Recent content by Zehnpai

  1. Zehnpai

    DDO (D&D Online)

    I've gotten back into playing this. They have hardcore servers now that come out every few months and it really revitalizes the gameplay experience. For a bit at least. Then you get one shot by some ice flesner you forgot about with his bullshit 300 damage polar ray at level 14 and log back...
  2. Zehnpai

    Fires of Heaven and our continued disappointment

    I can remember many of our interactions through the years. At least snapshots of their personality. Moments that will always stick out in my mind. The weird shit we did. Geii shouting, 'WE HAVE DO IT!" when our guild killed the AoW for the first time. The "Kinuvan tantrum flowchart." I...
  3. Zehnpai

    Fires of Heaven and our continued disappointment

    I sometimes wish I could just like...get a snapshot of what all the people I used to play with are up to. What their lives are like now. How have things gone for them? All the people I used to play with back on Cazic-Thule way back when. Sharniken. Gandien. Arbok. Silwenae. Geii...
  4. Zehnpai

    Everquest Confessions

    I can only imagine the clusterfuck that would have been GoD if anybody had stuck around. By the time enough people had passed those stupid overtuned Ikkinz trials or whatever to start doing raid content, all the good players had already bailed for WoW. I know Hartsman did some good for the EQ...
  5. Zehnpai

    Everquest Confessions

    Actually, now that I think about it, it was early PoP. Got it mixed up because you got the fingerbone in Kurns Tower. Originally the fingerbones were like, "Withered 2" Finger" or whatever. If you linked it, it would crash the zone. I think because of the extra quotation mark in the name of...
  6. Zehnpai

    Everquest Confessions

    The one and only. Not much. Life stuff. Was talking to the girlfriend about the 'good old days' of back when I used to play EQ/WoW and how much I missed hanging out with the people I used to roll with. Realized I hadn't been here ever since I quit playing DDO. Been on a nostalgia kick and...
  7. Zehnpai

    Everquest Confessions

    You're not wrong. I was pretty edgy back then. It was during WoW that I started dating a woman I met on, Alcestis. She was like, "Have you tried just like...being nice to everyone?" Been my creed ever since and has served me well.
  8. Zehnpai

    Everquest Confessions

    - Sold my account a few times for $$$, would wait a few days then put in a ticket claiming I was hacked and get the account back. Catch and release. After the 4th time though the GM told me my account was going to be flagged and they weren't going to restore my account anymore. - Used the 2"...
  9. Zehnpai

    DDO (D&D Online)

    There's always the 10bux option but yeah. DDO is a good game but is so mired in 2005 era gameplay mechanics (Spell reagents....yaaaaay?) that really hinder it ever recovering from the years of mediocrity. It's got that Diablo 2-esque level of replayability and I will never get sick of running...
  10. Zehnpai

    DDO (D&D Online)

    U39 released this week. The new dungeon is pretty cool when you don't crash loading into it. You can have a falcon as a permanent unkillable dps pet now too. All 4 of us still playing DDO are ecstatic.
  11. Zehnpai

    DDO (D&D Online)

    Update 38 is out. New stuff: - Druid rework. Wolves and Bears now get their own talent trees. Both now can get ridiculous DPS legitimately. Still suck balls to level though. - New Artificer tree focused on being a melee/healing/tanking hybrid. It's basically a shitty version of bard but...
  12. Zehnpai

    DDO (D&D Online)

    Ravenloft is a lot of fun. The quests are gorgeous and creepy as fuck. They really nailed it I think. Easily the best Castlevania game of the last decade so I was right in that regard. Going into Castle Ravenloft and exploring every nook and cranny is an old school dungeon crawl feel that...
  13. Zehnpai

    DDO (D&D Online)

    Ravenloft expansion is due out in a couple weeks. Two new raids, a bunch of new quests. As you would expect it has a very Castlevania feel to it. So far it's shaping up to look pretty cool. The handful of people still working at SSG are doing a pretty good job keeping the game going and the...
  14. Zehnpai

    Heroes of the Storm

    I wouldn't mind the 2 lane maps so much if people weren't such idiots. It's gotten to the point where I always pick the solo laner. Too many times I've figured someone else can do it, I'll pick support or whatever idgaf, then either nobody picks a good laner, or whoever picks it just flat out...
  15. Zehnpai

    John Smedley hired by Amazon to produce MMOs

    There's a line between hopeful and expectant. I'm hopeful they put out good games. I hope anyone can put out a good game. If Brad McQuaid, Uwe Boll and Curt Schilling joined forces to create a scrabble-based MMO with a movie franchise tie in and it was a good game I'd play it. Am I...