

Molten Core Raider
So people are angry because they'll never be perfect, and upgrading gear is hard. Still not seeing why people are acting like it completely ruins the game. I doubt it will ever be an issue for most people.

Don't get me wrong, I hate RMT in MMOs, because it hugely fucks with the immersion factor to me, even if it's only cosmetic. I just don't see the practice going anywhere anytime soon, so I'll just do what I do with every other game I play: play until I'm not having fun any more, then quit.
You haven't played it so ill forgive you, but its not that upgrading gear is hard broski, its the fact that its completely random, and I also don't think you fully understand the crafting(and its tiers and how you progress a piece) if you have this attitude towards it and that's ok, you haven't experienced it like some of us have (actually obtaining lvl 50 gear) when it basically costs the same amount to buy a fully finished crafted piece of gear as it does to buy/farm mats yourself that's when theres a problem imo.

You can spend 1500g in mats trying to craft 1 single piece of armor because of RNG (that's not a lot of gold in AA TBH) or on the other hand I can spend 1600g and buy it off the auction house, or I can get lucky and have it only cost me 500g in mats because I got it all to craft in under 5 shots or less.


Probably not, no. The PVE elements are pretty weak.

It's just going to make a very large difference in PVP, which is the bulk of the game. A single player with top tier gear doesn't really matter either though. Put a group on him and he dies maybe 1 second slower than a non-geared player. But get a whole guild outfitted, and no one stands a chance. I don't think anyone who hasn't played the foreign versions can comment on the dynamics of that though.
Right, that is how I envisioned this system. If the gear is strong enough to matter in mass PVP, is it realistic that one guild/faction/group acquires these items in a fashion that other groups cannot emulate so this gear disparity actually occurs?

Just one. It's called "progression".
I thought this was an open world semi-sandbox PVP game? What "progression" are you talking about? I am genuinely curious.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also wanted to share my favorite quote from Scapes:

"Further tiers of Hasla were introduced for amuch more advanced server, not a fresh server. We'll reintroduce them in the near future."

Scapes: Really?

Yeah, that's true. Just like 99.9% of the other shit we got with 1.2, but we get to keep those!
What other change in 1.2 effects player power so much? The hasla weapons is one of the changes I actually thought was smart. Tier3 hasla is very powerful, could be done in just a couple days and would dominate any other weapon they could get except maybe top tier crafted that has been regraded up(which will take weeks if not months).

Now if they made archeum very common then you could make a good argument, as getting higher tier weapons would be much easier(Though still a lot of rng), for maybe tier2 , possibly tier3 but with current setup? No way.

I didn't play RU, but supposedly they had the same restrictions(hasla, auroria etc). It might be something XL says must be done, to keep a server from just skipping content completely.


Probably not, no. The PVE elements are pretty weak.

It's just going to make a very large difference in PVP, which is the bulk of the game. A single player with top tier gear doesn't really matter either though. Put a group on him and he dies maybe 1 second slower than a non-geared player. But get a whole guild outfitted, and no one stands a chance. I don't think anyone who hasn't played the foreign versions can comment on the dynamics of that though.
Ive only been playing a couple of weeks, and I freely admit that my knowledge probably falls far short of folks who have been playing since 1.0. The only point that I'm trying to make is that if getting top tier gear is as hard (and expensive asfar as RMT is concerned) as you say, how will a single guild be able to gear its members up in a way that is noticeably faster than anyone else?

There is no doubt a point in the crafted gear progression where getting all the items in that tier goes from "challenging" to "unrealistic," and I'd bet most people will just do the best they can with what they've got at that point, unless, like Raes, better gear = more progress = bigger epeen = better life.

Based on what I know about this game, I never got the impression that it was just another progression-based mmo, where your progress was defined by the +gooderer level of your equipment. That's why I posted in the first place, because I'm just confused about why so many people have done such an extreme 180 on how they feel about the game. I don't really have anything else to add to the discussion, so I suppose I'll go back to lurking now.

That said, I am eagerly awaiting the drama that will result when top guilds are being accused of "pay to win."


Vyemm Raider
What other change in 1.2 effects player power so much? The hasla weapons is one of the changes I actually thought was smart. Tier3 hasla is very powerful, could be done in just a couple days and would dominate any other weapon they could get except maybe top tier crafted that has been regraded up(which will take weeks if not months).

Now if they made archeum very common then you could make a good argument, as getting higher tier weapons would be much easier(Though still a lot of rng), for maybe tier2 , possibly tier3 but with current setup? No way.

