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  1. A Misc Refugee Thread

    honestly dont know.i found the misc while i was looking up body building info. misc was really good and funny back then and stayed
  2. A Misc Refugee Thread

    misI like how we had migrants move into a less desirable part of the forum (off topic) and make it even more shitty, just like real life. miscers dont lift except a few of us and misc is back can have shitty forum back
  3. A Misc Refugee Thread

    Told yall it was coming back.
  4. A Misc Refugee Thread

    Misc is back boys. Gonna roast the fuck out of the traitors
  5. A Misc Refugee Thread

    those are rookie numbers.12 beers is my breakfast
  6. A Misc Refugee Thread

    I lived with him. He ate like twice a day. Plus he was on oxycotin.cant eat on that shit. Ive still got a beer gut but i was never that overwieght. Think the most i weighed was 170. Still got muscle but i need to start working out again. Got my drinking down to once or twice a week
  7. A Misc Refugee Thread

    have another twinkie
  8. A Misc Refugee Thread

    nobody cares fat ass
  9. A Misc Refugee Thread

    Wonder how many peoples "oil" he checked. Heard Hulk Hogan is still pissed lol
  10. A Misc Refugee Thread

    no way i could beat him. 30 beers is about my limit
  11. A Misc Refugee Thread

    No but my uncle met him at O'hare airport a long time ago. i can drink.i wish i could of challenged him.
  12. A Misc Refugee Thread

    got damn! laying down the law! That guy is annoying. Id like to see proof of these 2 pizzas for just a "snack".
  13. A Misc Refugee Thread

    guy i used to know weighed about 1000 before i met was from drinking.hardly ever ate. When i knew him he was about 600. Fucker got drunk and fell on me.Thought i was gonna die.ded srs
  14. A Misc Refugee Thread

    i dont
  15. A Misc Refugee Thread

    If you dont change your diet you wont make it to october. your gonna have a heart attack any time now
  16. A Misc Refugee Thread

    if your not trolling then sorry but all you talk about is stuffing your face.
  17. A Misc Refugee Thread

    no decent woman would put up with that cant even find your dick
  18. A Misc Refugee Thread

    if your not trolling your a disgusting pig and your GF must be a whale ded srs
  19. A Misc Refugee Thread

    my bad double post.plot twist i did it.pretty sure i saw a pawn stars or something where dude was selling the bronco.
  20. A Misc Refugee Thread

    i dont care if he did it r not. she was a coke coke whore and everyone knew it
  21. A Misc Refugee Thread

    only thing i can guess but something looks a bit off dont it? If i had to guess like a strip cut in half?
  22. A Misc Refugee Thread

    been there done that.not cause im a scrapper just cause i had to get rid of gutters and other misc type shit. had to scrap for booze more than once too
  23. A Misc Refugee Thread

    what the heck kinda cut is that? if i remember ill post my ribeye
  24. A Misc Refugee Thread

    you scrapped metal and grilled a steak before 9am? not un heard of but mirin
  25. A Misc Refugee Thread

    supposed to rain later here too and i was gonna grill a ribeye.the hell you doing grilling at 7am? mirin ive done that drunk too alot
  26. A Misc Refugee Thread

    LOL At calling it Alexandria! LOL Fucking pajeets ruin everything! ded srs
  27. A Misc Refugee Thread

    I agree about the above but you actually know someone IRL who knows about the misc? i know a guy in my weed club online who has heard about it but ive never met anyone IRL.And if i did id probably deny it lol my bad. i misread. i thought you said you did know someone IRL. Been on miscord for 3...
  28. A Misc Refugee Thread

    You dont even have a clue dude. The misc has produced psychos and mass murders beyond compare. The misc isnt even left so dont know what your talking about. Its far beyond the scope of this site
  29. A Misc Refugee Thread

    And what if it does?
  30. A Misc Refugee Thread

    LOL Jakes on you.miscers dont lift. except me of coarse. If i could get my hands on juice id be like the Hulk
  31. A Misc Refugee Thread

    You guys are fucked. It would be like fucking a bride of chucky doll or something. MAYBE a bj but thats a big maybe. fucks sakes
  32. A Misc Refugee Thread

    I thought RR was still unofficially there for a while. You mentioned being banned for talking about jews and i automatically thought it was her
  33. A Misc Refugee Thread

    who banned you,RR? Your the last fucking person to be calling others out and you know it.
  34. A Misc Refugee Thread

    lol big surprise
  35. A Misc Refugee Thread

    lol no he isnt but i bet theres lots of joshuas out there right now. i swear are a bunch of POS snakes
  36. A Misc Refugee Thread

    Thats because i saw him on miscord not long ago. apparently a bunch of miscers got emails saying it will be be back.guess we will see
  37. A Misc Refugee Thread

    This. I started coming to misc more ever since my main board became almost dead. now the misc is completely dead. for now anyways
  38. A Misc Refugee Thread

    yeah that faggot wincel is here. at least he was.
  39. A Misc Refugee Thread

    lol i never saw a fag mag in my life.pretty sure those are pretty rare. knew a girl that had had playgirl mag though
  40. A Misc Refugee Thread

    When i was a kid my friends neighbor abandoned his house so we checked it out and found a suitcase full of all kinds of mags. no gay shit. We hid it in a tree in the woods but his little bitch cousin took them or told someone about them. Long time ago not real sure