Recent content by arcainum

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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    The chloe moretz stuff tracks back to a motherless upload from jan 25...if real, its very bad.
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    Answer the question above you, no matter what it is

    shit...arm. i could live with one, but being mobile without needing a prothesis(sp?) and/or a wheelchair is kind of a big deal to me. plus, i got a friend who lost his left arm, and he adjusted really well. he high fives peeps with the nub. it took some getting used too. whats the most...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Yeah, thats some bullshit. I'm 360, fat as foook, because I over eat, and rarely exercise. I accept the factors of my situation. Gotta shop at the big and tall, cant fit in certain seats, get winded on stairs. Having an anxiety attack worrying about being told you're dangerously obese means you...
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    Answer the question above you, no matter what it is

    Fuck no. I have "eating" guilt, because I'm fat, but not anything meat specific. Ever REALLY hurt yourself when popping knuckles, back or neck?
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    Anonymous Hacks The Westboro Baptist Church: Posts All Their Personal Information

    Anon. Our Justice League in this world of moral bankruptcy.
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    Wheel of Time series

    5th time through, on book 8 currently. Lord let it be a good ending.
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    Pocket Pussies!

    That fliphole thing genuinely unnerves me. Just sayin...
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    Evil Dead Remake

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    The Hobbit

    I agree. I didnt see any of the "it's too real" issues based on the frame rate.