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    Unity Development

    If you are wanting to build a 2D game check out Futile. It's still in development, but several people I know are taking advantage of it (NimbleBit is using it for their next project, NimbleQuest). Note: This is for those who like doing things primarily in...
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    Post Your Pet

    Screen Shot 2013-02-01 at 8.10.53 AM.jpg Screen Shot 2013-02-01 at 8.14.07 AM.jpg
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    EQ Never
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    New Years Resolutions 2013

    Read more (trying to knock out 4 books), gym 5x/week, run first 10k in june, no soda, network w/ more artists.
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    Netflix or Amazon Prime?

    I've had Amazon purely for shipping, but now we're digging into the movie/tv selection since I dropped off of cable and replaced it with a Roku. Interface isn't too bad on Roku. Their auto-suggestion when searching is pretty fast, which makes that more bearable. Wasn't a huge fan of Netflix...
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    No chance to use it (yet! I have thought about it), but I do know a couple of people who have used it. They seemed to like it. Before airbnb I usedcouchsurfing.orgwhen I traveled out to San Francisco for the first time. That experience sucked. The last tenet locked her key in the place when...
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    Avatar Football - XBOX Live Indie

    Yeah. Just found out what happened with FoH yesterday... bleh! At least I found this place. Anyway, the project looks pretty slick and I picked up a copy. Best of luck with the release and the next project you guys decide to crank out.