All things Brandon Sanderson


French Madman
Currently reading Way of Kings, and yeah, adaptation would be hard to pull off in a movie.

Mistborn I can see. Wax and Wayne stuff would be easy to adapt in movies too.

And I'd love to see an Elantris movie. Reread it recently and was thinking how the scene where Raoden finally fix what's wrong with Elantris while everything is going to shit would be awesome on screen.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I think the hardest thing to pull off accurately in Way of Kings would just be the setting. Roshar with all the highstorms and the watery style of flora and fauna is fairly key to the way the story progresses however, so you'd have to leave it mostly intact to even have a recognizable story.

That said you could do a lot of it with CGI, and failing that you could modify some of the more outlandish aspects of it to better fit the budget. It definitely needs an HBO style adaptation though, no movie series could even begin to do it justice. Actually, what with Sanderson's aversion to T&A and swearing, AMC or netflix or amazon might be able to pick it up too :p

There's some great scenes that would be awesome to render visually though, even in just Way of Kings. The prologue scene, Szeth's assasination of the king, some of Dalinar's flashbacks with Knights Radiant falling out of the sky, and of course the big fight at the end of the book. Words of Radiance is even better in respect to great visuals.
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Molten Core Raider
Would love see how someone could tackle displaying surgebinding in a movie/series setting. Szeth's fight would be awesome to watch if they could display it how it's explained in the book.


French Madman
I think one of the hardest thing to display from Sanderson's books would be steelpushing/ironpulling.


Karazhan Raider
Unfortunately 90% still means like another 6+months for editing and printing
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French Madman
Just finished Words of Radiance.

God, I'm glad I somehow waited until now to read the Stormlight Archive, with the third tome coming soon enough.

That ending...
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<Gold Donor>
Said on twitter late last night that Oathbringer is done, and will be released late next year. Happy about that - I've been slogging through the Mistborn books for a few months (little bit every night) and just don't really like the story/characters very much at all. The difference between the Stormlight books and Mistborn books is striking (at least for me). Love how fast he churns these things out. Dude's an animal


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
At least get through them to fully enjoy the Wax and Wayne stuff. More like Mistborn + his better writing style.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Really looking forward to this release. Now that he has knocked out a large release, bring on 3-4 smaller novels while revisions occur.


French Madman
Said on twitter late last night that Oathbringer is done, and will be released late next year. Happy about that - I've been slogging through the Mistborn books for a few months (little bit every night) and just don't really like the story/characters very much at all. The difference between the Stormlight books and Mistborn books is striking (at least for me). Love how fast he churns these things out. Dude's an animal

Wait what, like one whole year for editing? That sucks. :( I expected it in the next few months.


Molten Core Raider
Wait what, like one whole year for editing? That sucks. :( I expected it in the next few months.
Yeah, Words of Radiance first draft was completed on July 1, 2013 and released on March 4, 2014. I am expecting 8-9 months for Oathbringer.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sanderson has a new novella coming out in February.

Original Sanderson Novella: Snapshot

"Snapshot is a Science Fiction detective story following Anthony Davis, a cop assigned to Snapshot Duty. In this vivid world that author Brandon Sanderson has built, society can create a snapshot of a specific day in time. The experiences people have, the paths they follow—all of them are real again for a one day in the snapshot. All for the purposes of investigation by the court.

Davis’s job as a cop on Snapshot Duty is straight forward. Sometimes he is tasked with finding where a criminal dumped a weapon. Sometimes he is tasked with documenting domestic disputes. Simple. Mundane. One day, in between two snapshot assignments, Davis decides to investigate the memory of a call that was mysteriously never logged at the precinct, and he makes a horrifying discovery."