I didn't play RU, but supposedly they had the same restrictions(hasla, auroria etc). It might be something XL says must be done, to keep a server from just skipping content completely.
I never said anything about "player power". And I guess you missed the discussion we had a few pages back about how even the tier 1 Hasla bow is better than the crafted Magnificent anyway. And the Hasla change wasn't the point, it was the reason he gave for it. It's the exact reason I would give when discussing the fucked up changes to the economy we got with 1.2. Changes that were made in KR that were intended for "a much more advanced server, not a fresh server".

And to answer Naj's question, and also the dumbfuck. AA has gear progression just like any other MMO. The highest gear is just gained from crafting, rather than raids/dungeons. The whole point of earning gold in this game is to get better gear. How hard is that to understand? All the crafting/trading/fishing/piracy is to get better gear. And to kill people, which you're not going to do very well without BETTER GEAR.

Explosivo, I get that you're pissed because I called you out for being ignorant. But, if you're going to insult me, at least try to find an insult that's valid.


Raes, fight the good fight, homies will never understand our struggle. (They even say so in their posts)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All I see is mountains out of molehills, with the exception of some of the odd changes(mounts , like wtf) and real problems, archeum drop rate. The latter is very weird, especially with XL has they have a fix(1.7, which if going by korean players made archeum very common) but seem reluctant to give it or don't want to make it like KR(very common) but more of a between current and KR version. Either way they seem to be dragging their feet regarding that issue.


Kinda hard to get "called out" for being ignorant after I acknowledged my ignorance in my first post. I only jumped in so that people could tell me the things I was ignorant about. Sorry to have hurt your feelings with my epeen comment, Mr. Delicate little flower.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Raes, fight the good fight, homies will never understand our struggle. (They even say so in their posts)
Yeah they don't see how Trion are rubbing their hands together with their ignorance !



That said, I am eagerly awaiting the drama that will result when top guilds are being accused of "pay to win."
I can see it now: P(2W)RX

pTWERKS for short

"Ay Tuco! how many archeum founders packs did u have to rope into paying for that Castle!?"



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I can see it now: P(2W)RX

pTWERKS for short

"Ay Tuco! how many archeum founders packs did u have to rope into paying for that Castle!?"

it's ok. I'll refer them to this interview conducted about fairness
Moderator: Good afternoon, please introduce yourself.

XAoZ: sup, I'm XaoZ of GUG or G Unit Gankstaz.

Moderator: Thank you for agreeing to this interview. The topic today is "fairness". You seem to throw that word around a lot.

XaoZ: lol yah wel, prx r zergin fagetz, they fite 40 v 1 and lossin even odz.

Moderator: ok, can you please explain a fair fight?

XaoZ: lol Wink J yah sos if we got 5 an prx has 5, it's fare.

Moderator: ok what about if PRX are all level 60s and you have some level 40s?

Xaoz: sup. Yah lol not fare, gotz to be even lvls 2 or not fare.

Moderator: ok, as an aside, have you ever killed someone lower level than you?

Xaoz: LOL ALL THE TIME U FAGITZ!! I ASSRAP EM! uh, 1 sec...yah mah, doin homewirk...yah, i brushced em b4...yah, kewl mah kewl...yah, put my alowins in the jar, k kewl...k back lol.

Moderator: ok, to continue. So for a fair fight, 5 of you, equal level to 5 of PRX.

Xaoz: lol, wut I sed, u defe?

Moderator: So what if PRX had say, 5 Paladins and you had say, 5 Warriors?

Xaoz: sup. Lololol, not fare since Paldains are fagitz e-z buton classes and Warriors sucks. u nevr c me or my gild playin chetzin clases thet r overpwered ez buton classez like pally gays. Nope, not fare.

Moderator: As an aside, what class are you?

Xaoz: Shamin

Moderator: Have you ever killed a Warrior, a class you say sucks?

Xaoz: lol, I betes em like I betes my mom wen she turns of Prowdrpuffin Grils. I love gankin em.

Moderator: ok, so then PRX would have to ensure they had the same classes as you as well as the same #s and levels, in order for it to be fair?

Xaoz: lol, u strate wit thet son. Den, fare and we fite.

Moderator: ok, what if one of you had aggro at the time?

Xaoz: lol, not fare.

Moderator: What if you had a ping of 121 and a PRX had a ping of 120?


Moderator: ok, what if one of your 5 crashed in the fight?

Xaoz: den a prx wuld have to loge to make if fair, othewise it would be 2 v 5 an zergin unfare.

