Youtube Post 2020


Being Poor Sucks.
I'm sure all of us use youtube at some point or another. Haven't seen this discussed anywhere yet but come 2020 content creators may start disappearing from youtube at a crazy rate and is going to be a big deal.

Mis-categorize your content as not for kids that is for kids and you can get fined 42,000 PER VIDEO. Like him or not this is a decent summation of the situation.

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Millie's Staff Member
i think its a huge nothingburger, sort of like removing the label off your bed's mattress voids the warranty and subjects you to prosecution. there is no way they can enforce anything like that and no way the creators can prevent kids from watching their content. its on youtube and the kid's parents.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I'm sure all of us use youtube at some point or another. Haven't seen this discussed anywhere yet but come 2020 content creators may start disappearing from youtube at a crazy rate and is going to be a big deal.

Mis-categorize your content as not for kids that is for kids and you can get fined 42,000 PER VIDEO. Like him or not this is a decent summation of the situation.


everything I watch, as a normal person, will be just fine

people trying to make money by targeting kids under 13 can go get fucked as far as i'm concerned - i'm sure it's going to be too big of catch all and fuck some weirdo grey area "content creators" over, but I consider this regulation working as intended

as someone in the comments said, label your video "not for kids" and start every video saying "this fucking video isn't for fucking cunty kids"

These people are scared because they know they are breaking advertising laws and getting rich off of children .
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Avatar of War Slayer
ftc will stomp a mudhole in at least a few youtubers. a few of channels i watch will go broke quick if they have to label it as for kids.

there is no way they can enforce anything like that and no way the creators can prevent kids from watching their content. its on youtube and the kid's parents.
the rules are not there to stop kids from watching anything. if kids do watch it and the creator didn't label it they will get raped.
youtube has pushed all the burden off to the creators


FPS noob
good, fuck content creators i'd like them all gone and the internet back to amateurs doing shit for other amateurs

pipe dream i know
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<Prior Amod>
I'm sure all of us use youtube at some point or another. Haven't seen this discussed anywhere yet but come 2020 content creators may start disappearing from youtube at a crazy rate and is going to be a big deal.

Mis-categorize your content as not for kids that is for kids and you can get fined 42,000 PER VIDEO. Like him or not this is a decent summation of the situation.


good, fuck those assholes making spiderman elsa porn targeting kids.
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Millie's Staff Member
ftc will stomp a mudhole in at least a few youtubers. a few of channels i watch will go broke quick if they have to label it as for kids.

the rules are not there to stop kids from watching anything. if kids do watch it and the creator didn't label it they will get raped.
youtube has pushed all the burden off to the creators
its just a cover your ass option. kids will still find the stuff they want to find. nothing will change except there are a few more hoops to jump through for kid content providers. none of the stuff i watch is for kids and this only affects US content creators. its a big nothingburger being hyped up for increased paypal donations.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
good, fuck content creators i'd like them all gone and the internet back to amateurs doing shit for other amateurs

pipe dream i know

I just avoid anything listed as "trending", helps a little.


Avatar of War Slayer
I support anything that wrecks the career of that Paul dude, his shit heel brother, and anyone like them.

For the most part, I watch world history channels and Space Time on YouTube. I dont think many 9 year olds are watching videos on The Iroquois Confederacy, The Siege of Buda, or The Alchemy of Neutron Star Collisions. So, it shouldn't affect me, but even if it does, it will be worth it to get Paul and his ilk de-funded.

As an aside, the dude in that video was a bit annoying to watch and 20 minutes of it was hard to sit through, moreso when the same point could have been made in less than 5.
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
It's unenforceable, and the only people who'll get punished are the massive channels pulling in enough views to be a blip on the radar.

If you think some FTC guy is going to be watching each and every gametheory video to try and and find out if it's for kids or not, you have the donkey brains.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
i'm pretty sure it's not about small content creators, it's about finding ways to censor larger creators when the blue hair brigade starts reeeeee-ing. i also think it's purposely vague and unenforceable in the long run because SJW is trending, but won't be for much longer. the last thing youtube wants is to chase away content creators. they make money off them. if they leave, youtube goes broke.
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Uncle Tanya
good, fuck content creators i'd like them all gone and the internet back to amateurs doing shit for other amateurs
Where's the line between amateurs and content creators though?

Many of the prolific content creators ARE amateurs. They just got huge by themselves and that's why YouTube is so special.

As far as this COPPA shit, it smells exactly like the swirling doom and gloom of the Net Neutrality craze back in 2018 and look how that ended up. As usual I agree with Chuk; it's a big nothingburger.
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Avatar of War Slayer
this only affects US content creators.
Dave from EEVblog (Australian) went over the info he got and said while probably wouldn't be able to fine him, but could take away his channels.

