

2 Minutes Hate
So I'm one skill point away from testing 7pt passive from Songcraft and Occultism. Here's what they do:

Songcraft: Procs off a crit. Increases crit chance for 6 seconds by 32%. During this time, your critical damage is increased by 2 to 4 times. It has a 25s ICD but the cooldown starts as soon as you proc it, so you really have 19 seconds of this being down.

This passive is really powerful imo.

Occultism: 50% increase in critical damage.

I really like the combination between these two passives. Right now I'm full points into Song/Occ and my third class is empty and I've been leveling Defense. Thinking that with the two buffs that increase Anger, Scream of Pain could do some decent damage. But that requires you to get hit a lot to build up the passive anger points.

So I've been thinking of a better build that takes away Defense and increases utility/support. So I picked Vitalism. I think I might make the switch now and start leveling up that class. Stinks that it'll be behind 30 levels worth of xp! Ah well.

Here's a raw attempt at putting points into stuff:ArcheAge Simulator - Arche-Base


hopping on

I also switched into a primary healer role for my set of guys. Works great, I'm unbeatable in shield scepter, except against that bullshit chain lightning nonsense.


<Silver Donator>
Generally Auramancy is the 3rd for a healer, it gives CC removal which is necessary to not get stun locked like a bitch ass and if you play in a pvp group you can get the aoe pull shit too to really fuck with people. I guess you could run Occult instead for like aoe damage and shit but meh, Bard for support songs, Witchcraft for some CC to help setup combos and shit for your team. Could run other stuff too but I don't think it's very good. Auramancy is really the top for a healer since it provides the shield that makes the heal instant and the CC removal/immunity and a blink.

Our group of 3 atm is going Vit/Aura/Prot for the healer, Sorc/Occult/Shadowplay for the caster(I think, I know he's doing some sort of sorc shadowplay not sure what's his 3rd going to be, could be witchcraft instead) and I'll most likely be going battlerage/shadowplay/something, I'm thinking defense atm so I can tank pve shit and also stun lock people harder, but I've also considered sorc and auramancy for the 3rd since they have some pretty interesting synergies(sorc is mostly for damage, firewall on people you knockdown, instant chain lightning for added burst and the stealth detecting sorc buff, aura is obviously CC removal, an additional blink on top of shadowplay stuff and the aoe pull).


<Silver Donator>
The heal isn't insane, it's fairly meh unless you're duoing so it bounces back and forth between 2 people(but you need to not have mounts up and not ganking a friendly faction member with a mount out, cause it bounces to mounts and that kills its efficiency). Also has a 15secs cd, the Vit lvl 45heal is way way way better anyway. The CC is really good I'll agree. The CC removal isn't nearly the same, it's a channeleed song meaning you can't heal at the same time, and if you get stunned it's gone. It can't be used while stunned either and only works for stuns and sleeps. The Auramancy CC "removal" is for yourself, one removes stuns and sleeps and then make you immune to them while the other makes you immune for 20secs to silence and knockdown, but it's just a buff off the GCD you throw on yourself then you keep healing/doing whatever. There's also blink and energy shield which are really good to have as a healer, while songs are fairly crappy since you can't play them and heal at the same time(you can weave a song between each heal I guess but it's a bit clunky).

It's not bad by any means but for pvp I think auramancy is a ton better. For pve though, or large group pvp, you definitely want a bard, or more, just spamming the songs since the effects are really strong and they can pop heals inbetween too. I'd probably consider dropping defense in favor of auramancy though for a bard build. But at the same time, you'd do no damage while prot is actually relatively decent with the scream.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Auramancy is WAY better for PVP, If I were purely going PVE, I'd probably drop it for that though. The only PVE skill I could see useful in Auramancy would be the shield to instantly heal or the passive to keep inspire up 24/7.

The heal can bounce between you and your mount. It is basically ridiculous even when Solo.


