

I'm still trying to understand the point of this game. You level up to then farm or steal crops. Literally. What?
To put it simply, this game has two points (i.e. end games).

1.Farmville- The people out there that like to build a farm and raise animals. They will grow stuff, sell it on the Auction House, buy furniture for their place, etc. I don't think anyone on the board falls into this category, but I would suspect that a sizeable portion of the ArcheAge community will end up being this crew.

2.Smear the Queer- Find the guy with the ball (i.e. exposed packs of resources) and take it. This could be in the form of finding a secret island farm, raiding a walled village, piracy at high seas, etc. The motivations might be different depending on different groups (ie. "We dont like PRX, so lets fuck em up," or "I want to get rich, so I'ma steal it") but the "game" is the same. Find those that are taking a risk with their resources and steal them.

There are minor (relative to other games on the market) opportunities for structured PvP, PvE, combat engagement, and enjoyable storylines. ArcheAge doesn't excel at any of these though really. It is a pretty game that will be judged by the farmville and PvP crowd.


To put it simply, this game has two points (i.e. end games).

1.Farmville- The people out there that like to build a farm and raise animals. They will grow stuff, sell it on the Auction House, buy furniture for their place, etc. I don't think anyone on the board falls into this category, but I would suspect that a sizeable portion of the ArcheAge community will end up being this crew.

2.Smear the Queer- Find the guy with the ball (i.e. exposed packs of resources) and take it. This could be in the form of finding a secret island farm, raiding a walled village, piracy at high seas, etc. The motivations might be different depending on different groups (ie. "We dont like PRX, so lets fuck em up," or "I want to get rich, so I'ma steal it") but the "game" is the same. Find those that are taking a risk with their resources and steal them.

There are minor (relative to other games on the market) opportunities for structured PvP, PvE, combat engagement, and enjoyable storylines. ArcheAge doesn't excel at any of these though really. It is a pretty game that will be judged by the farmville and PvP crowd.
Well said, there are arenas also afaik, hopefully Trion doesn't shit on seige warfare like the korean devs did.


Well said, there are arenas also afaik, hopefully Trion doesn't shit on seige warfare like the korean devs did.
They aren't WoW arenas. They are just kinda fun diversions. You can't queue as a team. You get placed randomly (might be opposed to same guild members, etc) across ALL of the servers, and they are only available at certain times, more like a for fun periodic tournament and not for competitive PvP play. That is what I understand, at least.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm still trying to understand the point of this game. You level up to then farm or steal crops. Literally. What?
As others have said it's all about the sandbox. You do what you want to do. If you need defined structure or goals to have fun (nothing wrong with that imo) then you may not like it past the questing (that is if you even like the questing which many do not).

This game is probably the closest thing to an Eve-online fantasy like mmo I've seen although there are stillMASSSSSSSSSIVEdifferences.


Molten Core Raider
Well may have been abit of an impulse purchase but oh well. I hate to jump to conclusions but I don't think its probaly going to be structured at the end for what I am interested in and I am not going to waste free time on something that only serves to scratch half an itch. If anyone wants a alpha account for 75 bucks that has a level 15 with 150+ cotton and variety of things let me know!

Is there a recently released or upcoming game that has actual structured pvp in it? Its odd I have been such a hardcore raider my whole career but I find myself really missing my TOR pvp experience or what it could have been minus the gay space wars and poorly supported pvp platform. I tried MOBA games (DOTA2 briefly and LOL abit more) and I fucking hate the click to move shit. I'm a solid pvp'r but sorry I was a college football player not a fucking 120 lb korean that can click a mouse 325 times a second not to mention the unresponsiveness of it is just horrible. Outside of the movement stuff I loved the idea of LOL but can't get over that.

Got into DoC and trying HEX but still miss more action focused decisions....RIFT I think they had moved to rank pvp setup abit but I hated pvp from day one in that game and it hasn't changed. I won't touch WOW again in my life so that is out....and I rather not go to a 10 year old game+ that may get shut down by the time I master its nuiances. FFXIV pvp was horrid especially with the 2.5 gcd. Any other option on the table? Any MOBA'esk game with normal character movement or MMO that i haven't paid attention to? Or still back to being fucked. Or better yet my knee could heal up so I could play bball every night and i'll chuck this god forsaken box in the garbage (only to rebuild one in 6 months because i'm an addict at heart sad face)


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's hilarious how levels don't seem to matter all that much until people get gear.

