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  1. D

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I like where this game is heading honestly - can agree with so many points and concepts. I'm glad someone is at least trying. Could this really be a true EQ succesor?
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    So this game is still jank? That's what I've gathered from reading a few posts. MMO drought sucks ass. Perhaps this genre is already dead and I just haven't accepted it yet.
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    Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)

    I opted for the XB1 version just because I felt like playing this one on the big screen on the comfort of my couch. It looks gorgeous and so far the gameplay has been really good, great framerate and it's smooth. The controls are solid. I'm only a couple hours in though since I had to go on a...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Wow why did they get rid of personal loot?
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    As someone who stopped playing shortly after The Burning Crusade, would this be worth coming back to? My biggest concern is that WoW has lost it's social aspects with the advent of cross-server groupings/raids. Would I be better off just getting a single player RPG like the new Dragon Age?
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    How sad is it that this is our only hope for a non-WoW clone mmo in the foreseeable future. I can't believe it's all come down to this
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    EQ Never

    That actually looks pretty cool. I wonder if most of that is action based or if those are dice rolls causing dodges and parries and stuff? I prefer that. I'm not that big a fan of the action-RPG style of combat mmo's have taken on today where you're like constantly re-positioning yourself...
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    Nah man, I'm playing. I just log to the character select screen when I'm done. I didn't mean literally sitting on the character select screen for 3 days. I should have been more clear.
  9. D


    My goal wasn't to go "NEENER NEENER". I'm also not saying it isn't stupid as shit. It's absolutely retarded that the queues are this long. That's for sure. However, with little effort I've been able to avoid all that shit and hopefully SOME others on this board can too. That's all I really...
  10. D


    The purpose is I can play whenever the fuck I want without a queue. It's selfish and a jackass move (which I admitted). But you can bet your ass others are doing it too so why try to be a nice guy.
  11. D


    Strange, mine has been on for like 3 days straight day and night, I haven't closed it down. You could also remote into your PC from your phone or work PC and start the queue.
  12. D


    Anyone complaining about the queue is simply inexperienced, being lazy, or both. Sorry to say it. I have kept my client online EASILY by simply leaving it at the character select screen (with no 3rd party programs to help). Yes it's a jackass thing to do but hey guess what, fuck everybody...
  13. D

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Spot on. Pretty much exactly what I came away with too.
  14. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Yeah because people have to like me for their characters to show up on screen. Or maybe it's just the simple fact that my server is deserted. Nah fuckit lets go with yours, the more logical explanation.
  15. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I logged in yesterday after not having played for over a month and the game feels SOOOOOOO empty. I saw 2 people in 1 hour of play.
  16. D


    What's worse is this quest hub model kills off social aspects of the game. You're not on the exact same quests I'm on? Well then, cya! I often times start these games with friends and we play together doing the same exact quests together, only to be on totally different quests after a few...
  17. D


    It's been so long since I've played a game that isn't quest hub collect x of y ten thousand times to max level that I don't even really remember what the alternative feels like. Just go out and explore the world and find places to kill things and meet new people in the process sounds fun again...
  18. D


    Does this game suffer from quest hub collect x of y quests like all other mmo's these days?
  19. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Can anyone PM me a guest pass for a buddy of mine? He's borderline interested and just needs that little push.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I started out and accidentally went to a different area than where my buddies went (I went to Crimson Isle they went to Levian Isle). Is there any way for me to re-join them?
  21. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    This has to be one of the smoother launches in MMO history? I got my game yesterday, installed, patched, played after work into the night. Only lagged a little for about 2 minutes around 9:30pm EST. That's pretty dang good in my book (although I'm not on a high pop server). Has anyone else...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Guest pass would be awesome for me as well.
  23. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I'm actually pretty shocked anyone is still doing this in their games. It is the worst for sure.
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I'm glad I've gotten good at not just caving in and buying these flops as time fillers. The last mistake for me was SWTOR. I trust these forums and the people here only after a game has been live for a few months. That's the best time to come back and check here and get a pretty good...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    That article describes exactly the way I feel lately as well. So much so that I've barely even bothered to put any effort into the Beta for both of these games and will not purchase them. Something is just missing...maybe I'm getting bored of games as I grow older. Not sure yet, but there's...
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

  27. D

    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    Damn the atmosphere/ambience/lighting in this game makes me really excited. With good night/day cycles and a good weather system, the immersion will be really sweet. I really hope they implement a good dynamic weather system, I feel like most MMO's skimp on all these things that are so...
  28. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I wasn't referring to the UI. Disregard those markings, they're from someone else. That was just a random picture I searched up in a few seconds to show that the game looks very similar to WoW.
  29. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Nothing like wow you say? I STRONGLY disagree.In fact I almost thought it was WoW at first glance. Anyway, it wasn't the main point of my post.
  30. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Is this sandbox or themepark? Should I be expecting thousands of boring small quest hub treadmill quests? Is gear interesting or just + more stats? Most important, do you solo grind through all quests or is there an empasis on social interaction and grouping with people?
  31. D

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    This game just reeks of a crappy WoW-clone, even down to the art style. Why would anyone leave WoW to come play a crappier version of the game with slightly better graphics?
  32. D

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Sadly, the state of mmo's is so bad today that I actually would have liked to see this KS succeed and give Brad a chance. I'm soooo over all the theme park quest hub collect 10 bear ass mmo's. MMO's are in a terrible state right now. I can't even say I enjoy the genre anymore At least...
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    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    Hey guys, is there a trick to getting into the beta? I really want to be a part of this. Even considering purchasing the founders pack which I've never considered before.
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I haven't done any crafting yet so correct me if I'm wrong, but... It sounds like they've made it difficult to craft everything you need for yourself. I would think thats essential to a good crafting system isn't it? Having to rely on other peoples craft skill for certain things is the...
  35. D

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Well, I'll be honest, I was pretty angry earlier but I can forgive them. I'm just happy we have a decent game worth looking forward to after all the launch issues get worked out. No I'm not refunding my game (l0l).
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Are they this incompetent? Instead of fixing everyones accounts manually why the fuck would they just not add a button that lets you unregister your code from your 2nd Service account in the accounts section? Seriously could have been done with hours ago for EVERYBODY. And while they're at...
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Has anyone had any success with the live chat support? I'm currently 317 in queue...ugh.
  38. D

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    So I blindly logged in today and made the same mistake many others did and registered a code on a 2nd Service Account? How fucking dumb is it for that to be the DEFAULT option...
  39. D

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Do they FATES ever not suck? I'm only 15 and so far they have been huge faceroll clusterfucks. I think I enjoy them the least so far out of everything. I'm only 15 though, so hoping they get more interesting than what they currently are. There's nothing fun about them at all to me.
  40. D

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I have noticed that I stopped getting bombarded with quests everywhere. Now I generally have anywhere from 1-4 quests in my Journal at any given time and 1 of those is the main story line quest. I think that's pretty awesome.