Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know how we moved twice and nobody made this thread either time. I don't play this game, but I can't call it home without it.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did they really move Brad off VG to work on Next? Something about him knowing how to make a true sandbox?


Elisha Dushku
Such as the rumor. But this should be in the EQNext thread.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I think we've safely established at this point that Brad isn't the talent. I was kind of hoping his memory would die with foh.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I always thought Vanguard was a good game on paper but poorly managed and executed. So as long as he is on the dev side its fine no?
He was a 'dev' on EQ and that turned out ok. Happy for him to 'dev' on EQ Next. The only thing he seemed to have not coped with was running the company as CEO and he wont be doing that again.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know how we moved twice and nobody made this thread either time. I don't play this game, but I can't call it home without it.
If this forum does explode, I'm eager to see if you have any more clever subject titles for the vanguard thread on hoofshots 4


Elisha Dushku
If this forum does explode, I'm eager to see if you have any more clever subject titles for the vanguard thread on hoofshots 4
Clever title threads are what life's about




Blackwing Lair Raider
I think we've safely established at this point that Brad isn't the talent. I was kind of hoping his memory would die with foh.
Brad is quite talented at conceptual design, clarity of vision, and communication of that vision.

On another note: I'm messing around with VG for the first time in a while. Rolled up a Bard and was thinking about boxing. Anyone know if they box well? It seems like if you equip an instrument, Bards can't melee but their songs are more potent...

Is that a feasible plan for boxing a Bard? Simply use instruments and songs and focus everything else on the second character?
Later on you can get instruments that double as a weapon too. But even when you just use normal weapons, their songs (sung) can still be pretty potent.

A bard left on auto pilot will not be all that useful though. Yes their songs will be quite a nice buff for your 'main' character, but only similar to just getting buffed by a druid or shaman buffbot or whatever. In other words, having the bard just following you around will be quite wasteful of the bard and wont make you all that much stronger than just soloing. Although if you can manage to do some stuff on the bard, their dps can be pretty good, especially if you assign their attribute points in the right way. (str/dex/int) And with practice, even though 2 boxing seems hard at first, in time you'll be able to go back and forth and use the second character almost as much as your main guy. The main issue I would say about a bard though, is that their DPS is not as good (or as easy to do) as a monk or a sorc or druid or whatever. What really makes a bard worthwhile is special stuff like the ability to mez stuff and charm stuff. But this can be really hard to do when you are 2 boxing, because time spent focusing on charming one mob and then sending it on another mob, is time you are leaving your main character completely unattended, which can be nasty. Especially later on when you do a dungeon and you end up with several mobs beating on you - as soon as you start trying to mez or charm something, the time it takes you to do that is often enough time for your main character to die. In other words, a Bard is really one of those classes that should really be played by itself so you can focus on all their many useful tricks.

And even if you do manage to box it incredible well, or even if you pick two other classes, as I've said before, 2 boxing is not perfect. In the lower levels the mobs are so easy and squishy that having 2 characters is barely even an advantage because one character can kill them just as easily, only now you need to collect all the quest items twice and spend double the amount of time gearing up your guys etc.. You also might still struggle to do places like Khegor's End with just the 2 characters because you miss a lot of important abilities at that level (ie, no Lull!), and its just a hard dungeon anyway. In the mid levels, having a 2 box really comes in to its own and you will be able to do a lot of the group and small group content that you wouldn't have been able to do alone. For example I did the whole of the Dargun's Tomb questline as a 2 box, apart from the very final battle for the weapon. But then going to the higher levels, it becomes almost useless again because the mobs are so much harder, you'll just struggle to make any progress with just the two characters.

I 2 boxed four different combos of characters and had lots of fun, but it always comes grinding to a halt in the 40's, because you end up fighting such beefy mobs that they just take an eternity to kill with only 2 characters. So I am now 6 boxing and it's amazing but it's also very stressful and requires a huge amount of effort, and it also is not for everyone because your PC needs to be able to cope and you ideally need to macro some things to help out too.

So if you really like the idea of a Bard, personally I would suggest playing it alone so you can be really good at it and do all kinds of cool stuff. You should be able to group most of the time too because the population is not bad. They can provide killer buffs for any class in their group, they can dish out really nice dps, and they can do crowd control as well as even a Psi. If you are determined to 2 box just for the fun of it or because you want to do some of the harder content by yourself (you can do hunters league etc. as a 2 box), then I would suggest picking something other than a bard to make life easier on yourself. And if your PC is good enough to 6 box (it's really not as demanding as you might expect), then you should give it a try, it's totally amazing, like a real time Baldur's Gate, and the bard is worth having around in a 6 box.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pretty much exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I think you convinced me to solo the Bard. Bard was one of maybe 2 classes I didn't play extensively in EQ so I'm looking forward to testing its spiritual successor.
Glad to help. It's an amazing class really, you get to construct your own songs out of little individual components. And they are more capable of doing good DPS than they were in EQ. And their ability to charm and mez is really quite powerful. But it requires changing targets and stuff, and that takes time, so in the hands of a good player who is focused, it's amazing. But as a 'bot', they are barely even worth having around.

Although if you do decide you want to 2 box at some point, you could add something so powerful that it leaves you free to use the bard a lot. An example being the Dread Knight which is basically totally overpowered and incapable of dying :p
I'm not 100% so you might want to check in game with a high level bard, but I am pretty sure that INT boosts song damage and basically all of the bards abilities that are not melee. You end up with some curse type spells which do quite a lot of damage over time, and there is the shout and a few others. So cranking INT will help that (99% sure). Your first two stats should always be str and dex though, you can max those and just put the remainder in INT. I currently have the remainder in VIT on my bard, for the regen, but it's no use to me so I plan on switching it to INT as soon as I can be bothered travelling to the respec guy.

As for the trainer thing, usually they will give you the base damage of the spell, and then when you purchase the spell and look at the tooltip, it tells you the damage that will be done with your gear, stats, and bonuses. So usually when you look at a spell and it says 1k damage, you then buy the spell and it ends up like 1600 damage or whatever. But I have seen occasions when it's lower after buying it and I'm not sure why that is.


Thanks to the infos and reccomendation in here I tried VG again and so far it seams very nice.
I still had 500SC on my account so i could buy a BARD unlock potion from Store. Right now the price is reduced from 750 to 499SC
That was kinda perfect for me and i really wanted to play that class some time!

I do wonder tho what happend to my old 50 cleric which i played in 2007 or something. I checked on both servers but he is not there. Did they wipe some characters at any time?
I couldn't find him on none of my two Sony accounts, but maybe i have third..

