League Of Legends


Bronze Knight of the Realm



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
lolking's match history always seems pretty far behind.
Actually I forgot it was patch day. Patches break lolking for a bit until they fix it. Aside from the fact its patch day, lolking stays up-to-date, it grabs a player's data whenever you load the person's profile, but it limits grabbing a player's data to once every ~30mins. So if you finished a game and wanted to review the stats for it right away on lolking, you would only see that game as long as you (or someone else) didn't load your lolking profile in the last ~30mins.


Vyemm Raider
Thanks guys!

Lumie's game history makes no sense... congrats on Diamond V though!
Ya it just didn't update the last game yet but its there now. The final game that got me the series after all those losses was vs two high tier diamond players so I went from like 72 points all the way to a promo.

Challenger here I come~!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
His match history shows him jungling Elise & Eve with about a 2.5 KDA ratio for the majority of his games.


Vyemm Raider
Well, I play quite a bit and that's honestly the biggest factor since a lot of the learning curve is simply trial and error. I really recommend sticking to a very small champ pool and truly mastering those champs. Try your hardest not to rage or get discouraged when other people start raging. So many games are lost because people make a bad play and everyone starts typing and raging at each other which just leads to a cascade of bad play. Keeping your composure when things go sour is key because I can't tell you how many games I've won that I shouldn't have merely because our team remains cool and the other team gets cocky.


Trakanon Raider
Indeed. Someone linked the DST (dick sucking theory) video before, and it's hilarious but so true. I tried it out in some games, and it's worked 4 times so far. Had one game where my client bugged out with 5 seconds left during champ select and I hadn't picked up smite yet on malphite jungle.. I thought the client had crashed, but when i tried to close it and open new one, it said I disconnected during loading and reconnected me almost immediately.

Anyway, knowing I was a little fucked as a malph jungle without smite, I started being like 'meh, I've done smiteless jungle before, better in team fights and they probably suck too much to try any real invades.' and 'I bet you guys end up owning in them in lane and it won't even matter, lol' followed by a first blood 10 seconds after that comment and me going 'see? told ya!'

I guess I got a little obvious, cause the draven on our team even said something to me to show he'd seen the video 'dst, lol!'. But, it worked. In that same game, our top lane kayle was actually afk for an emergency first few minutes and started out 3 lvls and 20-25 cs behind. I go up and try to gank so he can catch up, end up going 1 for 1 and killing his lane opponent. It was really funny, cause the rumble was doing a lot of damage to me and probably expected me to back off, but I got him down to 10% when I died and kayle finished him off even being lvl 1. He immediately jumps up to lvl 3, and hits 4 (rumble's lvl) while rumble was dead and he free farmed. He ends up outfarming that opponent by the 20 min mark and I make a comment he's doing really good for having started out behind, etc.. and we end up crushing the game.

This game is just the most obvious example. I mean, the jungler, me, doesn't pick smite accidentally, our top lane kayle is afk and behind 3 lvls to start the game, and our mid is a Karma (I know she's fine as an AP mid now, but a lot of people still think she sucks or only support). All those things might make someone get frustrated and rage early on, but I preempted any of that with some jokes and compliments. The team helped me get wolves and blue even without smite, our AD and AP both got a kill before Kayle even came back from AFK, and then kayle played amazing when I helped them catch up the deficit right away by trading 1 for 1 with the enemy rumble.


Trakanon Raider
It's been a few days, but gonna spoiler it anyways. Wanted to mention the LCS playoff finals.

GGU had an impressive run at the end there, hope this is a sign that they are up and coming rather then a lucky streak. In a way, glad to see Vulcan and GGU do so well at the end of the season, maybe CLG/Curse/Dig will see this as a wakeup call and stop being so complacent.

Been watching a few VoDs from the Garena Premier league, and TPA (Taipei Assassins) are just so dominating it's unbelievable. They are 27-1 for the season, against a few teams that would likely sweep most of the NA and Euro teams. There's a reason they won S2 finals, and barring some kind of big change, I'd bet my money there isn't a team that would beat them in a best of 5 series right now.
The last match I watched, 3 of them went spirit of the elder lizard. The item is good even for AD based laners already, 45ad, 14hp/5, 7mana/5 and 10cdr for 2500g is not really that expensive, add in the DoT passive and it's pretty efficient for sustained laning/harass. At lvl 10, it's adding about 24/25 true damage to your attacks/abilities. On someone that can hit an enemy every 3-5 seconds with an ability or auto attack, that adds up in a hurry. If the item just added a flat 70AD, it'd probably get more notice, but the passive is actually better then that. Additionally, the extra monster damage lets them sneak dragons in the blink of an eye. It's pretty crazy seeing them do things that show how far ahead of other teams they really are at this game. In another month when other countries really pick up on how powerful the item is, it'll get nerfed, but they'll ride that power for a few weeks anyway and find some other innovation afterwards, most likely.


Just started like two weeks ago and have been enjoying it a lot. I have been curious though, are there certain champions that are just "bad" or some that are just "superior" or is it mostly just play style?


