Recent content by Rafterman

  1. Rafterman

    Path of Exile

    Cool, thanks. :)
  2. Rafterman

    Star Wars Battlefront II

    Blizzard put a fucking RMT Auction House in Diablo 3 and took a 10% cut. This good guy Blizzard shit is hilarious. And don't get too excited, Activision is looking to be worse than any of them:
  3. Rafterman

    Game Awards 2017

    I definitely need to get on this then. A Persona Anthology on PS4 would be epic.
  4. Rafterman

    Star Wars Battlefront II

    Overwatch slows the progression of leveling to the point that people regularly buy crates to avoid the slog. And even then pack so much useless shit into lootboxes that people feel the need to buy more. Things like sprays weren't put in there for the good of the game, they were put in to take up...
  5. Rafterman

    Star Wars Battlefront II

    Now your moving goalposts. You said skins are easily grinded and that they are an incentive to keep playing. You can literally have a have a maxed out character in BF2 in a week. And you can have half of the six locked heroes in your first fucking day. How long would it take to unlock all of...
  6. Rafterman

    Game Awards 2017

    Is it better or worse than 4 Golden?
  7. Rafterman

    Star Wars Battlefront II

    Overwatch is a full priced game.
  8. Rafterman

    Star Wars Battlefront II

    Now you're just being stupid. You can literally switch out Overwatch and Battlefront in your post and it holds the same weight.
  9. Rafterman

    Star Wars Battlefront II

    What pisses me off far more than this shit in gaming is that this stuff is far more prevelant in childrens toys. There are probably a thousand different "random toy" things that are basically physical loot boxes these days. Go down any toy isle and it's littered with this garbage, aimed at small...
  10. Rafterman

    Path of Exile

    I downloaded this to my X to give a shot. Is there anything a fresh player should know that you wish you knew when you started?
  11. Rafterman

    Nintendo Switch (previously NX)

    They're the start of a compelling case. The fact you can play Zelda elsewhere makes it less so. Prime, however, would probably push me over. It annoys me Nintendo doesn't capitalize on their fanchises, though. A Prime Trilogy remake for Switch would have sold me on it day one.
  12. Rafterman

    Star Wars Battlefront II

    Paying for things outside the base price is shitty model across the board. For some reason people like to pick and choose which games offend them based off of nothing, really. Someone will complain about BF2 and then run out and buy SoW. Someone else will bitch about AC and play Overwatch...
  13. Rafterman

    Game Awards 2017

    Horizon, no contest. Zelda was great but too many annoyances took away from it. Haven't played Mario, but looks to be a good time. D:OS 2 was really good too, but I actually enjoyed the combat less that the first. PUBG, I still don't understand how this is popular, Fortnite is a better game...