Search results

  1. I

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    A trick to stay logged in would be nice. Kept me logged in Thursday, i'm thinking it was from the phased quest state I was in. stayed logged in for 8+hrs while at work. this queue is unreal.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Looking for some people to play with on a different server. Tried khaz modan but I never see you guys on so i'm going to try Illidan H unless anyone has a guild that needs a war or healer type.
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    Fondest Memory of MMOs

    Competing with alliance guilds for Kazzak and Doomwalker at the beginning of TBC. The drama that ensued was great, GMs banning our MT and all kinds of shennanigans. Even though it could never be on par with what EQ was back in the day, I never got to experience that and I feel that was the...
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    EQ Never

    Help us EQnext, you're our only hope.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Feral is OP, mages and rogues are in... sounds like TBC. Arms warrior sounds tempting. I'm holding off on buying WoD preorder because I dont want to waste the lvl 90 boost and regret it. Leveling is horrible, i've gotten a warlock to level 9 over the course of 4 days. Maybe this game isnt for...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Haven't played since cata and lost my old account. What should I roll for OP raiding?
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    EQ Never

    This seems like the only game that would get me back into an MMO since WoW. I wish there was more info though, or really just gameplay videos.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Great advice. I spent all my sta for today, and used 10 or so ogres to level my red.dragon to evolve. I'll be all set by Friday to try that strat, so next wed I can.evolve dryad (waste of time? I like her) Is the black dragon worth keeping around, or do you suggest a mono.colored red team...
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Kicked out with Raphael stuck again because.of team points im equip a few monsters. Raphael Black dragon Volcano dragon And either dryad or brachys. Should.I just farm with these guys till Ireach the level requirements? Wednesday dungeon kicks my ass and I really...
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Anyone have a link to watch microwaves presentation on mobile? Missed it earlier
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Rolled arch angel Raphael. Nice start to the day. And apparently can't equip him. His leader skill is kind of underwhelming. Oh well.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    By reroll you mean delete the game right now and start over? What.time does this God thing end? I have to work the next 12 hours so if it requires a few hours of play before 12est, not.possible. Brachys is that.bad?
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Starting to get back into this again. Im on trial of giants with brachys as my leader. Im planning on evolving my dryad first but not sure if it's going to be worth it over straight Dps upgrades. Im currently using brachys, dryad, black dragon, red dragon, red fighter with the armor debuff...
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    EQ Never

    Blitzball was ffx. Count me in for thinking a reskinned eq would be underwhelming in a lot of ways. I spent enough time in the 1 to 50 zones, just the thought of being in old freeport and tgen ec sounds boring.
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    EQ2 didnt hurt the franchise in anyones eyes that played the original, im sure theres a better example but you get the Point - the ip isnt in jeoperady. Whoever commented on fallout vegas being 'farmed out', was vegas not superior in every way? Not sure if that was an insult or not. Going...
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    Android/iOS/Browser games

    Im really bad at this game, im stuck on the last vulcan fire dragon stage and im not sure how to balance heals with enough firepower. It probably dosent help that my main is green. Any advice?
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    I went with the Samsung galaxy s2, and I'm pretty happy so far. Can anyone suggest some good apps? I'm using buzz for a theme but feel pretty out of the loop. Last Android I had was a first gen Motorola droid.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Tempted to come back to WoW, but what is the point. Just got another account banned recently so that means another 70ish dollars to blizzard just to grind and get bored. Need new game badly, I think i really need that feeling of escapism / being part of a group of coordinated players, something...
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    Should you tip the waitress and how much thread

    I went out to dinner with my sister and brother-in-law around christmas time. We went to Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse and got some sammiches. He ended up tipping the waitress 7 dollars on a 25ish bill. My sister was passive aggresive the rest of the night because she thought he over-tipped because...
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    Android/iOS/Browser games

    Any recommendations for some good RPGs\adventure games for iOS 4?
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    Well, now what?

    I think the whole "we're just jaded" is a cop out for all the failure mmos out there. Early eq and wow just had a level of difficulty, polish, engaging gameplay and atmosphere that no one has been able to recreate.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Anyone have the link listing all future zones/expansions? While I agree pandas don't really have much lore backstory, it's acceptable. I can't wait to come back to this game, two banned accounts later. It's the most addictive craving I've ever felt. Might be the 'prime' age i got into it, or...
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    Chronic Pain

    I'm having trouble finding A good primary care doctor. Going to a rehab on the 3rd. They will prescribe suboxone no questions asked. While not the best for pain, it's my only option right now. Hopefully this won't count against me when I look for a doctor to prescribe MS Contin or OxyContin...
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    Chronic Pain

    I've had JRA and TMJ since I was about 3 years old. It sucks. Have to get a hip replacement at a pretty young age, and yet they still prescribe me nothing. I saw an ENT surgeon for the TMJ years ago, had to have surgery to scrape away scarred tissue in my jaw to allow enough opening to get...
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    "Good" games, that you hate.

    Fallout 3 - After playing NV first on PC, I couldn't believe how empty and bland FO3 was in comparrison. Assassins Creed Borderlands Halo GW2