Golden Knight of the Realm
There's no overpowered champs. There are a few that are strong and very easy to play that even people with low skill can be alright at. Doesn't make them outright superior. There's also a few that can snowball and can stomp new players easily in low level games but doesn't make them superior overall once the enemy knows how to shut them down.

For bad champions there are a few that aren't very good and don't see much play but Riot actively works at buffing or redesigning them. Sejuani and Trundle both redesigned today, Karma redesigned about a month ago, etc. Poppy's probably up there with my worst in the game champ. Even with the "bad" champs they aren't too horrible but just aren't as good as the others to the point of no reason to play them unless just screwing around. Since skill is never truly even they can be viable if you outskill the enemy team but you would do even better on someone else.


Just started like two weeks ago and have been enjoying it a lot. I have been curious though, are there certain champions that are just "bad" or some that are just "superior" or is it mostly just play style?
Lolking.net does a good break down of champions by win rate and ban rate, so you can get an idea of how well the general public does with a champion as well as how strong the general public perceives a champion to be. This table also tells you the most popular places these champions are played in the current meta. What I'm not sure of is if this is ranked-only data, or if it spans all levels and game modes.

This is a capture of the lowest win rate champions (look at the next picture for column labels). You can see it drops off pretty badly at the bottom, and I think I'd agree those champions are pretty terrible right now for whatever reason (ok... no idea why shen's win rate is so low. You can see that the general public perceives Shen to be very strong given his 45% ban rate, and I'd tend to agree with that).


These are the champions with the highest win rate. Again, I don't think this is any sort of coincidence, those champions do really well and it is reflected in the win rate as well as the ban rate for a lot of them.


I hope that helps.




Golden Knight of the Realm
annie is a great champ for newbie's if u want to mid. I would generally avoid champs that require lots of skill shots (blitz, anivia, cassiopeia) until you get a better feel for the game, the exception being nidalee because she is a good champ to practice skillshots with and has a heal + nice escape.


I tend to play healers in most games, so I have picked up Soraka, who I do well with, Taric, who I don't do so well with, and Shyvana, who I do Ok with.

I'm still just battling AI in lanes to figure things out. I figure "jungler" roams the jungles and takes targets of opportunity but haven't figured out what a "carry" is yet. So the more intermediate stuff seems a bit beyond me.

I just find as melee I die a lot, which I understand is bad.

I'm looking to try Janna this week as a support, and one day would like to check out Sona as well. As I said, I tend to play support type roles in games, so I like sticking to that. Though my fair success in killing people as Shyvana gave me some optimism.


Trakanon Raider
srsly? Nidalee is one of the highest skill cap champions. She has multiple forms and each ability is vastly different in each form. Her dash in cougar form is very odd and easy to mess up at first, and you HAVE to hit with some of her spears for optimal play/damage. You won't kill anyone if you can't hit with a spear occasionally, and she's a lackluster support or bruiser.
I'd recommend someone like ezreal if you want to practice skillshots, since his Q is on such a low cooldown and he has an escape.

Really, 'skillshots' aren't that difficult inherently, but champs that have longer cooldown ones punish you much worse for missing them, such as Blitzcrank/anivia. Or, ones that are harder to hit/act differently then other champion's skillshots (such as karthus/cassiopeia).

Then again, some champions kits just 'feel' easy for some people. I started playing anivia very early on, even though I'd been told she was extremely hard to play, and did very well with her immediately. But, I still suck complete balls with some champs that aren't quite as 'hard', such as karthus and orianna. Landing an Anivia Q is easier for me then Karthus Q's, dunno why.

The best advice is to keep trying different champions when they are free each week. If you have the time, play each one at least twice each week while you level up, especially the expensive or new champs, as they don't come up in rotation as often. If you don't have the time, play each one at least once, but often the first time you are figuring them out and start off shitty in the early game. Then, when you get how everything works, you are behind and don't 'like' the champion.

You'll naturally develop some favorites, and by the time you hit lvl 30 you'll have a rough idea of what every champ does. Knowing how a champ plays is the best way to beat them when you start mastering your favorite champs. I couldn't lane against Zed for shit until I played him the other week and got a better feel for his cooldowns/range/etc.. for example.

I tend to play healers in most games....
As I said, I tend to play support type roles in games, so I like sticking to that. Though my fair success in killing people as Shyvana gave me some optimism.
I play support a lot myself, but you really do want to try out all the roles/lanes before you 'settle' on a role. Even just knowing what your teammates are trying to do, especially your AD lane partner, will make you a better support in the long run. Basically, don't focus on being a support already, even if that's what you eventually end up doing.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Switch to smartcasting early and get used to it imo. It'll be better for you in the long run, even if it's tough starting out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What's amazing about the Spirit of the Elder Lizard is that it's basically been nerfed nearly every patch since it came out.


What's amazing about the Spirit of the Elder Lizard is that it's basically been nerfed nearly every patch since it came out.
I used this when it first came out, people mocked me. I used it to farm with champs like Olaf, throw the ax, burn creep wave to death. It was pretty beast back then but I havent used the newer versions, mostly because I haven't jungled as much lately.