

Molten Core Raider
So I'm playing this right now. Yeah it sucks not knowing what anything does.
I'm so terribly bored with my games right now that I'm ALMOST tempted to try it... then I realize that I'm not that hardcore anymore and would just get frustrated and give up immediately.


So I'm playing this right now. Yeah it sucks not knowing what anything does.
Curious of your first impressions? What did you think of the atmopshere/artistic direction? I feel those aspects carry the leveling experience despite the very simple wow like quest progression and tab target combat.

Also, a "Pro Tip" is that the quest completion for gathering / kill quests is "variable." If a Quest says 0/8, you can actually turn it in for less reward at 4/8 (min 50%) or keep farming up to 12/8 (max 50%) and get greater reward. I think the idea is that if a quest is annoying to you, you can just alligator arm it and take less reward and if you don't mind a quest, you can keep farming to get more. Not earth shattering, but I think its a good feature. Hard to understand what is going on though, unless you can read Korean. Took me 30 levels to figure it out.


Curious of your first impressions? What did you think of the atmopshere/artistic direction? I feel those aspects carry the leveling experience despite the very simple wow like quest progression and tab target combat.

Also, a "Pro Tip" is that the quest completion for gathering / kill quests is "variable." If a Quest says 0/8, you can actually turn it in for less reward at 4/8 (min 50%) or keep farming up to 12/8 (max 50%) and get greater reward. I think the idea is that if a quest is annoying to you, you can just alligator arm it and take less reward and if you don't mind a quest, you can keep farming to get more. Not earth shattering, but I think its a good feature. Hard to understand what is going on though, unless you can read Korean. Took me 30 levels to figure it out.
Oloh im still waiting for them to give me account info to give it a go.

Think they are waiting on killing North K Baby to get his SSN for me still for the account.


do you need a .kr # to play this?
To answer the question, I think the way it works is that you do need a Korean SSN and a Korean mobile phone number to open an account. From time to time, the game company will send a text to the account owner to make sure that they are still playing. There are services out there (www.newgameway.comis the most trusted) that will work with Koreans that don't game, have them open accounts and keep it open by answering texts, etc. They split the fee that you pay with the Korean account holder.

The account holder can technically take the account back any time it wants, so there is always that risk, but in general, they are happy to get $15 bucks a month or whatever from you for "not" playing a game and to answer some texts, so they don't bother. That is my understanding at least.


2 Minutes Hate
Curious of your first impressions? What did you think of the atmopshere/artistic direction? I feel those aspects carry the leveling experience despite the very simple wow like quest progression and tab target combat.

Also, a "Pro Tip" is that the quest completion for gathering / kill quests is "variable." If a Quest says 0/8, you can actually turn it in for less reward at 4/8 (min 50%) or keep farming up to 12/8 (max 50%) and get greater reward. I think the idea is that if a quest is annoying to you, you can just alligator arm it and take less reward and if you don't mind a quest, you can keep farming to get more. Not earth shattering, but I think its a good feature. Hard to understand what is going on though, unless you can read Korean. Took me 30 levels to figure it out.
My initial impression was essentially Aion without the bloom. Leveling was super fast. I hit level 5 in like 10 minutes. Combat was pretty simple, like any other game. Animations are ok. I wasn't really impressed with the graphics and all of the sliders I saw were maxed.

Honestly it was like any other DIKU. Honestly, what kind of real impression can you get with any of these games in 10 minutes?

I like the idea of a lot of the more involved aspects. But you're playingthe game blind essentially. It's tough.


Riddle me this...
I want to like this game. I want to love this game. I want to build boats and get all pirate with it . Im so scared though.

MMOs just want to rape my wallet and make me cry in the shower for 4 hours.


2 Minutes Hate
Well if you want to temper your expectations, the combat in this game is incredibly bland and the animations and effects are really nothing to write home about. The class system seems fun (kind of what Rift should of been) and the combo system with abilities seems like it could really play into the class system well. The "leveling system" is standard kill X creatures stuff.

The real hook in this game is going to be how the player base uses the tools provided in the game: Ships, Item transport, castles and sieges, building stuff. If players don't populate those systems, then this game will most likely not hit critical mass.


As far as I understood it, anything up to lvl 30 is like some kind of tutorial. You will be introduced to most aspects of the game, then from lvl 30 on the sandbox part of the game really starts.

@Penance There are 3 Islands in game. Two are NPC controled. One is unclaimed. You may steal and attack players anywhere even murder them. On the NPC Islands if you are caught by guards or players you will be send to prison for up to 1 RL hour. You might reduce the time by bribing guards or trying to escape but you will be out of the game at least for 15 mins I believe. However if you do too many crimes, you will get KOS on the Island. The unclaimed Islands however is all player driven. If you are familar with EvE just look at the two npc islands as High-Sec and the unclaimed one as Null-Sec


I'm quite sure, I believe a large part is pretty much fair game. I don't think there is something like low-sec in ArcheAge .-)


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think a big factor will be the pacing of this player-driven content. EVE does this much better than a game like GW2. If territory is just flipping hands multiple times a day, that gets old really fast. If you can conquer an area and actually hold it for a while (weeks, months), that makes things a lot more interesting. I'd also like to see incentive for sovereigns to want settlers in their territory, as opposed to EVE where most alliances are NBSI (renter corps aside).

Does gear mainly come from resource turn-ins and monster drops? Or are resources used to craft a lot of stuff?