Webcomics thread


Not sure where to put this, I guess "books" is most appropriate. Did a search but didn't see it (and "comics" doesn't really apply).

What are your favorite webcomics? Preferably free / good time wasters during down periods at work?

None of the below are "new" or "obscure" - just trying to list out what I generally check.

(1) I've been following Order of the Stick for ages:

D&D-based long running series that has evolved from D&D mechanics jokes to a pretty epic story.

(2) Oglaf is a hit and miss fantasy themed sex comic, usually funny though. No long story but recurring characters.


(3) Perry Bible Fellowship is old old old and rarely updated, but still good:


(4) Cyanide and Happiness - really hit and miss but I still check it for the odd gem



Registered Hutt
Listed in the order of my approval.

http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic(major, videogame oriented, daily updates)

http://www.smbc-comics.com/(major, daily updates)

http://www.xkcd.com/(very mathy and frequently over my head, daily updates)

http://www.oglaf.com/(X-Rated, updates sunday, awesome)

http://satwcomic.com/(scandinavian and world culture stereotypes)

http://pbfcomics.com/(funny, strange, random)

http://www.vgcats.com/comics/(updates rarely, videogame oriented)

There are others I used to follow, but have lost interest in.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I've followedhttp://www.goblinscomic.com/for years now and it is wonderful. The artist has been releasing two comics a week for a long time now and there is enough material in the archive to keep you reading from the beginning for a few hours. He writes a good tale and his art has improved drastically, the story deals with parties of adventures in a DND like setting. The main group is a party of goblins who get themselves attacked by a group of newbie adventurers while minding their own business and the subsequent adventures they have when they decide to take charge of their lives and quit being adventurer fodder, its a great read.


ErfworldStarts out a little strange, gets better. A 'D&D' nerd is pulled into a gaming system.

Manly Guys Doing Manly ThingsComics involving all of the 'masculine' characters from games and what it would be like if they were in our regular, average day world.


Avatar of War Slayer
I read quite a few, obviously.

I'll second some of those previously mentioned.

Oglaf is amazing.
Order of the stick is pretty great. Especially for a stick figure comic.
Manly guys doing manly things is good.

Fantastic comic. great coloring. every emotive.

very similar in style.

Girly cheesecake. not exactly pushing the edgy. but quality comic.

Fanservice at maximum. surprisingly good.

long running. cheesecake, and fanservice. updates DAILY, full painted art. remarkable for that if nothing else. great business model. team of 5-6 fulltime employed by this.

http://yafgc.net/yet another fantasy gamer comic.
used to be daily. DnD adventure comic.

We all have a little whomp in us.



Adorable. Shes on strip search now.

Katie is also on strip search.

/co original.

This is a new one. Getting super popular super fast. Very art intensive.

http://nonadventures.com/non-adventures of wonderella

Terrific art/story.

SLOOOOWEST update comic ever. Sci-fi.


A classic comic. doesnt get much attention anymore.

Kate leth's comics. think shes also on strip search?

http://nmg.thecomicseries.com/Nevermind the gap
Fantastic contained transhumanist story. not ongoing. this has a start and end.

Christina Stain's comic.

Jason Brubaker's comic.




Started great. but stalled out. Artist couldn't keep up with updates.

Gunnerkrigg is not as good as it should be. Pacing is terrible. tom seems pretty cool though. So can't hate it/him. But I can't read it anymore either. Its like reading Bleach. At some point, you have to ask why are you reading this? its going nowhere.
As opposed to Diaz, who is a fraud and I want to punch in the face.

Another big thing is choose your own adventure webcomics. or mspaint adventures.
http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=4Problem Sleuth this one is over. but hilarious still to read through.

http://www.prequeladventure.com/ongoing. Oblivion prequel.
http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6Homestuck from the same author of Problem Sleuth. has THE worse fanbase ever. Worse then My Little Pony. Rabid 15-20yr old girls.

I am also aware of various special interest comics.

People actually read Goblins and megatoyko? seriously?


