Recent content by Xander_sl

  1. X

    Command and Conquer (Generals 2)

    I really am shocked C&C isn't getting more attention. I loved this series - I hope EA doesn't destroy it again.
  2. X

    EVE Online

    That is amazingly depressing. I was in a low sec pirate corp a while back and just re subbed up a few days ago. They are still going strong, however I find that the level of PVP activity is quite low. I am surprised to hear that Null is substantially worse these days.
  3. X

    EQ Never

    Is there still no tangible information on how EQN will differ from classic?
  4. X

    Fuck Comcast

    Yeah, I want Fiber so bad, but I don't think I'm ever going to get it in Boston
  5. X

    Fuck Comcast

    I got the same exact letter a bit ago, best day ever.
  6. X

    Fuck Comcast

    ahhhh... love equities
  7. X

    Fuck Comcast

    Hahahaha fucking awesome. I wish I had known this previously.
  8. X

    Fleet GPS Trackers

    Wow, that is amazing
  9. X

    North Korea goes full retard
