Adventures with Corndog: Corndog's Fish Store


Lord Nagafen Raider
QB is a consideration but I think the time investment isn't going to be worth it for me. This is why I'm investigating it, if it's super easy and cheap possibly do it myself, but really looking for a cheaper way to outsource it.

I'm reading conflicting thing on google searches. It seems I can just write myself a check each month. Then just pay the 15.3% payroll tax at the end of the year? Instead of sending all those taxes in monthly?


I thought self employment taxes were quarterly?
But it has been a while since i had to file that way.
From when i was paid as an consultant since the employer was a pain.


Bronze Squire
Since he is going corp and paying himself a salary I am pretty sure he has to follow all of the rules that he would for his regular employees. I am not positive on this, but it is how I do it.

Taxes need to be sent in based on how often you pay yourself. You will need to make your 941 deposit within 3(?) business days of each paycheck I believe (which covers Fed Income, SS, and Med). Your federal unemployment payments (940) are made quarterly. Both of these can be done online throughEFTPS. Most accounting software will help you calculate these withholdings. I personally use Peachtree, but I don't pay for the updates, I programs the new withholdings each year myself. I'm not recommending Peachtree, I personally don't think it is as good as QB but the amount of time and effort it would take me to switch doesn't warrant it. If you want to try to figure it out yourself you will have to dive into theCircular E. Also once a quarter you will have to do a 941 quarterly return.

Since you are in WA (I'm pretty sure?) you will need to make a State Unemployment (SUTA) Deposit and an L&I deposit which are both done quarterly as well. The L&I is based on how many hours you and your employees work, not wages. You can get signed up to pay those at the WA-L&I website, but from there it is pretty simple, you just plug in your gross hours into a form and it tells you how much you owe. For the SUTA you need to use this program calledUI Fast Taxto make those deposits. You should also get info from the unemployment office that lets you know your rates yearly.

Those are the payroll taxes you are going to have to take care of if you want to pay yourself a salary.

There may be other ways to pay yourself (dividends, 1099, etc.) that don't involve all of that, but I am not sure the logistics or overall tax implications of doing so. There may be much easier ways for a business your size to do these things, I don't know for sure one way or another, all I know it what I have to do to get my payroll done. Overall I spend about 1 hour (that includes manually entering in all the employees hours worked, printing checks, moving money around and doing the EFTPS deposits) every 2 weeks plus probably another 3 hours once a quarter (L&I, SUTA, 940 deposit and 941 return) taking care of payroll for my business (which is paying 50+ employees). Not worth it for a payroll service for me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I switched to an S corp at tax time. Now I'd like to pay myself my salary this month. Tax person said they charge $75 a month for payroll services... so I need to learn to do this myself.

I'm going to start googling now, but hoping some of the other business owners have tips.
CA for instance offers a free class to teach you how to do payroll taxes correctly. That's how I learned to do it. Maybe yours does too. Course, two months after that we farmed it off to a buddy's payroll lady, too much hassle. $75 seems a lot do to payroll for ONE person, call around, or just ask your neighboring businesses who they use.


Bronze Squire
Or you could spend time on your actual business and pay the payroll service.
If I was just paying Corndog (and possibly his one other part time employee) I would probably spend less than 4 hours a year (total time) on taking care of payroll for his business. Granted, I already have the accounting software, but at $75 a month that is paying someone $225 an hour to take care of payroll for him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
yeah, I'm currently looking at other options. As it's $75 each person. So each employee will be $75 also even if they're just part time... I'm gonna go in to my bank tomorrow and see what options they offer as well.


Mr. Poopybutthole
QB is a consideration but I think the time investment isn't going to be worth it for me. This is why I'm investigating it, if it's super easy and cheap possibly do it myself, but really looking for a cheaper way to outsource it.

I'm reading conflicting thing on google searches. It seems I can just write myself a check each month. Then just pay the 15.3% payroll tax at the end of the year? Instead of sending all those taxes in monthly?
Once QB is setup, there's really not much of a time investment, as it updates as you go.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got my sign installed today!

Sales are going well this month. I've done $200 more than last month as of today with a week to go. Which is trends continue would be a 25% increase from last month.

Craigslist is still bringing in customers, few more from Yelp as well.

My fiance got promoted and will be working about 1.5 hours north of my retail shop. Huge salary bump basically doubling our household income. We'll be moving to a halfway point in the next month or so on the companies dime. We made the decision not to turn down a huge promotion on her front as it is guaranteed income vs my business that is a risk.

The bridge that collapsed on I-5 will impact her commute not mine though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not to go all stalker mode on you, but you may want to remove some info from this thread, unless you don't mind people knowing the name/location of your business. It's amazing what insomnia + 15 minutes of google can do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not to go all stalker mode on you, but you may want to remove some info from this thread, unless you don't mind people knowing the name/location of your business. It's amazing what insomnia + 15 minutes of google can do.
Yeah from day one, people could find out who I am or what my business is. The main goal is to not have my customers stumble upon this thread and seeing me acting not as professional as in person. By simply creating this thread, I have no doubt that if I hid my information as much as I could someone could still super sleuth the internet and find out all of the info anyways. I think it's better to just not give anyone a reason to want to trash my business.

