Recent content by Nunzasaur

  1. Nunzasaur

    NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread

    Pretty sure every team needs to take a seminar led by Brady on how to 3rd and 4th with a yard or less to go.
  2. Nunzasaur

    NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread

    Its clear mathews is better than murray for chip kelly's system but murray is making bank so they wont bench him unless he is dead.
  3. Nunzasaur

    NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread

    That will probably be better than the halftime trailer...
  4. Nunzasaur

    NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread

    Espn missed that fuck.
  5. Nunzasaur

    NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread

    Definition of epic fail.
  6. Nunzasaur

    what are some of the worst games you've ever played?

    as someone who ran a game store for close to 8 years amen to this one. refering to shaq fu that shit still gives me nightmares.
  7. Nunzasaur

    Pregnancy Thread

    As far as diapers go I will tell you this buy the target brand ones they will save you a shit ton of money, we have tried just about every brand with our 15 month old and those things handle his big shits better than any of the name brand ones have. Ps: If you have not gotten a baby monitor...