Search results

  1. W

    Legacy of FrostStone - A Velious Server

    LOL ... Thanks for the bump, Axeman. Since you are still misrepresenting this server, I am happy to chime in to clarify for others who might be interested in checking it out. Currently, we have about 20 active players who log in and play on a daily basis. Population is typically in the...
  2. W

    Legacy of FrostStone - A Velious Server

    I'd argue a bigger impediment to creativity is someone like you who feel compelled to criticize someone who didn't create the server you wanted. Again, like others have pointed out, you have options - target one of the other servers out there or create your own.
  3. W

    Legacy of FrostStone - A Velious Server

    Who said it is trying to be a clone of p99? Who said it isn't a success? He built a solid server with zero downtime and few bugs (which get fixed within a couple hours of being reported) for himself and his friends to enjoy. Many of those who roll toons here come from p99 and were tired of...
  4. W

    Legacy of FrostStone - A Velious Server

    If you aren't interested in playing on this server, then stop wasting your time tracking the player population and choose a server that is to your liking. Why do you care?
  5. W

    EQ Never

    After watching the panel discussions this weekend, it seems clear to me that the release date of this game is a long way off. This has me wondering about SOE's patience to fund its development for another 2+ years without any revenue (unless EQN: Landmark is part of the equation). I have a...
  6. W

    EQMac Now Free to Play

    Decided to roll a pair of toons on this server and am having a ball. Starting out is as hard as I remember it 12 years ago ... And I love it. Thank you for spreading the word about this server. Having more fun than any recent MMO in many years.