Recent content by Marv

  1. M

    Gov't Regulation for Games Discussion- DLC related

    Hopefully at some point people are going to smarten up and boycott these glorified casinos gaming companies, so then they stop making those profits and we can get some sanity back in the gaming industry. Im sure CK2 is a great game but at 200$ for a 5 year old game with all the DLCs they can...
  2. M

    Path of Exile

    I followed this build cuz it was linked as a good league starter but it requires a tabula. I went with it because i havent played in a long time and thought ok maybe tabulas are cheap when starting a league cuz no one has money... 18 chaos cheapest. This is the passive skill tree: Passive Skill...
  3. M

    What IP would make a great MMO?

    Vampire: The masquerade (Fuck you Dust 514)
  4. M


    Its ridiculous, i dont think ill ever buy a bethesda game again.
  5. M


    Hopefully i can buy SKSE, Wrye bash etc under 20$ then ill be set to start spending for mods
  6. M

    Grim Dawn

    I just bought this with a friend but we got other games on the backlog. Would you guys say i should just wait for a sale (maybe halloween) or vanilla is good enough to play without the expansion?
  7. M

    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    lol guy's sceptic tank on ship was full so had to hold it in, dock to station quick run to the toilet, lose the pissing mini-game cuz piss comes out in hard to control streams and its the future so the peebot is always, ALWAYS watching. Get fined a large amount of money and get a notice that you...
  8. M

    Recommend a game for me thread

    Recommend me a game like Balrum or Dont starve? Like, a mouse clicker top down RPGish with crafting, building, an open world.
  9. M

    Path of Exile

    Thats gonna be a weird request but can anyone think of a good 4 button build? lol Something real simple. The thing is i sometimes play this game with one hand, when im half-tired lounging in bed. I want a build i can play with only the mouse (left click right click + 2 side buttons). Ive done...
  10. M

    Black Desert

    What about the mandatory stuff, should i blitz to 58 on multiple chars and then go back with a mount?
  11. M

    Black Desert

    I just started playing this, wondering if i can use my 30 days of xp boost to get a couple of characters to 56 or the bonus will die down at some point if i progress too much with one character? Also what is almost mandatory to do in the early stages thats gonna be way more annoying if i blitz a...