Recent content by Gaereth_foh

  1. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Heroic is simply having a part to play in a larger epic. Not everyone can be "THE" hero, but everyone can feel heroic. Personally, I find that building my characters skills or doing things required for said skills to be heroic...but only if I have to do them myself. Furthering my character...
  2. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    The thread was created by a gamer and Curt just happened to a gamer AND as the owner of said company. The ability for him to jump into this thread and give and take, even without being able to tell us much, gives at least the illusion that he could pile right into a group of us with...
  3. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Grouping should give you access to abilities that are group oriented. Soloing should give you access to abilities that are solo oriented. Incentivize grouping. Make it a game play device that improves your character rather than just a means gather loot and are gathering skills for...
  4. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I am just thrilled that they are going for a more artistic vision rather than realistic. I want a fantasy game to look like a fantasy world thats larger than life, brighter, fuller, darker, deeper, and overall more vibrant than reality. Most fantasy artwork has an ethereal quality to it, an...
  5. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I guess I haven"t ever seen anything that points to any issue with pricing structures. The growth of these games has always been a function of how good the game is rather than what was charged for it. Would Vanguard have a million reoccurring accounts if it was free with advertising?? Would...
  6. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That pricing study sounds goofy to me. Of course people are going to say they want to get things for free, hell, thats a standard answer for everything. It essentially just sounds like the non-MMO players were unaware of what an MMO actually was more than anything else. If you explained it, most...
  7. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Life is a funny thing. We all get our share of heart breaks, lost chances, and stupidity. My heart break is a very short story, doesn"t involve cheating, crazies, drugs, or other interesting things. The love of my life, wife, soul mate and dream girl, died in February. It is a brick wall of...
  8. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This type of stuff is what gives me hope. We know nothing about the game, there is no smoke blowing up our asses and nothing is even known of the IP, yet I can see what I consider to be competent business practices being used. It appears as if 38 has a firm handle attached to the project and...
  9. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Having people that are experienced in the raid scene is good, but you also have to not allow yourself to fall into the current box of raiding. Raiding stacking?? raid switching? Healing assignments?? Tanking?? Consumables?? etc, etc When you"re using what has gone before as a template you...
  10. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It is nice to see that your just as much of a game nerd as the rest of us Ngruk. So many of the guys in charge of these games are more, well, intellectually oriented towards the games rather than a player of the games. They think terribly hard about wonderful ideas for the games rather than...
  11. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That kind of brings in the guild as an institution rather than a social convenience. I would love to have guilds and guild halls be more meaningful, be the holders of the power. For instance, if you have to get keyed that is something that comes from the guild. If the guild is keyed then you are...
  12. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If housing is tied to character or guild progression in some way then you are on the right track. When it just a perk, a place you can go to get things you can get in a lot of other places it is just an add on. People want meaningful ways to progress their characters, make them individuals...
  13. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    PvP folks have one thing in common...they like to play against other players. One does it because other players can add an aura of intelligence and unpredictability that isn"t available in AI. The other does it because they want to drink the sweet, sweet tears of loss when they rampage...
  14. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You don"t have to build a WOW killer to compete. In fact, I doubt you could kill WOW at this juncture with an MMO that gives free beer and blow jobs. People keep looking at it from the standpoint that you have to bury WOW, steamroll it, and utterly waste it with uber coolness and subs to...
  15. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    In this market space they are like glass compared to others. The non-nda beta, the open beta, test server hosting the newest raid zones. You may not be able to get behind and into the non-game stuff very well but when it comes to their MMO they have been the most transparent company to date.