Recent content by CalmWind

  1. C Misc Refugee Thread

    You guys heard of the attempted murder of Mar Mari Emmanuel, Orthodox Priest.... during a live church service... the knife didn't open fully, and attacker was not able to properly stab. Guardian angel at work. God is real, I promise. Pray.
  2. C Misc Refugee Thread

    MAX HOLLOWAY that was the most epic walkoff knockout ending i have ever seen in MMA WOW
  3. C Misc Refugee Thread

    Two things. 1) Christians don't practice circumcision. Never have. It's only been popular in america since the 1950s. Before that, most americans did not practice it either. We, as Christians, are not under the old covenant with Abraham (though we may be grafted into his seed and...
  4. C Misc Refugee Thread

    Circumcision is a jewish scam perpetrated on the american populace.
  5. C Misc Refugee Thread

    I'll tell ya one thing, and I'm not ashamed to say it. My estimation of Bodhy as a man, just fucking plummeted.
  6. C Misc Refugee Thread

    I like what I'm seeing. Everytime I post on the misc R/P about the tunnelers, I get a lot of hate. It's so obvious they don't assimilate and work against Christian conservative american culture. They're like a fifth column. They are ferociously tribal and don't assimilate well, they...
  7. C Misc Refugee Thread

    they're not sending their best folks. there's radical liberals, there's mentall illness, theres faggots, and some i assume, are good miscers.
  8. C Misc Refugee Thread

    btw, i just noticed that IG screenshot. Of course a miscer stands with palestine against the Joos lol
  9. C Misc Refugee Thread

    so I went to bodybuildingcom's IG Page, have no fear boyos, they are going through some tech issues, look (no, those are not my IG accounts, I took a screenshot of other people asking)
  10. C Misc Refugee Thread

    been a long time since we could use faggot. RIP misc. Christ is King.