

Elisha Dushku
What is Archeage ?
Archeage is a Free-To-Play MMORPG with an optional subscription which can be paid with ingame gold. The game is developed by XL Games. Archeage was released in Korea in January 2013 and is released in North America and Europe in September 2014. Trion Worlds (Rift, Defiance) is the NA/EU developer. The game features traditional tab / target combat gameplay with combos, quest hubs leveling, open world PvP, arenas, castle sieges, crafting, piracy, commerce, seamless map, fishing, uninstanced housing, farming, naval warfare, ship building and you can also compose music and create ugly characters.

I want to know more !
- Official forums :The Official ArcheAge Forums
- Reddit :ArcheAge -
- MMO-Champion megathread :[Megathread] ArcheAge - MMORPG
- Database / character builder :Archeage Database 1.2

I want to play the goddamn game !
Archeage technology is server based, Patron (sub) players are being privilegied upon General (F2P) players. Also the game is anticipated, which means you're gonna have login queues. There are way to go around queues : idling on char select / char creation screen / AFK hitting dummy target ingame and macroing. Based on latest Trion communication, updates are underway, tho right now the safest way to play is either to abuse AFK Timer or get apps like Teamviewer to remote launch the game while you're busy at work, earning money to fix World's Finance mischiefs.

Leveling was awful, I'm all alone, what to do at 50 ?
Depends of what you want to do. Archeage is PvP based, there isn't endgame PvE (raids), it's a guild based MMO where more people would find pride doing open world PvP, tradepack ganking and castle sieging, interacting with community and fucking with people stuff. If you're going to take risks to move some merchandise, you'll find people out there looking to kill and rob you. Solo player experience in Archeage is limited, you'll either end up ganked and / or frustrated. You can stick to safe PvP zones but they're as exciting as playing minesweeper with no mines around.

I've heard this game is Pay-2-Win, stop being a corporate shill
Trion Worlds did some changes before game launch but it got reverted. Right now cash shop is all about cosmetic / convenience. There is no "Death Sword of Doom for only 49.99" stuff, also there's a system which allowed you to buy subcription with ingame gold. At this point cash shop is a clutch, no more no less.

I don't care about your wall of text, please TL;DR it !
Archeage MMORPG has a lot of stuff to do since NA/EU game version came up with latest content and changes. If you're willing to rush max level and sit in capitals to get gear, you're gonna have a bad time. Top crafting tiers require weeks / months of farming, with a chance to have your gear destroyed at some point. Getting stuff / money require active gameplay and risky commerce.

Bullet points :
- Guild based, faction based sub / F2P MMORPG with PvP incentive.
- Tab / target combat gameplay with combos and both active / passive game mechanics.
- Seamless open world PvP/ PK (own faction) with non-instanced housing and farming.
- Naval warfare (PvP, piracy, fishing and diving).
- Crafting and commerce are the game's legs.
- Playermade siege castles.
- Instanced PvP arenas.
- Exploration.
- Costumes.
- I don't know, you can also raise pets and RP chicks with asian-like emotes.

Note from Tuco on the Rerolled PVP Guild

With most MMO releases, this fine community creates a 'forum guild' for it that invariably fizzles out in a few months due to a lack of structure and recruitment. The serious players join serious guilds and the bored players move on. This is a travesty because these forums host the words of some of the most experienced and hardcore players in the world. In GW2 we changed that by signing up with a guild I've been a member of for almost a decade. PRX has along historyof being the dominant guild in every world PVP arena that's come out. We conquered the first keep in DAoC. We built the first city in the world in Shadowbane. We built the first keep and destroyed the first keep in Age of Conan. We were the first to control Altdorf in Warhammer. In GW2 we went 72-4 in WvW, with incredible contribution from this community.

This combination has been wildly successful as we've had over 200 members from Rerolled join our ranks, but there's still room for more. Those that have joined us have proven to be valuable assets to PRX and I'd love if everyone here who wants to fight wars stands at my shoulder. However, PRX is not for everyone. If you don't want to be in a professional environment, it's not for you. If you don't enjoy being part of a constant war effort, it's not for you. If you want to talk your shit on forums instead of ingame, PRX is not for you. But if you want to personally fight in the most epic and notable battles in ArcheAge, then PRX is where you want to go. We're gearing up for war in ArcheAge. We'll be claiming the seas, the trade routes and a castle in the north and taking on all comers.

