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  1. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Man, 2 hours back on the misc feels like 2 weeks here lol
  2. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    How much do you weigh?
  3. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Guess I was wrong, the forums really are back
  4. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    I explained all of that in different wording in the rest of my post that you cut off. I was very clear that there's always more to the story than just the drinking.
  5. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Imagine how badly the muzzlrpress butthole guy is fiending to make a misc thread about it right now
  6. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Looks like they've struck some sort of a deal with whoever came at them with ransomware
  7. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Man, I legitimately don't understand how people manage to get fat off of just drinking. Beer guts are a real thing of course, but damn. I swear, calories from alcohol get processed slightly different than other sources. There was a time where it wasn't unusual for me to drink 12+ beers most days...
  8. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Most people who are morbidly obese legitimately spend like half of their time thinkinv about food, srs
  9. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    He is the explosiveMidget
  10. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Good. Let the misc rot, srs
  11. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    When did you first become a fat person?
  12. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    How many of you are Indian?
  13. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Time to reach the acceptance stage of mourning the loss, fellas
  14. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    The only reason they're saying anything at all is to appease BodyFit app users, who are paying customers. They couldn't give less of a shit about the forums. lmao at the canned email responses from the bb site.
  15. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Because it's easier to give people bs canned answers like "we're working on it!" than it is to be direct and tell them they aren't getting their way. It's a passive and pansy ass way to do it, but that's what is happening. I've been saying that for over a week now. Like I've said, changing...
  16. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    It's definitely not coming back. I was just playing along with miscer bs. Anyone actually still holding out hope for the misc to return is legititimately delusional at this point.
  17. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    What's the latest news with Kurt and Rog?
  18. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    the others went down with the ship or floated off to sea somewhere else online
  19. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Is that what they're telling people now?
  20. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    We are one day away from it officially being offline for 2 full weeks. Just 2 more weeks, guys! The "tech support team" promises! lmao
  21. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

  22. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    The funny thing about this is, although it is clear that the misc had super high traffic back in the day, I still don't know anyone IRL who remembers it
  23. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    I'd be genuinelly shocked if it came back up. But at at 2 weeks now, we're already well beyond the point where whatever "issues" there were should have been solved. "Transfering to a new server" is not a weeks long process. This is their way of acting like they're doing something about it...
  24. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    I know man, I've been telling people here to get over it since around the 4th day it was offline. It's not coming back, and no amount of miscers getting upset over it will change anything
  25. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    They never had any intention of bringing the forums back. "We're working on it" for 2 weeks is the most bs answer ever lol
  26. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Never trust a redditor, my guy
  27. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Is anyone still delusionally holding out hope that the misc returns?
  28. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Or tell her it's a byproduct of test
  29. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Correct on all counts, my guy
  30. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    lmaaaao nope
  31. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Sad to say, but it's over, man. There's no logical reason it would take them going on 2+ weeks to resolve that sort of issue.
  32. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    So guys, how's the sloots going lately?
  33. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Half of the main misc is all troll nonsense too, tbh
  34. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    You think this applies to the forums, too? I feel like they must just be doing it to BodyFit.
  35. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    When did I brag about myself by acknowledging that most miscers don't lift?
  36. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Most miscers haven't touched a weight since high school gym class, brah
  37. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Even the moderators barely do their jobs on the misc, so no regular miscer is gonna be motivated enough to try restarting that.
  38. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    Well, walking with a cane is better than no mobility at all. Maybe some brief walks with the cane? What about trying the ol' 1,200 kcals /day with minimal carbs diet plan?
  39. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    One thing is certain: If the misc does come back up at some point, bodhy will be there, and he will be crying about reps within the first day
  40. FelixTheCat1919 Misc Refugee Thread

    He's lying, just like yesterday. Chances are, the forums aren't coming back, so they respond to pissy emails about it by saying they're "working on it". It's the chicken chit route to avoid saying they won't do anything while still trying to appear nice by giving some sort of reply. Wouldn't...