If yu think some FTC guy is going to be watching each and every gametheory video to try and and find out if it's for kids or not, you have the donkey brains.
it will probably be 99% automated, youtube already did a scan and labeled some vids, but also warned FTC might find other vids. the whole "appeals to kids" part is what could wreck people. is every Minecraft vid for kids? The Mandalorian? Fortnite? etc. FTC would like nothing better than to flop the big dick all over youtube.

the last thing youtube wants is to chase away content creators. they make money off them. if they leave, youtube goes broke.
youtube wants to be netflix. They already promote all the network tv shit over original youtube content

don't think going to see that many hit with the huge fines, but will see a lot of channels disappear unless the rules are cleared up. just listened to warhammer 40k youtuber talk about this is a game about demons coming out of your asshole and biting your head off, but what is to stop someone at the FTC looking at it and seeing board games and toys. he didn't talk about his analytics. another model builder (military) said less than 1% of his viewers were kids.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
As someone who has to deal with COPPA as part of my job, I guarantee you there are going to be random unforseen challenges and changes no one's really thought of yet. COPPA is so poorly thought out, there's a lot of "wink, wink, nudge nudge" that has to go on to even TRY and make it work in the real world. In reality, most websites simply ban or completely turn off a lot of features on their site to any user under 13, because it's just too much a PITA to deal with. Which of course leads most underage kids to lie about their age, making the whole thing pointless anyway. Not to mention all the parents that actually get mad their kids can't enjoy all the features a site has to offer, if the kid makes a "mistake" and is truthful about his age. We are literally teaching kids to lie, and some parents are encouraging it. And I can't blame them.

Considering YT just paid a big fine for violating COPPA, you can bet they're probably going to error on the side of being too strict on their creators. I didn't watch the video above, but I've seen more than enough others on this subject recently. I'm not sure some of you guys really understand what happens to a channel that's marked for kids. And that matters, because there are quite a few channels that aren't aimed at kids per se, but are very kid friendly. How is YT going to handle that? Legos, Pokemon, MTG, video games, animated movies/cartoons - there's just a ton of shit out there for adults, that also appeals to kids. How's YT going to categorize all this? Because they plan to use machine learning (laugh) to make their own judgments on what age videos are aimed at, regardless of what the creators say. The FTC has tried to issue guidelines on content delineation, but have probably left people even more confused.

While it's certainly not the end of YT, it will have an effect. But don't Chicken Little over the "$42k" fine - that's being severely overblown, and is actually based upon your income. YT marking your channel as for kids, or just outright canning it, is the real concern.

About the only good thing I can say about COPPA is, at least it's not GDPR. That shit is even more retarded, if possible.
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Millie's Staff Member
Fuck YouTube
nah man, fuck the heads at Youtube, i learn a goddamned lot from Youtube videos. i know how to fix things myself, i know how shit works much better than i ever have. youtube has saved me loads of money on many different things.
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Silver Baron of the Realm
Couldn't they just make the whole website 18+, put up one of those useless are you over the age of 18 boxes and wash their hands of the matter? I'm sure they could if this whole thing was actually about limiting their liability instead of giving themselves another nebulous way to censor and deplatform people they don't like. It's the same thing as with the advertiser friendly nonsense and their vague and ever malleable ToS.

They're behaving an awful lot like a publisher these days.


Egg Nazi
nah man, fuck the heads at Youtube, i learn a goddamned lot from Youtube videos. i know how to fix things myself, i know how shit works much better than i ever have. youtube has saved me loads of money on many different things.
Ya know, whenever I criticize Facebook someone brings up a legitimate and normal use for the platform. None of which changes the fact that Facebook has been a net negative, a cancer on society.

So is YouTube. We are rapidly approaching a post-literate phase of Western society, and YouTube bears a lot of the blame. Fuck YouTube. It sounded like a good or at least neutral idea. Like Facebook. But it turns out to turn the entire internet to unreadable, unindexable, unsearchable shit.

Gather round children, I remember a time when people wrote their ideas using something called "text". Here, let me show you. This is called an "A"...
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Couldn't they just make the whole website 18+, put up one of those useless are you over the age of 18 boxes and wash their hands of the matter? I'm sure they could if this whole thing was actually about limiting their liability instead of giving themselves another nebulous way to censor and deplatform people they don't like. It's the same thing as with the advertiser friendly nonsense and their vague and ever malleable ToS.

They're behaving an awful lot like a publisher these days.

The biggest income generator for the site are kids. They click on the advertisements. They watch the clickbait videos over and over again. They bug their parents to buy things.

I have not watched an advertisement on Youtube since 2007? 2008? At least a decade. When an advertisement has managed to sneak through, it annoys me to the point that I will avoid whatever product it is advertising.

Fuck Youtube for all of their pandering, behind the scene garbage and how they screw over the honest/good 'content creators' to pump people like the Paul brothers. If you want to support a creator, buy some of their merchandise or donate to them. A $10 tossed to them will be more than they make from advertisement revenue from you for the entirety of your viewership.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Seems like a non-issue.
Just label your channel "Not For Kids" ... kids will find it anyway.
Same way they get into Youtube without being 13.... their parents.

And for the creators:
YouTube makes it easy to set your videos "Not For Kids". In fact, it forces you to go through the process and the default setting is "Not For Kids".

I don't really see an issue tbh.