Warhammer 40k


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I can't decide if I want to build Salamanders or Ultramarines. The Salamanders bonus to melta/flamer seems cool, but it sounds like melta isn't all that it used to be? I'm looking at Gladius/Skyhammer either way. Would Smurfs and a better mix of weapons work better for that?


Golden Squire
So I used to be a hardcore 40k guy and still love the universe, but fell out of reading the books after burning through probably 100 of them. I want to say Prospero Burns or somewhere around there is the last HH book I read, and probably one of the last 40k books in general. How are the books these days and what would be a good place to catch up?

This whole advancing the timeline thing has me pretty excited actually. It was getting kind of stale.

All of the recent Wulfen stuff going on is the first stuff going forward. I don't recall the book names, but there is also a lot of lore stuck in the codex and stuff. There isn't even a good wiki explaining it in detail.

If you're looking for a few good BL novels, read the Ahriman series if you have not. They are mostly strong through the entirety of the series. With Magnus/Russ on the horizon rumors, you best bet Ahriman will be around. He is also one of the most compelling characters to learn about.

On a side note, I read the new Marneus Calgar book and found it surprisingly good. Calgar's Siege. I normally don't like Ultramarines, but this has me changing my tune. There is a lot of hate for them which I understand since they are sort of the posterboy chapter. They are however the only chapter that really remembers Space Marines are there to serve humanity and to protect the average humans. Good authors can write them well.


Golden Squire
I can't decide if I want to build Salamanders or Ultramarines. The Salamanders bonus to melta/flamer seems cool, but it sounds like melta isn't all that it used to be? I'm looking at Gladius/Skyhammer either way. Would Smurfs and a better mix of weapons work better for that?

Melta is still strong. Both Salamanders and Ultramarines are in a good spot. If you can paint really well I'd say do Salamanders!

Ultramarines are classic and will always be fun, plus Marneus Calgar is awesome.

Both choices will be a win.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ultra and salamanders are good and fun, you are looking to be ultra competitive it seems like white scars are top. Iron hands have some cool lists thanks to the deal no pain.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What's the best way to load up tac squads? Plasma, melta, grav? A few squads of each? Assuming I don't go Salamanders.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm not a big marine player but from what I have seen and what I have played against it is usually good to pick one and stick to it for the redundancy, grav is great especially against armor and walkers with the immobilized, but not as good against monstrous creatures, melt away might be better there. Are you playing friends and know what you are facing, or are making a tournament list?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The dozen or so regulars at the local shop all have multiple armies. Everyone has marines of some kind, there's a handful of eldar, and a couple tau, nids, orks, guard and chaos lists that regularly show up. They're all pretty hardcore about it.

There's enough of everything to field whichever army in an Apocalypse game, fwiw.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So apparently you can take the Skyhammer Annihilation Force as the required auxiliary part of the Sternhammer formation? That seems pretty dope. Sternhammer actually looks really versatile with the ability to take so many different single unit options. Ten squads of Devastators sounds hilarious.

I think I have it down to Imperial Fists or Salamanders using Flameblade with a Stormlance Battle Demi-Company and Ravenhawk Assault Group with melta and flamer for days. What do. :(


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm biased as imperial fist are my favorite loyalist chapter, that being said, bolster drill is awesome, especially on veterans with special ammo


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm going to do Imperial Fists. Their fluff is pretty fucking cool, too. Do you have a few recommended lists maybe? :D


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'll take a look at my battlescribe when I get home, I tend toward fluffy list cause I love Lysander and teletubbies but I have a couple more competitive ones saved somewhere


Mr. Poopybutthole
Still looking at lists, lost some when I got my new phone, main thing is going to be 1st company strick force 3 units of stern guard in drop pods.

Might have asked before but if you want angels of death let me know and I can send it to you.

Lastly, if you haven't already got all the models for this I would suggest grabbing two boxes of betrayal at calth, you can usually find them on sale, you get a ton of obsec tact marines for cheep along with catiphracti termites which are not bad for terminators and contemptor dreads. And also since you are doing hands you can make them a 40k and 30k army. Then you just have to add transports and sternguard and anything else.


Mr. Poopybutthole
^ this is true, although as soon as I finish up the current batch of grey Knights I'm moving on to a large nurgle deamons army to kill them with. Need to read the new chaos marine book too because if they put chaos legion specific rules in there I may have to do an iron warriors or alpha legion army soon too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Should Imperial Fists Sternguard be equipped with any specific combi or heavy weapons? Or just leave them vanilla and let the rerolled special ammo do work?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would say probably not heavy weapon as you want the special ammo, if you are putting them in drop pods maybe 5 combi a 10 man squad, and have them shore up what the rest of your army is good at, i.e. if your other units can take on armor have combi flamers for infantry.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Need to read the new chaos marine book too because if they put chaos legion specific rules in there I may have to do an iron warriors or alpha legion army soon too.
I didn't see anything like this in any of the leaks I've seen, but I dunno.

I also don't know why GW seems to have an aversion to Legion rules in 40K these days. The cynic in me doesn't know if they've left that stuff out so that they can release yet more $50-$60 supplements in the future, or if their current designers only view CSM as nothing more than random daemonic warband bullshit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I didn't see anything like this in any of the leaks I've seen, but I dunno.

I also don't know why GW seems to have an aversion to Legion rules in 40K these days. The cynic in me doesn't know if they've left that stuff out so that they can release yet more $50-$60 supplements in the future, or if their current designers only view CSM as nothing more than random daemonic warband bullshit.
Yeah I don't get this at all they could print some money of they gave us chaos legions and made them similar to the chapters, I don't know how long they are going to atone for 3.5 op'ness... hopefully the demon prince rumors are correct and that gives some more options, would love to run 40m death guard with demon mortarion.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd say, stock up on as much anti-armor as you can (ap 3 or better) so no one gets armor saves. Unless....there are new rules? Shit, I dunno how long I've been out of the loop. With my Imp Fists I would have a Dev. squad of 4 missiles and each Tac. squad had a plasma. Predators had Auto turret with laser sponsons. As many power weapons as I could get with the points limit (with my Space Wolves I did very little range - Dev. squad - and went about 80% melee with power weapons). Someone mentioned the Sternguard troops with special ammo; they are great too.


Golden Squire
Rumor experts that have been reliable in the past say Magnus, Angron, Mortarion for traitors and Guilliman and Russ for Loyalists. How soon? Who knows - they still have yet to release a few models (pictured on sprue) that have already been shown from same guys that gave these rumors.