9/11 downtown protection images


Queen Bee
Tall gangly blond, is this trex trex ?


Fuck no. Fuck hipsters. Fuck people who screw up downtown. Fuck people who give Portland a bad name.

I wouldn't be caught dead at one of those "protests".

The thing that REALLY gets me about hipsters... So I worked at a Downtown Brewery for a few years and there were several hipsters that worked there as well. They would complain about hours, they worked the very minimum. Like 25-30 MAX. Lived in some crappy room in some crappy house with 5 other people (so paying like $300- $500/mo in rent). Had no car. Very few bills. Bought cheap ass clothes because that's whats "cool" and STILL complained about how hard it is to make money. They stopped going to school and spent their free time in bars, at their houses smoking pot or at raves taking drugs that turn your brain to mush. Talking about what they are "going to do" "someday". Like WTF? Stop complaining and start changing your life. It's ridiculous. OH AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT they would pay $8 for "juice" in the morning for breakfast. Dude, I'm not even poor and I shove a handful of cereal in my mouth for breakfast and call it good. Their lunch is some $8 chicken breast because they care so much that it is cage free blah blah blah. Cooking expensive quiona in a scratched teflon pan from goodwill. They claim they have to eat this stuff to not die of chemical whatever... Dude that pan will fucking kill you before some nonorganic milk will. Rant over.

TLDR. Fuck hipsters.
  • 1Worf
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God is dead
Fuck no. Fuck hipsters. Fuck people who screw up downtown. Fuck people who give Portland a bad name.

I wouldn't be caught dead at one of those "protests".

The thing that REALLY gets me about hipsters... So I worked at a Downtown Brewery for a few years and there were several hipsters that worked there as well. They would complain about hours, they worked the very minimum. Like 25-30 MAX. Lived in some crappy room in some crappy house with 5 other people (so paying like $300- $500/mo in rent). Had no car. Very few bills. Bought cheap ass clothes because that's whats "cool" and STILL complained about how hard it is to make money. They stopped going to school and spent their free time in bars, at their houses smoking pot or at raves taking drugs that turn your brain to mush. Talking about what they are "going to do" "someday". Like WTF? Stop complaining and start changing your life. It's ridiculous. OH AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT they would pay $8 for "juice" in the morning for breakfast. Dude, I'm not even poor and I shove a handful of cereal in my mouth for breakfast and call it good. Their lunch is some $8 chicken breast because they care so much that it is cage free blah blah blah. Cooking expensive quiona in a scratched teflon pan from goodwill. They claim they have to eat this stuff to not die of chemical whatever... Dude that pan will fucking kill you before some nonorganic milk will. Rant over.

TLDR. Fuck hipsters.

So yep. It's Trex.


Queen Bee
One of Tyens hipster friends slash one of my girlfriend's bf said he wouldn't come over again until we started recycling. k bye.
  • 1Rustled
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Potato del Grande
Then you went and married tyen tyen , lent "your" car to some other deadbeat, then popped out 2 kids. Way to show them trex trex !!!
  • 2Solidarity
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Queen Bee
I'm not "showing them" anything. I know who I am, what I want and my goals for my life. I love my husband and I love my kids. I'm the same person I've always been.
  • 1Nationalist
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Potato del Grande
Like recycling in Portland is hard. You probably have like 300 bums right outside your building, take down a bag of cans and throw them at the bums. Win/Win.
  • 2Worf
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Queen Bee
Like recycling in Portland is hard. You probably have like 300 bums right outside your building, take down a bag of cans and throw them at the bums. Win/Win.

We don't have bums in our neighbor hood, and all that would do is invite more and more and more bums to come take our shit.

We didn't lend the car, Req did
  • 1Picard
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Trakanon Raider
Like recycling in Portland is hard. You probably have like 300 bums right outside your building, take down a bag of cans and throw them at the bums. Win/Win.

Correct, I just leave all my cans on the side of the road in a bag and they are gone within minutes.

AFAIK, the protest was about the prison labor that McDonald uses or whatever but there was also a protest from Yallqueda at the same time downtown yesterday. Think that's why they actually had real riot police out in force and that's not hippies protesting, that's your standard anarchist/blackbloc dick bag who comes from a rich family but wants to rebel.


Shit Lord Supreme
Or maybe they're protesting the use of prison labor on an industrial scale, and that McDonalds buys products from there. Same reason you saw pics of protestors in the AT&T store: Prisoners working to replace call center employees.

IDGAF personally and I think these protestors are blowing it way out of proportion, but all you have to do is read the signs in some of those pics, LOL.

Totally against penal labor, its slavey.

Is being a prisoner a type of slavery?


Does it offer an obvious incentive?

Not really.

Does slave labor offer an obvious incentive?


The point of prisons is not profit.

So thats a fantastic thing to protest.

Why fuck it up and protest on the weekend of 9/11?
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God is dead
Totally against penal labor, its slavey.

Is being a prisoner a type of slavery?


Does it offer an obvious incentive?

Not really.

Does slave labor offer an obvious incentive?


The point of prisons is not profit.

So thats a fantastic thing to protest.

Why fuck it up and protest on the weekend of 9/11?



One of Tyens hipster friends slash one of my girlfriend's bf said he wouldn't come over again until we started recycling. k bye.
Did you explain that, with the exception of aluminum cans, recycling uses up more energy and generates more waste than just making new shit?
  • 1Picard
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Shit Lord Supreme
Them explain for profit prisons, xir.

I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying it's wrong that they do.

Actually I've been thinking about it, and I would like to totally reverse my opinion.

Prisions should absolutely have an economy, that follows most standard laws that employer's must follow.

Like minimum wage.

Now, the prison could charge rent for the prisoner to live in, not the equivalent of an apartment, but the valuation of a prison cell.

Then they could charge for their meals, and the basic necessities.

The left over goes to the prisoner in an account, not liquidity exchangeable (until the end of their sentence).

Now you have a legitimate micro-economy inside the prison, which simulates the outside world.

You've got a carrot to work with, a reason for the prisoner to abide to the system, but not just a reason, a reason that simulates reality for re-integration.

Shit, they can use their money to buy up cigs, if that's what they want.

They can rent a higher value cell, in a nicer safer cell block.

They can save for a sex change, and hormone treatments if they want.

They can buy rec room time.

A better mattress.

A curtain for privacy when they poo.

Or they can fuck up more, and get deprived the carrot, sent to the shitty -- non payer's cells, the solitary or whatever, can't reintegrate everybody after all.
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Musty Nester
One of Tyens hipster friends slash one of my girlfriend's bf said he wouldn't come over again until we started recycling. k bye.

The first thing you recycled was pretentious friends.


I mean seriously, who says stupid shit like that?


Musty Nester
Prisoners of the State should not be working for private enterprise.

There are many ways to serve both the needs of the prisoner and the State without involving for profit private corporations.

I do agree with their basic premise. There's no way that leads to anything good. But calling it "Prison Slavery" is a BIT much. These aren't exactly chain gangs.