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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    BR's for whatever reason bring out the degenerates of degenerates.
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    Honestly his video is mildly opinionated. The game isn't half bad. The building is actually decent and outside of the (in my opinion) only slightly janky combat. It's worth the 25 bucks.
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    Wayfinder -- new Free To Play MMO

    And honestly theres nothing wrong with C tier. Give me something I can kill time and progress in without being complete dog shit. I'll take it!
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    Call of Duty Modern Warfare II 2022

    Why not? I was right in the middle of it, got to the part where I had to truck through some folks and my car died and I had to get out to get a new one. Instead I hit space bar some how my dude jumped out and I ran myself over then my game crashed. I sat it down for the night. I'll try again...
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    Diablo Immortal

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    Valheim - Viking Survival Game (Early Access)

    Looking for some dudes to play with. Just started!
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I logged on to raid tonight and realized that I was bored as fuck and had no more desire to play this expansion any longer.
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    Final Fantasy XI

    Because that's the meta now. Getting to 99 is pretty easy but there is soooooo much to do now going into end game with missions/RoZ your time will be consumed doing that shit rather leveling. I'm on Asura if you are looking to play again.
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    No Man's Sky

    anyone on PC want to start a new game together?
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    Dota Underlords

    Druid is the go to right now. Tree tank is almost unbeatable in any situation.
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    Dota Underlords

    I haven't been playing long. But I've run the lineup a few times and that has been MY experience with it. I won with it once. Are you saying its not good?
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    Dota Underlords

    It is negated with the demon hunter buff from antimage and terrorblade. Add the strange bedfellows global item and you have pure damage all over the place. The problem is that you can need at least 4 demons for it to be good. Otherwise you get shit on by tanky line ups.
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    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Ehhhh, just play retail if you want dungeon finder? Maybe I'm being silly about it but why? Thought we were going back to vanilla.
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    No Man's Sky

    You can have whatever upgrades you want... You can only have so much tech at one time... whatever fits your play style
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    No Man's Sky

    The "Tech" slots are designed to help save space in your main inventory. The stats do stack but I'm honestly not sure how accurate it all really is. Here is another link that could explain how it all works. Upgrade Module
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    No Man's Sky

    Nothing more than more planets. The center of the galaxy is access to the next galaxy. REMEMBER!: ONCE YOU LEAVE YOUR GALAXY YOU CAN !!!NOT!!! RETURN. So make sure you sort your base out and such before you head to another galaxy. There are 4 confirmed types of galaxies. Imperfect galaxies...
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    No Man's Sky

    When you do the Atlas quest line you will get these craftable balls. That is what you're missing right there. You will need ALL of them to get Heart of the Sun. Which is the last craftable ball which will lead you to getting a seed. You get one seed per galaxy afaik.
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    No Man's Sky

    Thats sad to hear. The game is really fun and it's honestly the first "single player" game I've thoroughly enjoyed and I've already sunk so many hours into it. Don't get discouraged man. If you play survival mode on PC lets get together and play. Steam Community :: Farmesan Cheese
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    No Man's Sky

    r/NoMansSkyTheGame - [COLLECTIVE GUIDE] The Atlas Rises era, a collection of guides and information for new players Answers a lot of those questions.