Adam Ruins Everything(TruTV)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You may have seen the few shorter videos of thison CollegeHumor. The TV show is basically the same thing, except longer and with a somewhat broader scope. With an episode focused on one theme. Bit higher production values as well.

In the original shorts Adam Conover takes a single thing and ruins it for people. Engagement Rings for example. A lot of it is obvious(blood diamonds and price fixing and artificial scarcity!) but it's presented in an entertaining manner.

The show takes the same format but expands the targets. Adam Ruins Security for example starts with him tearing down the TSA but through the episode he goes in to credit card security, identity theft, and tamper resistant pill bottles. And each episode is basically presented as Adam interrupting someone doing something they enjoy and then basically kidnapping them for the rest of the episode and force feeding them facts that they absolutely do not want to hear. With lots of short inserted comical bits to drive home points.

It's kind of like a weird mash-up of Mythbusters and some kind of Mr. Show sketch. Many of you will be immediately turned off by the host and his hipster looks and know-it-all delivery. Which is missing the point. He's the butt of every joke. Every person he teaches hates him. And he basically ends every episode alone after alienating everyone.

You learn and you laugh. So give it a try.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
I caught a couple episodes and enjoyed it, I get hooked on Carbonaro Effect which is on constantly or before this show a lot of the time


Potato del Grande
I liked the car dealership one. Also one of the episodes had Oscar from The Office which I thought was pretty sad since I haven't seen him in anything since then.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I liked the car dealership one. Also one of the episodes had Oscar from The Office which I thought was pretty sad.
He was the main character in that episode. It's not like he's been on screen a ton since The Office. He was onBenchedbut that unfortunately got canceled in one season.

Plus he's a NY theater/improv guy from way back, I'd wager he knows a few of the CollegeHumor guys. Who are still heavily involved in the show. Oscar in a main role on this show isn't him starring in a blockbuster, but it's not bad.

NowJosh from 30 Rockbeing basically an extra in the Giving episode? That's pretty sad.


Avatar of War Slayer
yep, watching that right now...

some new arguements. some of the old dumb ones.

"Games are for boys! More adult women play games then boys! so company's should cater to adult women!"
Never occurs that if more adult women are already playing games then boys, they already ARE being catered to, nullifying everything you are saying.

"Nintendo is just now stating to make games for girls!" Just now. this is totes a new thing. Totally new.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, caught a few more before calling it a night. Alot of hipster logic and revisionist history in this. Its very irritating. Take a side, assume its correctness, attack the opposition without providing a single reason your side is correct.

they claimed games were diverse before the game crash. And Nintendo caused games to be gendered by selling them in the "boys aisle". which is totally not true. Video games were in their own aisles pretty much right from the start. Stands for displays with the games behind counters. Sears had displays, sometimes with electronics, other times in clothing areas so kids could actually play the systems. Toys R us, had their own aisle right from the start, usually next to boardgames. Then full boutique stores took over as malls came into popularity. Electronics Boutique, software Etc, Babbages, etc
that entire argument is revisionist history. That boys and girls are marketed to differently should be understandable as well, if you want to squabble over commercials.
what IS true is boys and girls were not targeted by 3rd parties equally. Teenage mutant ninja turtles, rambo, Batman, etc. Just about every male cartoon, toy, etc has a NES game based on it.
where is the My little pony NES? JEM? Strawberry shortcake? etc, etc?

Bad boss episode.
not sharing wages, is "responsible for the wage gap". funny, could also say its responsible for the wage gap myth.
Electoral college episode.
Entire fucking thing is saying get rid of Electoral college, and use a 1:1 voting democracy. Arguing that California should have all the voting power because of its population. Straight up tyranny of the masses. They sat there and claimed Electoral college is racist. While, if we DID have 1:1 voting, white Christians would be 70% of the vote. Stupid. How the hell do you think minorities would get any representation at all, if you had 1:1? From a state point of view same deal. Cali would dominate all policies. Nebraska would be fucked, and this would hurt the nation as a whole.
That said, not a fan of "winner takes all" electoral votes as well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I do distinctly remember Toys R' Us (at least the one I went to) the game aisle was next to the boy's toy aisle.

At least that is vaguely how I remember it. Wal*Mart had them in their own section with the electronics.

Also didn't Barbie have a few NES games? I guess I don't know any "girl show" from that time period.


<Prior Amod>
This is, I think, my favorite non traditional show on TV at the moment.

Bathroom and Car Dealership episodes were especially good.


<Prior Amod>
That's a pretty fair comparison in terms of their TV personalities, I'd agree. Maybe that's why I find it enjoyable. I never made that connection until now.