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  1. Itlan

    Itlan's Game of Thrones/Tuco is a Tyrannical Nazi Thread

    Disclaimer: I am barred from the NO PUSSY SHIT thread, and I cannot participate in the spoiler thread because... well... spoilers. SO FROM HENCEFORTH I SHALL DISCUSS THE GAME OF THRONES WITHIN THIS VERY THREAD, FOR ALL THE REROLLED TO SEE! So the last two episodes have been really slow...
  2. Itlan

    Why was the Civil War fought?

    Hey faggots, I'm doing a historical research project and if any of you dumbasses would kindly partake in this I would appreciate it. So yeah, why was the Civil War fought? Either your own formulated opinion or whatever you were taught in school, by your parents, etc. This would actually...
  3. Itlan

    Ever work at a position where you do absolutely nothing?

    I'm waiting for management to figure it out and fire me...