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  1. M


    Not at all. It is a 2 mana investment that can net 3 creatures. This has potential for many uses and if someone has to attack it and damage their own minion then whirlwind (damaging own minion again) they waste 2 cards for 1. If they kill it, then you have 2 more creatures for a mass buff deck...
  2. M

    The Video Thread

  3. M

    Path of Exile

    POE trading
  4. M

    Path of Exile

    I'm not the best player in the world or anything, but I made a small game play video on my spec. I am level 80 on domination. My spec is based around being average tank with average offense, but large lifesteal. Also a key point is that it doesn't use mana and it can't miss (so you dont have to...
  5. M

    The Video Thread

    Here is the second round of the match I posted previously if anyone liked it.
  6. M

    The Video Thread

    My first youtube video. Semi-funny gameplay of Prop Hunt.
  7. M

    The Video Thread

  8. M

    Path of Exile

    I played this is beta and got to around level 70ish with an random skilled Ranger bow class type char that basically raped everything in the game. It was really fun and I appreciated the game but got bored really fast. Anyway, I am thinking about playing since the new patch/class stuff but I...
  9. M

    The Video Thread

  10. M

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I have the weirdest boner right now...
  11. M

    League Of Legends

    Be patient, are you familiar with any other MOBA style games? If not be prepared to play a few hundred games before anyone really takes you serious. It is a fun and addicting game/style of game. Keep up with your runes and talents, play bot games until you are comfortable but don't rely on...
  12. M

    The Video Thread

    I couldn't even sit through that, what the fuck?
  13. M

    League Of Legends

    I just don't see this being your game then. It is highly competitive, it takes months/years to develop the skills to play properly and it is annoying when someone is high or drunk on my team and they play like shit. Not that I am ragging on being drunk and playing a game, but like the previous...
  14. M

    The Video Thread

    Silly video from me and a friend.
  15. M

    League Of Legends

    I used this when it first came out, people mocked me. I used it to farm with champs like Olaf, throw the ax, burn creep wave to death. It was pretty beast back then but I havent used the newer versions, mostly because I haven't jungled as much lately.
  16. M

    The Video Thread

  17. M

    what are some of the worst games you've ever played?

    most disappointing: worst game:
  18. M

    League Of Legends

    I think Dota2 has its redeeming qualities, most specifically, I enjoy the very obvious Role separation. Only recently has LoL morphed into a game that was close to that with the buffing of support and tanks. I still find LoL a more enjoyable game to play (though I dont play competitively) but...
  19. M

    League Of Legends

    Preseason FAQ
  20. M

    League Of Legends

    I've done a few Olaf games now, I find him really really strong jungle. I've found out that he's so strong jungle actually that you can start with minimal items, like 2 health pots and still clear the jungle. I cleared jungle in like 5mins or something with just a doran's blade, never went...
  21. M

    League Of Legends

    The thing with Guinsoos Rageblade is that each one adds 1 level of the stack (they still cap at 8 total) so 4 of them would make 4 stacks per attack/spell, would still only cap at 8. So I cant see a good reason to use more than maybe 2 of them.