<Silver Donator>
Auramancy is WAY better for PVP, If I were purely going PVE, I'd probably drop it for that though. The only PVE skill I could see useful in Auramancy would be the shield to instantly heal or the passive to keep inspire up 24/7.

The heal can bounce between you and your mount. It is basically ridiculous even when Solo.
Well yeah I meant, it's not useful if you have more than 2targets basically. It's good while soloing if you have your mount out and good while duoing if you dismiss your mounts but if you have 3people or people forget their mounts, it can become way fucking useless especially considering the lenghty cooldown on it.


This is the build I'm currently leveling toward, Occultism/Vitalism/Songcraft. The CC "removal"/immunity abilities in this game annoy me because they require that you guess when someone might CC you. Eventually I'd hope to run with a squad that will kill everything/-one for me and perhaps I'll switch out Occultism for Defense.

Does the shield from Auramancy that makes the Vit heal instant trigger the GCD? 'Cause if so... doesn't that combo take the same amount of time as just casting the heal?

an accordion_sl

The CC removal isn't nearly the same, it's a channeleed song meaning you can't heal at the same time, and if you get stunned it's gone. It can't be used while stunned either and only works for stuns and sleeps.
Didn't know it works like that... will have to try it out when I hit 50.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is the build I'm currently leveling toward, Occultism/Vitalism/Songcraft. The CC "removal"/immunity abilities in this game annoy me because they require that you guess when someone might CC you. Eventually I'd hope to run with a squad that will kill everything/-one for me and perhaps I'll switch out Occultism for Defense.

Does the shield from Auramancy that makes the Vit heal instant trigger the GCD? 'Cause if so... doesn't that combo take the same amount of time as just casting the heal?
As a healer that's primarily looking for some PVP action this is what I plan on rolling.

ArcheAge Simulator - Arche-Base

Looks pretty ridiculous. Of course I can't level as this spec because there's almost no sustained damage, only burst so it would be the worst thing ever, so it's going to be a pain in the ass to level witchcraft.

Shrug it off can be used while stunned.

an accordion_sl

As a healer that's primarily looking for some PVP action this is what I plan on rolling.

ArcheAge Simulator - Arche-Base

Looks pretty ridiculous. Of course I can't level as this spec because there's almost no sustained damage, only burst so it would be the worst thing ever, so it's going to be a pain in the ass to level witchcraft.

Shrug it off can be used while stunned.
I don't mind grinding some pirates if you wanna level that shit up, would be able to get occultism up too.


<Silver Donator>
Does the shield from Auramancy that makes the Vit heal instant trigger the GCD? 'Cause if so... doesn't that combo take the same amount of time as just casting the heal?
It's off GCD, still would be worth it though cause it works on 2 heals(1st one right away then it cooldowns before the shield is off so you get another). There's also CC removing cloaks for honor points, similar to wow trinkets, so you can pop these then pop an immunity. Problem of the song is it only makes you immune to stun and sleep, but knockdowns are a pretty big part of the CC toolset of melee classes(have 3 of them actually, via combos and only one requires a stun first) and it doesn't do jack against these, nor against silence. That's why the auramancy silence/knockdown immunity is pretty much stronger than the song, at least on yourself.


It's off GCD, still would be worth it though cause it works on 2 heals(1st one right away then it cooldowns before the shield is off so you get another). There's also CC removing cloaks for honor points, similar to wow trinkets, so you can pop these then pop an immunity. Problem of the song is it only makes you immune to stun and sleep, but knockdowns are a pretty big part of the CC toolset of melee classes(have 3 of them actually, via combos and only one requires a stun first) and it doesn't do jack against these, nor against silence. That's why the auramancy silence/knockdown immunity is pretty much stronger than the song, at least on yourself.
Ugh, thanks for making me rethink my build AGAIN.


Pay to play forum
Damn, I want to play this game so badly, but 160 Euros for Alpha-Access is just crazy. Scott, gimme Beta invites!