Recent content by Lweniel

  1. L

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I had that problem, found this threat that points to a board fix that fixed it for me Has anyone elses mouse randomly been centering on the screen in 7.3.5? • r/wow TLDR; type /console rawMouseEnable 1
  2. L

    Blizzcon 2014 - Who's going?

    My prediction: Bliz announce a new game that used to be Titan, but is so disappointing for Titan that they had to officially "cancel" Titan so that you wouldn't think it was Titan
  3. L

    Titan has been cancelled.

    Saving this prophecy
  4. L

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Pre-nerf Gruul!
  5. L

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Made so many WeakAuras effects to put the remaining duration on a debuff over the button that casts it makes me boggle that this isn't an option in default
  6. L

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    But the treasure room doesn't get you any gear, it just gets you a lot of Elder Charms, so you can double-roll on loot for every boss in pre-ToT LFR.
  7. L

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Gilgamesh opened for me after about 10 mins, then I had to relog due to "Cannot create characters", but I got in. Arcanum Jones