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  1. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Was trying to get my druid geared up a bit on grobbulus and despite having a big population on paper it is absolutely dead for groups. I'm finding it nearly impossible to find a single pug of any sort for togc/ulduar during prime time (ex. right now). In contrast, there's a ton more groups...
  2. N

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Is this still in development? rofl
  3. N

    Divinity: Original Sin 2

    I agree that the ending is meh...but what exactly was bad about the game from act3?
  4. N

    New World: Survey & Info

    What's the TLDR info on this. PVE game? Raids/Groups? PVP? Mix of both?
  5. N

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    For me Blizzard died with Diablo3. I was so hyped for that game which completely destroyed my expecations. Poor replayability, real money Auction house, etc it was clear it wasn't the same company it once was. Never even tried overwatch or the card game.
  6. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic Is this good of a stat for you stat monkeys? Anyone that disputes this advantage has never tried to get to a CE dungeon on a horde-dominated server (which is most of them by the way). I don't really care what my faction is. Give me free...
  7. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    You aren't wrong but you're also writing from the viewpoint of a horde player. Alliance on the server has been outnumbered 65/35 all of classic which is essentially a 2:1 advantage that just became much more apparent in TBC when it came to farming nodes, getting to instances, using summoning...
  8. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    What's the situation like on Whitemane? This last BG change just put a coffin into Herod alliance and guilds are transferring out. The server managed to stay strong for 2 years at a 35/65 split but it just became untenable.
  9. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I get every WB because everyone around me expects me to do so but it makes the already easy encounters even more trivial. We toyed around the idea of having the WB not work in the instance for the first 4-6 resets to separate the good players from the bad ones but oh well. The WBs give you a...
  10. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    With so little moderation the bots are now actively botting in the open world and teleporting around. What a disaster.
  11. N

    Crusader Kings 3

    Keep in mind that this game is now on the third iteration and has had a very loyal following. It does have an extremely high learning curve (like most Paradox games) but the replayability is absolutely immense.
  12. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Yes, they ignore you and kill the person that got dropped on; completely nonsensical.
  13. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    How much meth did your mother smoke when she carried you? If you drop an infernal on the opposing member of the faction, the guards attack you instead of the person that dropped the infernal, whether you attack or not.
  14. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    The infernal bug which more or less is there to just grief players has still not been fixed. Small indie company
  15. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    At this point the only explanation is that they’re purposefully trying to get this venture to fail.
  16. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Even perfect loot council guilds will "fuck shit up" some of the time. First DFT drops. 20 eligible raiders all with 100% attendance. Bound to be at least a couple of salty fucks who are going to complain that the system is unfair.
  17. N

    Civilization VI

    So don't even trying it as nothing has been fixed? I would only do SP. Last played Jan 2017 :)
  18. N

    Civilization VI

    I was thinking of dusting this up and trying again but I see that every dlc has mixed reviews. Is that just sweaty troll fans or does it really suck?
  19. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I wish it was 1-2 week sooner. People are dropping like flies.
  20. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Can't you just require everyone to pay $29.95 for each new wow licence and demand they have a unique non-China-man credit card for each account? Instantaneously, bots are gone.
  21. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    It looks better but not 100% cleared. It's all moot unless they keep doing this weekly, because within a week there will be armies of bots once again given how easy it is to just boost the alts. With no cost to make a new account, it will continue to be profitable and will continue to be a...
  22. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic The instance limit was an april fools joke in the years past. At this point I have no interest in playing TBC. I always held out for classic because of expected stability and quality and so far it's been worse than the average private...
  23. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    It's a half-assed "fix". Botters will just rotate realms. 6 hours of Strat on Whiteman, 6 hours of Strat on Pagle, etc. How about just banning them?
  24. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Is there a point even playing this anymore?
  25. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    It really is quite bad. I wish they'd accelerate the schedule so I can dip into naxx/Aq40 and be done with it. They have zero desire to clean up the servers and make it an enjoyable experience. THey recently removed layers and opened up the servers. Full of bots. Everywhere. And now 2hr+ ques...
  26. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I can't wait to see the drop in enthusiasm for world buffs when people start losing their buffs on AQ trash.
  27. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    It's quite clear that whoever is behind classic doesn't give a shit about it. It's about ego and they refuse to acknowledge that the direction they took their game was negative in many ways so they're just trying to go with the flow, do the bare minimum so they can at some point say "I told you...
  28. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    The decisions by the devs continue to amaze me and any doubts about them genuinely wanting to destroy the success of this venture are gone. It took random people 1-2 minutes to realize that the AV and honor changes coming up would severely punish whatever few alliance players there are on the...
  29. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    The joke's on you all. 3k players x $25 a pop is 75k of easy dollars. There's no reason to do shit if people are willing to cough up the money.
  30. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Not really salty; I win 80% of these games and enjoy skirmishing in the field.
  31. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    "High ranking" lol. They're all from different servers, so this is the discord premade which is nothing more than 20-25 randoms that join with a reasonable group composition. There's no skill required/involved to be part of it. I can sometime go through 3-4 full games before one of the dozen...
  32. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Care to explain what's going on in the series of photos? You won a battleground? Someone give him a cookie.
  33. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Yeah most high end servers have people scouting it in shifts 24/7 with a person sitting there. These things die within minutes of spawning.
  34. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Except it's untrue and doesn't work like that in practice and you just need a single 20min+ game to see it. The 20 min+ games all hit 0 honor because its the same 30 people you kill for pitiful honor that's split with 20-30 other faction members. Occasionally, I'll run into a 1on1 or a small...
  35. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Untrue because of diminishing returns.
  36. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    They just need to drop the Diminishing returns out and PVP will happen. Can honor trading even happen in 40 man BGs that are cross realm? The current horde strategy involves turtling hard in the keep, retaking IB and TP towers and having a group picking off stragglers in the field of strife or...
  37. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    So it may seem like that (and it may be true) but you should actually do the work to look into it. Look at all the eligible drops (ex. felheart items for warlock) and see who got what and how many and what their attendance is. You may find that there hasn't been too many drops at all and that...
  38. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    It's really sad how they've destroyed this classic venture. This was all easily predicted with lots of proposed solutions and the few that were implemented were placed too late. I obviously got ahead of the curve and generally raid log now but I feel for all the casuals that are just now...
  39. N

    DOTA 2

    I just loathe these big patches and they kill my desire to play. I logged in last night without even checking the notes and was absolutely lost. Neutral items? Wtf...might be ok if you didn't change every fucking hero, change the map, location of runes, timing of runes, and everything fucking...