World of Warcraft: Current Year


Exactly. They sent the emails out for a 10-day trial. It was never made clear that it was going to be restricted to 2-3 hours of play time. I was able to do 2 normal instances and part of 1 zone at 85, it was seriously 2-3 hours of play before I was stuck.

I would have liked to level to 90 and try to rile up my troops for casual 10 person raiding at the very least. Which would have been easily possible with a real trial rather than the garbage "trial" that they are running. It wasn't even worth the 20 GB download.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, but from a business point of view, it makes ZERO sense to be unlimited. Here! Have all quest content for free! Its as dumb as Bioware giving away the one part that was good for free in Star Wars (albeit with shooting themselves in the foot immensely).


Well I think that they would have gotten more customers (at least one lol) if the trial was seriously playable. Most people play WoW because it's an MMO, they play with their friends and within a community. Having a real 10 day trial period would have only enhanced that feeling and made more people want to buy the new expansion and subscribe. As I said, personally my plan was to gather up a group of old players and at the very least do 10 person raids, likely going beyond that. Sadly I only had 2-3 hours of time worth playing, which simply wasn't enough to prepare or do anything that I wanted to do.

Anyway, the "trial" is basically a waste of time as far as I'm concerned. I spent more time downloading the client than I did playing. They made me expect one thing and gave me something completely different.


Golden Squire
Loaded up the trial. Played through the newbie Panda zone. Chose Alliance. After talking to the king I went to the bounty board to see where I could be the most help. "Westfall needs your help!" Nope. Exit game. Uninstall. Panda experience over.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Can't dispute that the trial was handled in a retarded fashion, especially given all of the best systems are at max (love Brawler's Guild and Challenge Modes in particular), whereas in Cata at least you had the revamped leveling zones.

Had friends in the same boat.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hello all,

Figured I'd make some form of introduction here as this is likely the place I'll post the most. Long-time lurker and player of the game since the first day of US beta. To not make this a completely useless post, I'd like to ask what your experiences with challenge modes are so far, beause to me they're entertaining as hell. I'm soon going to start gearing my third character with the gold medal gear (all tanks) and I find running them to get quick times is incredibly fun and actually a perfect way to measure PvE talent outside of tenuous heroic raiding schedules. I notice Vulg post about it above, but I guess more might have experienced them?

Also, feel free to ask any questions from a tank point of view. I've done them as a brewmaster and blood dk so far, soon prot pala.


FPS noob
do you run challenge modes with a static/fixed group? I ran it with my guild a few times (silver only) and it was fun as heck, but then 3 of the 4 people stopped logging in
I'm too lazy to try and form my own group, I do like that the challenge modes will be good for the life of the xpac.

re: trial, a lot of it is also probably anti-bot/hacker shenanigans. With unlimited 10 day trials a lot of stolen accounts would be botted to 90 (can do it in less than 30 hours) and then farm for 9 days. Still, 10 day trial should mean 10 day unlimited trial, pretty lame to lock you at 85.99.




Golden Knight of the Realm
do you run challenge modes with a static/fixed group? I ran it with my guild a few times (silver only) and it was fun as heck, but then 3 of the 4 people stopped logging in
I'm too lazy to try and form my own group, I do like that the challenge modes will be good for the life of the xpac.
Rather than a fixed group, there's a number of people I like running with. Especially talented healers seem hard to come by, and there's two I truly enjoy doing them with. I've found one of them on openraid, I can definitely vouch for that site. A good rule of thumb is to bring as few melee as possible, as usually the aoe damage that hits the tank will hit them as well, seeing as most trash pulls you do can be quite large. One thing I'd really recommend is to optimise the gear for the dungeons. As it's all normalised, try to get the best possible stats for that setup. On my dk, for example, I'm looking for every piece of gear to have high innate mastery, which has proven very fruitful so far!




Molten Core Raider
Anyone have luck finding challenge mode groups on Openraid or some other site?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I raid in a run of the mill 10 man group. We aren't hardcore by any means, we are on the last boss of heart of fear on normal mode and should be in terrace next week.

I raid as ret with a prot offspec. I LOVE raiding as ret. The priority system feels so natural and flows very well imo. To get around the cooldown crap make sure your level 75 talent is Divine Purpose. It helps break up with feeling of your only damage is cooldown burst.

On a side note I really enjoy the feeling of saving the tank with a clutch LoH or keeping a healer alive by tossing a BoP on them. Also when I'm low on life and I pop a 3 hp word of glory and divine purpose procs so I can heal a second or third...or fourth time in a row its great. On Wind Lord the other night I was down to 15% hp with one of our healers dead and I got 4 procs back to back on WoG with divine purpose up. Healed myself to full. =)
Raiding as ret isn't bad in the sense that it's just not fun. I actually enjoy the flow of pressing buttons as well...but it's the cooldown shit that gets me. No matter what I do, I'm not going to be as close to our other dps as I should be UNLESS I have my cooldowns active. It might change once I get 4 piece, but even then they'll pull ahead once THEY get their 4 piece. I still have a few blues, but our windwalker monk is easily 20k dps higher than me on every fight I'm not healing on.


So for 78 levels now as a Heal-Monk I have been using a high DPS weapon to max melee DPS, under the idea that the more damage I do punching things, the more healing I do.

