

SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm assuming she'll be back because she seems like the perfect quasi-villain for next season. Mainly, though, it's the fact that she left that plant at Dexter's door. Since Dexter hasn't found it yet that seems like the perfect bridge to connect the two seasons and it gives the writers a way to reintroduce Hannah for people who might not have watched season 7.

Plus a lot of it is probably wishful thinking on my part. I think Hannah was a great character who added some fantastic tension to the show and I'd love to see her return.


Still a Music Elitist
I'm assuming she'll be back because she seems like the perfect quasi-villain for next season. Mainly, though, it's the fact that she left that plant at Dexter's door. Since Dexter hasn't found it yet that seems like the perfect bridge to connect the two seasons and it gives the writers a way to reintroduce Hannah for people who might not have watched season 7.

Plus a lot of it is probably wishful thinking on my part. I think Hannah was a great character who added some fantastic tension to the show and I'd love to see her return.
Unfortunately, the writers forget everything they write so it's entirely possible for that whole scene to never have any meaning.


Molten Core Raider
Series finale is every main character from metro dying including Dexter. The last scene of the entire series is Hannah doing the Dexter opening credits. Complete with pulling a white shirt over her naked hard breasts and nipples.

Hannah will kill them all with poison doughnuts brought to the office by Dexter.


Series finale is every main character from metro dying including Dexter. The last scene of the entire series is Hannah doing the Dexter opening credits. Complete with pulling a white shirt over her naked hard breasts and nipples.

Hannah will kill them all with poison doughnuts brought to the office by Dexter.
Spin-off series?

I'd watch.


Just found out Miranda from Mass Effect is voiced by Yvonne and they even modeled her facial movements after her.

I'll finally be able to say I masturbated to a video game

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Just watched the finale.


Seriously though, they really do put some corny ass plot devices in Dexter episodes. I mean, fuck. The whole GPS thing was just dumb as shit, the no backup, the list goes on. I still liked this season better than the last by far.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Didn't read thread because I haven't seen this season yet and dont want to spoil it, but does anyone know when Season 7 can be downloaded? Am I going to have to wait till Season 8 starts?

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Didn't read thread because I haven't seen this season yet and dont want to spoil it, but does anyone know when Season 7 can be downloaded? Am I going to have to wait till Season 8 starts?
What do you mean downloaded? As in pirating them? TV shows are released onto USENET and BT literally like minutes after the episode is over.


<Gold Donor>
Just watched the last three episodes, crappy ending, would've been better if Deb had faked the whole poisoning thing to get Dexter to kill Hannah if they wanted to take Deb onto the evil side.

Next Season: Batista is the new Doakes/Laguerta, featuring Laguerta walking around with Batista, like Harry to Dexter, and she always calls him Anhel.


Still a Music Elitist
The only good thing about the finale for me was the Doakes flashbacks. God I love that guy.
I agree. Bringing him back made me remember how great of a character he was. The show was so much better then.


Musty Nester
I liked watching Deb go black, kinda got me hard namean. But yeah, that was kinda bad. The season in general just felt really loose. Maybe it was the lack of consistent arch-villian for Dexter to play vigilante hero off of or I dunno. But even if they were cheesy at times every other season has had a pretty obvious thrust to it. This one was just kinda, "Dexter continues to kill people and deb does not approve. Oh, and dexter gets his pole waxed by a cute feme fatal".

Would have been MUCH more interesting to see this entire season with deb as the character we follow. Seems like that was the thrust of the season, and the actress could pull it off. Too risky for a show named "Dexter" I guess.


Buzzfeed Editor
I actually watched this season of Dexter. It wasn't as terrible as I expected it to be.

I really liked how Deb was (eventually) a half decent cop and figured out for herself that Dexter was full of shit and he was a serial killer. I skipped the previous season, so I had no idea what was going on with the video game guy and the nanny who apparently works 24/7 and lives in a hidden room in Dexter's apartment, but whatever. I liked Hannah and liked Dexter finally breaking from his dumbass code. I liked LaGuerta dying and loved that I never have to hear ANHEL again. And Ray Stevenson is great, even if the writing on his character wasn't all that great, as an actor he was really good.

I didn't like basically any of the more technical aspects of the show. So a half dose of that shit Dexter uses knocks out LaGuerta for 10 minutes or so, but a full dose knocks out Mexican_Cartel_Guy_0032 all day? Dexter's entire plan hinged on LaGuerta being too incompetent to live and show up at the docks alone without telling anyone where she was going or why. And the only reason she didn't catch him in the first place was when she laid her trap she had no air support, no boats, nothing. Just a few cops bumbling through the dark. Christ.

I have to believe that if there was evidence that a police captain ever actively framed a lab tech working for the department, that bitch would be resigning by the end of the day. At the bare minimum, she should have been suspended while the Commissioner investigated.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
One, no way Hannah's coming back. She's a fugitive now, she's not gonna show up and hang out with the old gang again. Or at least, she better not. Who the fuck knows with these writers. Also, no special guest has ever done more than a season, so I'm going with no.

I also like that Deb shoots LaGuerta, and then hugs her right in her presumably heavily bleeding chest wound and then wears the same dress to new years celebration 20 minutes later.

Looks like kind of an homage to the book. LaGuerta died in a similar way. Not the exact same obviously, as Deb was kinda incapacitated at the time, but the circumstances end up being pretty much the same.

All in all, terrible. I had a hunch it was gonna go to shit once Isaak died, which is why i haven't watched for the last 3 weeks. I figured I'd just get all pissed at once and get over it.