Trump's Staff
Penny Arcade, Ctrl Alt Del, VGCats, XKCD, Oglaf, Menage a 3, GU Comics I check with some level of frequency.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Gonna necro this mother since it's the only "webcomics" thread I found in the search function, and I didn't want to start another.

I love webcomics but I have found that a lot of the ones I have been following for a loooonog time now (over a decade for some) I haven't laughed at or thought were good in a while. Sometimes a long while. Have any others found the same?

Penny-Arcade is probably top on my list. While Gabe's art has steadily progressed, at the same time I hardly ever know wtf they're on about any more. For a while now I've been seriously thinking of removing it from my RSS feed but haven't cos it's effing PA man! But it's like they've become the Simpsons of the webcomic world. They keep going on sheer momentum if nothing else.

Ctrl-Alt-Del started out good but many quit reading it after the old story took over from the more random game related stand alone comics. But I actually liked that. I also liked his attempts at interactivity with storylines a while back. But after he ditched the story and just did standalone comics with those psychopathic 1-2-3-4 gamers I just lost heart. Another one I read just cos I've done so for 10+ years or so and not because I find it funny any more.

GU Comics has had it's ups and downs. Lately mostly downs. Now that he's taken a dramatic turn by "offing" one of the two main characters I'm not sure where it's heading.

PVP comic I used to read a lot but quit after his RSS server went to shit (1-2 years ago). Twas a good comic, how is it now?

User Friendly is another I quit reading a while ago, but mainly cos I just quit laughing.

So, does anyone else feel the same way about some of these oldschool comics?


Vyemm Raider
PVP is the best it's ever been for the last four years or so. Around 2004-2008 it was pretty bad, but he managed to turn it around and keep improving.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'll edit in links later... most of the shit I read is on inkd or ink or whatever. Most of these are unfinished/ongoing, with a few that are done.

Story Comics:
The End (ongoing, good, scifi)
Scout Crossing (ongoing, good, slow, urban fantasy)
Nerf This (ongoing, good, slow, wacky urban fantasy)
Battlepug (ongoing, good, high fantasy)
Broodhollow (ongoing, good, horror)
Order of the Stick (ongoing, good, high fantasy)
Dumbing of Age (ongoing, slice of life)
Skullkickers (ongoing, good, high fantasy)
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (ongoing, good+wierd, magical ninja stuff)
Questionable Content (ongoing, good most of the time, slice of life)
League of Super Redundant Heroes (ongoing, random strips intermixed, horrible superheroes)
Least I Could Do (ongoing, updated often, sex-driven)
Looking For Group (ongoing, updated often, based loosely on wow)
Reptilis Rex (ongoing, good, slice of life with a subterrean reptile race)
The Trenches (ongoing, loose story on game dev, posts about game testing)
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong (finished, slice of high school life)
Nnewts (on hiatus, high fantasy-horror, short)
Shiver Bureau (on hiatus, intermittent updates, high fantasy horror, short)
Drive (intermittent updates, scifi)

Random Strips:
MercWorks (awkwardly funny)
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (awkwardly funny, math humor)

There's a bunch more, but I just clipped out most of the good ones. But yeah, a PILE of the comics have gone to shit. Some ended or have just gone hiatus without warning. I keep thinking of Nnewts where it just fucking stopped on a cliff hanger.


<Gold Donor>
So I just started revisiting this thread due to fucking around with Netvibes and setting up all kinds of stupid shit I can waste time at work on, and I remembered one webcomic I used to read many years ago. I haven't clicked every single link on this page because there are just far too many, but none of the names really stood out to me. It was pretty weird, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It started fairly normally with, I think, two dudes living together and having various girlfriends, but then went all weird with one guy getting a tentacle for an arm, them visiting an underwater city I think, his girlfriend getting some demonic powers maybe? Not sure, and could be mixing up a few comics, but the tentacle thing was definitely in it, and would be enough to identify it for anyone that read it.

Help a brother out?