But the past few levels I find I have been using Chi Lightning->2chi->Chi Wave (fireworks damage/heal)->Repeat, bouncing a Renewing Mist (the bouncy HOT) as needed. This keeps most non-retard groups alive and doesn't use a lot of mana thanks to Mana Tea. On bosses I toss down the amazing Jade Dragon totem-thing and it doubles all the side-effect healing from Chi Lightning. If shit goes crazy I just start spinning around like an idiot and that solves most problems.

I just realized last night, because I'm an idiot and haven't played WoW forever, that all the healling and damage from those ability I just mentioned above, except the damage from Spinning Crane Kick is based off of spell power, not weapon damage.

So I guess my question is: Am I doing the right thing with the wrong weapon and should switch to a spell damage staff? Or do I have the right weapon and doing the wrong thing in that I should be using a damage weapon but should be punching and kicking more than pew-pewing?


So I guess my question is: Am I doing the right thing with the wrong weapon and should switch to a spell damage staff? Or do I have the right weapon and doing the wrong thing in that I should be using a damage weapon but should be punching and kicking more than pew-pewing?
I know nothing of monk healing, but I've enjoyed playing my Monk to 50 so far (started last Friday). From the official forums there is a guide on says your stat priority is:

"Spirit > more Spirit > even more Spirit > Int > Haste to 1350 > Crit > Haste > Mastery. (Prioritize Mastery over Haste for 25-mans.)

First tier + new class means lots of learning, so do yourself a favor and stack spirit. For the other stats, intellect is of course good, crit is pretty strong seeing as so much healing done is HoT based (which means less overheal for crits), and the others are meh.

Big Caveat: You need 8.35% haste to get an additional tick on Renewing Mist/Enveloping Mist, which is important. If you have the 5% haste buff (moonkin, spriests, ele shamans, or hunter sporebats), you only need ~1350 haste to get the additional 3.35% to get there, which should be trivial. If not, you'll need about ~3540, which is doable but fairly difficult, and not worth compromising on spirit for."

Sooo... spell caster stuff!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Can't resist any longer... Downloading the trial. WoW just has something that other games are lacking. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I must have it again LOL.


Can't resist any longer... Downloading the trial. WoW just has something that other games are lacking. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I must have it again LOL.
What WoW has that I have yet to seen copied is a smooth engine with good animations. Theres something to be said about a game that when you move, or use an ability there is no disconnect between click and do. I say that as a fairly anti-blizzard groupie. Sadly no game has replicated this aspect when WoW-cloning. Even my favorite MMO of this generation (Rift) feels clunky in comparison. Which sucked because I enjoyed its world and characters ten fold compared to WoW's McHeroes.


Got something right about marriage
isn't that the history of wow as a whole?
No. WoW when it was first released was every bit as exciting and enticing a game as I have played. You may not agree with the direction it has gone but what most people fail to see is that they took the game in a direction their customers wanted. Get used to the fact you are in the minority if you don't like where it's gone.

That being said I can't play the game anymore. It really is boring nowadays. There is absolutely nothing mythical or provoking about the world and game they have turned it into.

I bought MoP and played it for about 2 weeks, and will probably never re-subscribe.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I said I wasnt going to buy MOP a few times, and now Im just coming to a point where I just cant find any game that is at least comparable to WoW. Im playing the trial, and with just the limited amount that Ive had the chance to experience the new expansion.. Im having more fun in that, than anything else Ive played recently. We can all talk shit about WoW, but its not a bad game - just old as f'k. We know what to expect in the lore. I figured out the story for Jade Forest within the first 5 minutes.

What would be useful is if someone knows about a good deal on the MoP expansion. I saw where it was 20 bucks from Blizzard, but that ended on the 29th. Cheapest Ive found it now, is about 30 bucks.




Golden Squire
It's a shame but a lot of the things that make WoW a better game than it was are also the things that are destroying it.

After a week or so on a toon dungeons are largely irrelevant which is a fucking travesty as dungeons should be the core of the game.

Cutting down wait times via the cross realm lfg tool has destroyed server communities, in Vanilla I knew certain other faction players by sight. I knew the servers first Grand Marshalls. I knew fuckloads of people from doing dungeons because being in a group was harder and good players or funny people were people you'd want to meet up with again.

Now I don't know anyone apart from people I'm in a guild with and I barely know them because I don't have to do shit with them cept raid once a week or so and honestly just doing LFR is easier most weeks.

LFR/LFD is a fucking horrible souless experience, there is no comeback for being a ninja, dropping group mid pull or just generally being a cunt in any way possible. In Vanilla there was a reason to behave like a reasonable human being because if you didn't word would get round and you might as well reroll or move server.

Impossible for them to have predicted that I suppose but it's pretty much ruined the game.


FPS noob
They generally run sales around Thanksgiving, 1-2 weeks before Christmas, and then in mid January so you should see MOP on sale again soon.

Pandaria has me playing a lot longer than I thought I would. I was kinda getting ready to unsub and then 5.1 has put in a lot of stuff that is fun - getting more into pet battles now, finally won a Brawlers Pass from BMAH, finished the sigil Black Prince quest so now I wanna see how that plays out. There are a ton of "story quests" associated with the new Krasinger faction, I hit revered and its been a pretty interesting story so far. Especially since I have both a 90 horde and alliance so I can see both sides of the story. Honor battlegrounds are still a shithole but been having a lot of fun in ratedBGs in pug groups. I wonder what patch 5.2 is bringing.

The one thing I do think is slowly dying in the game is regular raiding, if you are decently geared so many guilds seem desperate for raiders.