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  1. H


    Was one of my fav of 2012, now if only argo was out on dvd.
  2. H

    JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars movie

    So does this mean clover field 2 is shelved indef, prob only one that enjoyed it lol.
  3. H

    The F*** Cancer Thread

    Step son's grand mother fought breast cancer for several years and thought she had finally beaten it. Cancer came back and spread to her spine and finally to her brain this past fall. We laid her rest little less than a week ago, felt so bad for him... absolutely wrecked his world, he's 8...
  4. H

    Lurkers (reloaded)

    Lurker since 09. Who would have known a mangina would cause 2 moves in less than a week. Keep up the good work gents!
  5. H

    Parent Thread

    I have a happy, healthy 9 month old boy. Really am fortunate after hearing some of the horror stories my wife has told me about colic babies.