-Files fans I'd recommend watching the show, if you haven't already. I think most, if not all the episodes are available on YouTube, so you don't even have to buy them.

Just thought I'd mention it here for those interested.


FPS noob
Just marathoned through the season, there were a few good monster of the week episodes -- the Hangman one and the near-future sushi one were fantastic - but the finale was dumb as fuck and totally blue balls the viewer. Worth a binge watch i guess but man part of me still says FUCK THIS SHOW for going absolutely nowhere with its confounding and stupid arc story.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Assuming I've never watched the old x files, is the episode where Scully crashes after seizuring (I hope that narrows it down) behind the wheel the first episode to watch to get started? Because I was confused by quite a few things in that episode that seemed like to have been explained before.


A Mod Real Quick
This new season is weird. The first two episodes I was ready to completely shut it off. Then the hangman episode was good. Then they do the "humor" episode and while it was funny (the intro made me LOL), it felt cheap and it felt like super filler. Seriously like 75% was filmed in the garage. .

I just can't get a handle on this shit. Are they intentionally throwing in bad writing as an insult to someone?

If you haven't watched x files before watch it from the start. The series was so much better.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We're talking over 200 episodes here, of a show that probably didn't age too well since it is contemporary. I really don't have that kind of time.
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Then you can just watch last season and this season
Then I'd say don't bother.

First, what? 5 seasons were great. As far as "aging badly" I disagree. It's not like the episodes were pack full of CGI effects or something.
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<Bronze Donator>
i'd say it's still worthwhile to watch the old stuff even if you have limited time. there's only maybe 1-2 dud episodes per season the first 5 seasons.

there are some very good X Files episode guides out there if you'd rather cherry pick the best episodes instead of watching all the old ones. this one lookss good, with different options for how to progress: The X-Files: A Binge Guide for Beginners