

Golden Knight of the Realm
If you're on the path to catch up, be aware that at current prices (at least on our shitty AH cluster) one month of loyalty will float you a lucky sunpoint and change; the residual you'd need to make up in order to afford two apex is in the range of 50-75g in exchange for an extra 2.8K labor each day. Repeat as necessary if you're capable of dealing with the labor regen each day prior to actually getting out and adventuring / grinding / what have you.

In other news: I have another Ayanad Bow Design. Not sure how to feel right now.

Edit: Anddd traded a guildmate I owed straight up for his divine volcano in exchange for my previous ayanad have a divine Ayanad tidal on a low-pop server. This is stupid.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Apparently in Korea, they use the rear harpoon on clippers to harpoon someone's barrel, then they use the turbo boost item to make people go flying lol


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
"In a world, where noobs are killed by Haly griffons, one man will slum it and farm them for level 30 loot"


Trakanon Raider
Really well done, just needs the dude to jump into the air and slow-mo the high arc sword swing, speed up to the cut as the sword descends, throw up the logo, and then "We are the professionals".

Me rikey.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So I guess some 130 people from Ollo (and possibly some more from Aranzeb) rerolled to Kyrios over the weekend and now there's a flood of new players on our server. I don't really know what their history is, why exactly they transferred or what their goals are but it's pretty interesting and I'm glad we're on the server that people are transferring to instead of away from.
The transition to the prx logo is too sudden. Cool otherwise.
We focused all of our efforts on the part with Proto smashing a level 30 gryphon and didn't have time for advanced features like smooth transitions.


Vyemm Raider
So I guess some 130 people from Ollo (and possibly some more from Aranzeb) rerolled to Kyrios over the weekend and now there's a flood of new players on our server. I don't really know what their history is, why exactly they transferred or what their goals are but it's pretty interesting and I'm glad we're on the server that people are transferring to instead of away from.
Yes, I told a few of my Aranzeb friends to look you up.

I'm pretty sure their intentions are to ruin Kyrios, because from everything I've heard you guys have had a very virgin experience without any hacking or OP KR strats. It's like the wolf pack finally found the sheep flock.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Haha, I guess we'll see what happens.

I wish this game would merge servers and FC/Legacy/whomever is running Ollo would come to our server too. I hate the, "Oh, you guys were one of the strongest guilds on your server, but you would get wasted by X". We had that in GW2 where it was, "You guys might be the strongest guild in NA, but the EU guilds would dominate you." until we transferred to EU and knocked the frogs off their undefeated pedestal. If other servers have such strong groups I want to fight them so we can definitively say that we fought the best in the game.

It's also fun to see the meta different servers have. I know FC rolls their mage AE groups, we looked into trying to adopt it but we never really saw a video of them against a competent force. A guild also used the same strat early on in Kyrios but we found some hard counters to it pretty quickly. I don't know what meta Ollo has really.


Vyemm Raider
Ollo doesn't have serious PvP, it's just TT6 trolling the crap out of everyone.

And you don't want FC on your server. They don't win because they're skilled - they have maybe 10 good players tops -they win because they will resort to the slimiest, most underhanded, and even outright bannable tactics in order to win. They abuse AE mage comps (which were good pre-55 if you weren't retarded, not sure how they are now), put spies into other guilds and put them on a PAYROLL, and use various client hacks (such as turning off water textures or teleporting entire ships). It was the least fun PvP experience I've ever had in an MMORPG and had I known they were gonna do all that crap, I would've gladly chosen Kyrios instead.

You have to understand that every time we make fun of you guys for not using the best strats or outright abusing game exploits because Trion doesn't give a hoot about exploits, we're all pretty jealous that an actual server exists that didn't resort to those tactics.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
That's funny. You said that TT6 just trolls people, but I've also heard they were good/strong. Is that true?


Vyemm Raider
That's funny. You said that TT6 just trolls people, but I've also heard they were good/strong. Is that true?
They're decent in the Arena, but I haven't seen them actually go out into the world and fight people since Alpha, and back then they were as strong as anyone else in Wicked. So maybe they're still good, I don't know.


I got my super car, but I haven't had a chance to drive it much yet. I wonder if all the people that saved up for this one were pissed when they got the details. Would have been nice to know there was an upgrade path about 6 months ago.


2 Minutes Hate
So I guess some 130 people from Ollo (and possibly some more from Aranzeb) rerolled to Kyrios over the weekend and now there's a flood of new players on our server. I don't really know what their history is, why exactly they transferred or what their goals are but it's pretty interesting and I'm glad we're on the server that people are transferring to instead of away from.

We focused all of our efforts on the part with Proto smashing a level 30 gryphon and didn't have time for advanced features like smooth transitions.
Your dood didn't have enough time to move the fade transision a little more to left on the Witcher commercial rip? Iamdisapoint

Voiceover was cool.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
lol, dunno but I talked to TT6 last night so I think the reports of their death have been grossly exaggerated.