Was questing as a level 42, a level 50 "Arena Master" jumped me while I was kitting 4 crabs. He became part of the kite and just died with the crabs. Thanks for the 100 honor points and helping me complete my quest shitlord.


Is there a recently released or upcoming game that has actual structured pvp in it? Its odd I have been such a hardcore raider my whole career but I find myself really missing my TOR pvp experience or what it could have been minus the gay space wars and poorly supported pvp platform. I tried MOBA games (DOTA2 briefly and LOL abit more) and I fucking hate the click to move shit. I'm a solid pvp'r but sorry I was a college football player not a fucking 120 lb korean that can click a mouse 325 times a second not to mention the unresponsiveness of it is just horrible. Outside of the movement stuff I loved the idea of LOL but can't get over that.
World of Warcraft Arena / BGs is still the best game for your playstyle by a significant margin.


Molten Core Raider
World of Warcraft Arena / BGs is still the best game for your playstyle by a significant margin.
Must you piss in my cheerio's? I rather fucking play the first level of Infiltrator on NES over and over (if you have never lived though this nightmare especially as one of your first ever xmas gifts you can remember and first NES do not know hell. I have beat almost every single NES game known to man that I put my hands on but infraltrator made the top gun landing sequence seem like preschool vs MIT)

I just made it 5 minutes into re-downloading RIFT to try again before I deleted my back up copy and all files. Then made it 2 minutes into FFXIV (sad I had like 3 characters with 8 or so max classes) before I realized why I left before so that got a quick delete. Played a game of DoC and lost to a chump that had 8 removals in his first 14 cards (awesome necro balance Ubi) and said mmm no. And finally...figured fuck i'd try to finish my first ever draft in HEX and low and behold the tourney drafts are still down for like 10+ days in a row now.

Slump? Yes sir....I had bought a 3DS just for Bravely Default and made it to level 25 but I don't want to play anymore so I can save it for business travel. I can't even bring myself to fuck around in Exiled 2 which I bought a month ago or so which seemed so damn addicting and fun the first day or two and then just..bleh. God I hope this isn't a mid life crisis or some shit, not sure what i'd do if I can't enjoy a little break from life to play my games. Fucking YMCA won't open early enough or stay open enough to play bball at this shit hole I live in at the moment so i'm at a real loss. Guess i'll hope HEX gets me excited or maybe try to learn how to enjoy click to move retarded shit and try and get some competition fixes in LOL.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I just made it 5 minutes into re-downloading RIFT to try again before I deleted my back up copy and all files. Then made it 2 minutes into FFXIV (sad I had like 3 characters with 8 or so max classes) before I realized why I left before so that got a quick delete. Played a game of DoC and lost to a chump that had 8 removals in his first 14 cards (awesome necro balance Ubi) and said mmm no. And finally...figured fuck i'd try to finish my first ever draft in HEX and low and behold the tourney drafts are still down for like 10+ days in a row now.
Haha I've done this before. I've blown through a handful of games in an afternoon until I just said fuck it and went outside. This often happens when a big game is about to come out and I want to play it so bad but can't.


FoH nuclear response team
The fish do not fuck around in this game, think twice before trying to take a shortcut across a lake.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What about the big pve raid targets in an open Pvp zone? Is that 1.1?
Adding big ass raid targets needing a lot of people to take down, and drop some of the best gear and crafting items, while also fighting off other players, sounds like it could be awesome in a clusterfuck sort of way(anyone fight legion in daoc while getting steamrolled by the other realms?)


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Nope! My game backlog is huge. I'm playing ESO, then Dark souls 2, then Diablo3: ROS. By the time I get through that watchdogs will be out and some other games I'm forgetting about


Tranny Chaser
I love the people who bitch in /trial about how what they do is part of the game and 'fuck all carebears' and then whine incessantly if they get a sentence over 15 mins