Age of Empires II HD

The Ancient_sl

Most of the unique racial units were useless in anything above low level play. They could only be produced from castles so you just could not make them fast enough. A good player would end up with 120 villagers but only 4 castles due to the high stone cost and limited stone spawns. There could be exceptions in some rare circumstances, so as Goth Huskarls which build really quickly or Mayan Plume Archers which could be added to groups of regular archers.

I havent played since before they closed the MSN Zone though, so the game may have changed a bit since then.
No, that's pretty much spot on. The high, high level play hardly ever even went to castle age.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Much like Eyashusa, most of my multiplayer was done with people I knew so it wasn't super competitive. We actually enjoyed the economic/building aspect more than the combat so we tended to build heavily defended cities with walls, towers, castles, etc. and had trade routes going between our respective kingdoms. I guess we always treated the game as a kind of real-time Civilization more than a typical RTS.


Same trailer, different park
Sorry derail, I know this is about AoE2, but.... AoE/RoR back on MSN zone and Case's Ladder in the late 90's are some of my best video game memories. Anyone around here actually played? Was Phalanx2 on the Zone. Ahh the good ol' days. Guilds were called Clans (wtf?) and the best ones were art, Shai'tan, and Praetor. Being able to co-op in and watch other elite 1v1's and 2v2's was fucking money. art_sheriff vs atsq, CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS. maiman_matty, methos, staffa, sand, jyden, stalin.....sigh getting nostalgic.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Sorry derail, I know this is about AoE2, but.... AoE/RoR back on MSN zone and Case's Ladder in the late 90's are some of my best video game memories. Anyone around here actually played? Was Phalanx2 on the Zone. Ahh the good ol' days. Guilds were called Clans (wtf?) and the best ones were art, Shai'tan, and Praetor. Being able to co-op in and watch other elite 1v1's and 2v2's was fucking money. art_sheriff vs atsq, CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS. maiman_matty, methos, staffa, sand, jyden, stalin.....sigh getting nostalgic.
AoE/RoR is where I started my online gaming. Played for 2 years and remember all those names you mentioned. I even became an "Angel" on It was my first paid job ever. Eventually my "clan" migrated to EQ and the rest is history...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I played AOe2 on the zone back in the day. I eventually started playing Rainbow Six and then Asherons Call. (you had to give it to Microsoft back then, they used to have great advertising on the zone, and everytime I left my game of Rainbow 6, I would see ASHERONS CALL everywhere so I tried it.).

Eventually ended up playing AOE3 on Ensamble's net service until the shit went out of business. Like others have mentioned, AOE 3 and really 2 in some instances, were only about late game, and turtling when you played with friends. But when you played competitively, games are usually over in the second age 8 games out of 10. Rushing and fast aging were pretty much king if you were good at micro play.


I was pretty hardcore into AOE1 trying to get my bronze age times as low as possible. I was in a few guilds back in the day, pre-EQ. You're right, most of those games were done in stone or bronze age, with clubmen or chariot archers. The most fun I ever had on AOE2 was when I'd play 8 person FFA games with no rules.... ie you can make alliances and backstab as much as you want, winner takes all. They were always pretty fun, one time I secretly built a bunch of guard towers on the edge of an "ally's town" while he was distracted with a war and then suddenly declared on him. Hilarity.

8 player FFA bloodbath games were always fun, I could get into that again.


Trakanon Raider
You guys reminiscing about AoE might like this one : Red Alert 1 in high res, only skirmish and multiplayer though. Still a great way to waste a day or so and there are plenty of mods on the official forums.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Sam was into AoE mostly, he was known for having 1000s of games played and being among the lowest ranked. He would host a 1v1 room and would play anybody. I actually played vs him several times, winning every time of course.

AoE had rushes and quick games, too. I usually was the "rusher" on my team and other players would try to age quickly. Wasn't it axemen/clubman rushes in AoE 1?


Potato del Grande
Sweet, I picked up a shift tonight and ended up getting tomorrow off. I foresee me not accomplishing anything I need to do on my day off due to this game but oh well.