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  1. S

    Google reader to retire July 1st 2013

    Yea Feels real bad man I imagine I will just stop reading most of the blogs etc. The truth of it is that I don't care enough about most of them to do more than tap my screen or press the j key on my keyboard. I'm certainly not going to be surfing websites like it's 2005 again.
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    February Book of the Month: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

    You're not alone. I hated this book. It was so unbelievably boring to me. I couldn't find any interest in the countless god stories. I guess I'm just not into that. They seemed pretty much inconsequential to the story and since I wasn't finding them inherently interesting I found myself...
  3. S

    How many books can you read at a time and the ereader/tablet curse

    I'm usually reading three or maybe four books at a time. One personal book that I can always look forward to reading. One or two books recommended by others or from book groups etc. One audio book (usually I bounce back and forth between audio and text). At least one of these has to be an...
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    What book did you just buy?

    I read The Brothers Karamazov for the first time a month or two ago. Easily one of my favorite books now. I read the Pevear and Volohonsky translation and it was a really easy read (once I got used to the names/characters). So if anyone is put off by the idea of reading a 100+ year old...
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    February Book of the Month: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

    I have a few books to read ahead of this one but I'll certainly have it done before the 22nd. It looks really interesting from the reviews I've seen.
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    January Book of the Month: Old Man's War by John Scalzi

    I probably wouldn't participate more than once a month if it was that frequent. It's just not practical to have so much of my reading chosen by other people. Like this month's book was kind of a chore, for example, so if I was reading something similar every week it just wouldn't be worth...
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    January Book of the Month: Old Man's War by John Scalzi

    It was an okay read but in the end I was mostly just bored. I felt like nothing happened. The parts that were interesting weren't really explored that well and even when he went into detail it just felt so dry. A lot of the time I felt like he cut short the suspense with the way he writes...
  8. S

    What book did you just buy?

    How is Kafka on the Shore? I've only read 1Q84 of Murakami's which, at best, I'd say I have mixed feelings about. Everyone says Kafka on the Shore is excellent so I'm wondering if I should give that a shot.
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    Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

    Pretty much exactly how I felt coming out of the theater. That final scene where she cries a lonely tear on an empty plane fell so fucking flat with me. The actress was boring. The character was severely underdeveloped. I was mostly entertained so I don't really regret seeing it but I...
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    The progressive rock thread

    I saw the new Steven Wilson album is up on I can't download it until later today but I figured I'd post a headsup for those interested.
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    January Book of the Month: Old Man's War by John Scalzi

    I'm not really all that into sci-fi but I plan to give this a shot. Sounds fun! ty for the ebook download btw
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    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    The Bethesda pack would be awesome if you somehow didn't own all those games already.
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    Spin-off series? I'd watch.
  14. S


    I think those two things we're the best parts of season 2. Carrie letting Brody go makes sense to me. Her doing anything else doesn't really make sense. This is the woman who went to insane lengths to illegally spy on Brody (putting her entire career and more at risk) because she /knew/...
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    What are you listening to at the moment?

    New Toro Y Moi leaked. Made my morning! edit: guess you can't embed soundcloud
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    Must Have Software

    Yea I use Calibre almost every day. I don't think I've ever had it crash or had any significant problems. I don't do much with Photos but I usually recommend Picassa to my family when they ask. Seems to work well enough for them.
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    Yea I can't say that I have any freezes like that on mine.
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    Nintendo Entertainment System

    I think the NES version of Tetris is still the best version out there. I hate how in every newer version you can juggle blocks for an infinite amount of time, save blocks for later and all that crap. In the NES one blocks fall and you gotta deal with them without any of that bullshit...
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    Coffee thread

    That better come with an amazing lifetime warranty.
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    Ars editors pick the most overrated games

    Twilight Princess seems really out of place there. I loved that game =/ Could use a link to the article btw.
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    Must Have Software Let's you edit, convert, and sync ebooks with a tablet or reader.
  22. S

    Coffee thread

    Haha that's my feelings too. Even when they are strong in flavor they taste a little weak somehow. There's something different about a cup of fresh coffee out of a full pot. Could be completely in my head.