The reality is, even with someone running amok via the internet on my business. This thread has helped me a ton. Without it my business would be for the worse.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That's fine. I'm pretty paranoid about certain types of fuckers doing shit for "laughs" (as has happened before in FoH history). Just wanted to give a heads up, carry on sir!


Trakanon Raider
Too Late, I've purchased the store fronts on either side of Corndogs shop. Signs are already being made, large and well lit.

On the left of his shop I will be opening "Treatment center for repeat rapists and the criminally deranged", while on the right I will be opening "Uncle Dirty's House of Weird Porn and Gun Emporium!".

I will also be visiting local homeless shelters and offering free malt liquor at both locations. I will repeatedly call in complaints to law enforcement claiming to witness "that fish store guy" selling alcohol, and who knows what else, to the homeless and youth in the area. The local newspapers will also receive these "tips".

Lastly, I will be sending a letter to dozens of churches in the area, asking that outdoor prayer and boycott groups be formed in the general area in an effort to close down the entire shopping center.

The Manger of PetSmart down the street
Teach you to give my staff little bags of food on your business cards
Don't hate the player, hate the game
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Lord Nagafen Raider
They crazy part is, that would probably put sales through the roof. My biggest hurdle right now is people knowing I'm there. Surely that would get newspaper and tv coverage lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
They crazy part is, that would probably put sales through the roof. My biggest hurdle right now is people knowing I'm there. Surely that would get newspaper and tv coverage lol.
Were I in your shoes, I'd do everything I could to market the business on the Internet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've been researching some promotion things today. As I want to keep growing business. This month isn't over yet. But Sales were up 25% basically. If I want to try and keep that momentum I need to find more new customers.

I just created a facebook offer that is giving away free fish food with a $5 purchase. I get the food for free from a vendor. Cost to run the deal is $60 to put it in front of 11,000 eyes supposedly, or "reach" as they call it. I'm interested to see how many are redeemed. In theory the person clicks redeem offer, they get an email, they print that out or show it on their phone to redeem it.

Has anyone advertised on Yelp? I'm not sure I'm into offering the gift certificate thing. The pay $20 and get a $40 gift certificate. But I did notice you can pay to advertise on your competitors yelp pages. I'm wondering how much traffic I can get by being on my competition's pages. Even if they're leaving that place good feedback, I'd be in front of their eyes. Supposedly it's cost per click. In my category of pet stores, it's saying it'll be like $2.89 per click. I want to look into this more.
Brainstorming other ideas... I had a sign waver sign made. Like stand on the busy corner and direct people to my business. I had thought for sure I could get people to do this for $10 store credit an hour, but so far only 1 person has done it for 1 hour.... I'm getting lots of, wish I was in town this weekend I'd do it etc.. But no one actually showing up to do it. Might have to offer up cash? But it seems like a high school kid should be loving the store credit.

Other Ideas I read/thought off today while trying to think of things to advertise.
2 different Mailer coupon companies. Both have been in to my store to get me to sign up. Problem is they want like $300 for each mailer and they mail out like every 2 months, minimum signup of 3 mailings. I have a feeling that if it worked that well, you wouldnt have to force people to sign up for 3 mailings. One business in my shopping center advertises with them and says it's great. But I swear they aren't doing that well and look like they're going out of business, hardly anyone there eating at the restaurant.

Years ago, when I still went to movie theaters. Small business would have basically a screenshot ad that sat on the screen for 30 seconds or so while people were being seated. Local restaurants and such. I tried to look into that today, and I can't seem to find any theaters doing it, or at least any mention of it.

Car advertising. Ruled out license plate frame. Side magnets seem cheap. Considering professional vinyl logo on back window of our 2 cars.

Sent an email to find out the rates of advertising on local bus transportation and benches. I'm guessing this will be way out of my price range, but who knows?!

Lastly, I want to figure out how to do a successful facebook like contest thing. I'm going to research it tonight. The goal is to go viral and get in front of lots of eyes... 1 in 10 people own an aquarium, but the target group is so wide, it's hard to advertise to aquarium owners. I'm thinking that just being in front of the most eyes for the money is best. I don't know if it's better to have a "share this post" and a name will be picked at random or if post a picture and the most likes wins etc is the most effective.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think the sign waver thing is an awful idea. Maybe it's different where you're located, but the only places around here that use them are ghetto pawn shops and failing, flash-in-the-pan furniture stores, both of which are places I have no desire to be. In general I actively avoid places advertising that way and in my opinion it just makes them look either a) shady as fuck or b) desperate and failing.

I also think the mailer idea is terrible. It doesn't seem like a good idea to have you place associated with junk mail, and traditional "coupons" just seem cheap and tacky.

As for the movie advertising, I think that is a great idea. Every theater in my area has advertisements for a variety of small businesses before the showings and it's hard not to notice them when they're 30 feet tall in front of your face. I'm pretty sure the advertising isn't handled through the theaters themselves, but rather specific advertising companies that specialize in movie theater advertisements. Your best bet is probably to find whatever big chain theater you have nearby (AMC, Regal, Cinemark) and check out their website. I'm sure they all have advertising information.