If this sounds great and you want to really enjoy ArcheAge for all its worth, then you'll need to go through our recruitment process. Going through the application process is a little antiquated but it's critical that you get access to our forums to see our plans and it's also useful for us to get to know you. Read ourCode of Conductand if you agree to its termsfollow this processto post an application. Note that you are from Rerolled and if your desired name in ArcheAge differs from your forum name, please post it. If I know you I will respond to it vouching for you. If I don't know you I'm unable to vouch for you and your success or failure will determine on the quality of your application, so be specific and verbose in why you are a good fit for PRX.

Also note that people from PRX, including me, are strictly forbidden from engaging in drama shit-talking on public forums like this one. There's going to be some very salty tears from some very sore losers over the next month, but we will only address them on September 12th. Generally the only public posts we make are recruitment posts like this one. If you have any questions about PRX, please PM Tuco.

Here are the group screenshots from the two games this community and PRX has joined forces in:


Sept 11th 2015 Edit:
PRX has ended our official presence in ArcheAge. Good luck to those still on Kyrios!

Sept 8th Edit:
Release is Friday! If you're like to join PRX please apply ASAP. We're shutting down recruitment on Wednesday so we can fully prepare for launch on Friday.

Sept 11th Edit:
Recruitment is closed until after release so we can properly prepare everyone for release and handle the release with our full focus. I'll be putting the server name into the thread title when I know what server we're on. If you'd like to play with us, join that server on the east faction and find us.

Sept 12th Edit:
We will be rolling on Kyrios! If you'd like to play with us or against us go ahead and roll on that server.

Sept 16th Edit:
Recruitment is now open! Minimum level is 30!






EQOA Refugee
This game has me more excited than any upcoming game. It's the huge, epic world that people have been clamoring for.


Elisha Dushku
This game has me more excited than any upcoming game. It's the huge, epic world that people have been clamoring for.
I just wish they had a US release date. The only game currently in development that I'd buy without beta-testing (assuming good reports) despite the PvP and instanced dungeons.


Elisha Dushku
Did I just watch an Asian farmer farming?
no betacake is anglo he was gathering from his strawberry bushes or some shit.

Perfect example of what's wrong with America. We get Wizardry Online but no producer for ArcheAge. The Mayan Apocalypse can't come soon enough.


Elisha Dushku
China Beta is May 2013. They've had 5 Korean Closed Betas. But nope, no western publisher.
Probably for the best if the highlights are pruning bushes and manicuring your virtual farm. I like the sandbox elements but if the adventuring is just like WoW... argh.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They've actually shown a lot of different gameplay elements throughout the videos. Grinding yes, of course it's Korean, but also home building, siege warfare, boat building and sailing, supposedly an entire continent which will be up for pvp grabs. It's certainly an ambitious endeavor, and will certainly be buggy and imbalanced as shit. It's why I'm excited. Too bad we may not see this game here


Elisha Dushku
They've actually shown a lot of different gameplay elements throughout the videos. Grinding yes, of course it's Korean, but also home building, siege warfare, boat building and sailing, supposedly an entire continent which will be up for pvp grabs. It's certainly an ambitious endeavor, and will certainly be buggy and imbalanced as shit. It's why I'm excited. Too bad we may not see this game here
We'll see it here. The question is will it be FTP (in which case it will for sure suck) or will it be PTP (in which case it might not suck). I'd say late 2014 if China is getting it in early 2014.


It just looks so Asian that it will in no way make it here. See tera, people dodged that game without even trying it.

That video looked horrible, though.


Silver Squire
I want this to be great. I'm worried with how combat looks though. The rest looks great depending on how grindy everything is. Its been a long time coming a game like this I hope they don't fuck it up.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I didnt think Tera was that bad, actually.
Though, Archeage and its strong points definitely are'nt revolving around PVE from what Ive seen. The PVE looks rigid and stiff.




Elisha Dushku
I want this to be great. I'm worried with how combat looks though. The rest looks great depending on how grindy everything is. Its been a long time coming a game like this I hope they don't fuck it up.
They probably will fuck it up with FTP - but at least we can hope for now.