2024 Official Stonks Contest


Trakanon Raider
6125. Election year? Checkmate. Wish we could do a parlay bet and add in average mortgage rate,. I will go with 4.74 by October.


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<Nazi Janitors>
It is an election year that is assuredly going to create chaos and uncertainty.
Every instinct says "yes" which means things very well won't play out that way. It's just too obvious. Big things that are important to our nations future could be in play and the stock market may just yawn or maybe even rally on events that should be "LIMIT DOWN!" It often helps to ask, "Is this going to make big tech lose money?"

Shutting down the world economy seemed like that would be a negative, and for mom and pop it sure was, but for these companies to continue to extract more and more dollars from our economy is a sight to behold. Govt over spending means trillions that finds it way into the S&P 500 , and as crazy as next year could be is it likely that anything happens to reduce federal spending? Seems highly unlikely.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Fine I’ll make a serious guess. 4125