Moderator: Actually, it would be 4 v 5

Xaoz: lolol, yah rite.

Moderator: As an aside, look at this picture of Jesus and the Last Supper. How many people are at the table with him?

Xaoz: lol, fagz in robes wit sandels. Any weigh I see 402.

Moderator: There are 11, Xaoz.


Moderator: ok let's continue. To recap, for PRX to fight fair, they need same numbers, same levels, same classes, same ping, same mob aggro, and same number of crashes?

Xaoz: lol yah, tehn its fare.

Moderator: ok, we covered most of the criteria for PRX to fight fair. Just a few more here. Now, what if the 5 PRX you fought had a total of 32 blue or purple items, and you had only say, 12?

Xaoz: lol louk fag, NOT FARE. no skil fitin with gode gere.

Moderator: As an aside, I see you have the purple Axe of the Deep Woods, have you ever killed people with it?

Xaoz: sup. lol, i kild mroe peepz then cancir with this ax. IM SURJICAL WITH THIS BISCHT!

Moderator: Before you attacked, Im assuming you checked to ensure they had the same gear?

Xaoz: lol yup, al the time. fare is fare.

Moderator: To recap, for PRX to fight fair, they need same numbers, same levels, same classes, same ping, same mob aggro, same number of crashes, and the same level of instance-farmed equipment?

Xaoz: lol u lern fast for a fag whoz also gay.

Moderator: As an aside, you play a female character, are you a female?

Xaoz: only wen i nede sh1t, but im a dude.

Moderator: Anything else for PRX to fight fairly?

Xaoz: lol yah

Moderator: Can you share it please?

Xaoz: lol

Moderator: So what is it?

Xaoz: sup

Moderator: Xaos, pronounced Chaos I assume, please tell me what else does PRX have to do to fight fairly?

Xaoz: wel, they are gay fagitz cuz they hav over 100 people in the gild.

Moderator: How many people does your guild, G-Unit Gankstaz have?

Xaoz: 5.

Moderator: ok, so for pvp, if you ask for people to come fight, you bring your entire guild, which is fair to you?

Xaoz: shur, i brign 5 to fite fagz like prx.

Moderator: So therefore, if PRX asks members to come fight, and more than 5 are online and come, it is fair?

Xaoz: lol no, fagz nede to stop at 5 an tel the rest to log of an suck a dik or do what they do. CUZ U NO HOW WE DO SON!

Moderator: As an aside, I saw your corpse on the road in Stranglethorn on the way to this interview, what happened?


Moderator: To recap, for PRX to fight fair, they need same numbers, same levels, same classes, same ping, same mob aggro, same number of crashes, same number of instance farmed items, and the same amount of people online?

Xaoz: *giggle* u cute, 15/f, *hug* *wink*

Moderator: Excuse me Xaoz?

Xaoz: mt

Moderator: Anything else Xaoz?

Xaoz: i wanna showt out 2 my peepz Cancer, cuz u no any-1 in a gild wit thet nam is HRADCORE BEITCHS!!! cuz u no u gotz lugn cancer, throut cancer, nut cancer, brest cancer, all kinz of kewl asz shit cancers.

Moderator: This concludes this interview. Stay tuned for our next interview when our guest will be one of the thousand or so members of 2 day old guilds who want to state their case why PRX sucks.


Golden Squire
Hey Tuco - I think I'm just wanting a MMO to play with A Guild more than anything. I'm so sick of the solo MMO. Is PRX open to me joining as a F2P when that's open, and then joining in whatever guild shenanigans are happening when I'm online?

Because if so, I'll go dig up your old post and do the application steps.

I figure it's F2P, can't hurt to try it, and if I like it, I can spare a whopping $15/month.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yes, Bruman. There are quite a few PRX members that aren't starting until official launch. You'll be at a disadvantage without owning land and the labor regen, but those can be overcome easily. And they even said you'd be able to buy the ability to post on the auction house, so that's not even an advantage anymore.

Just make sure you apply by Wednesday. After that and you'll likely have a much harder time getting in.


They've said that we'll get 1.7 "soon" and XL probably doesn't want to do any major work on a special partial patch.
Interesting. I wonder which variant of 'soon' they mean.

If it's the Rift "We'll have a new expansion soon" after they announce it, maybe not too bad.
If it's the Trove "We'll have these issues worked out soon", it's not looking good.
If it's the Defiance "We'll be releasing your 5 DLC packs soon", it's gonna be awhile.

Trion doesn't do 'soon' good at all.


Vyemm Raider
Interesting. I wonder which variant of 'soon' they mean.

If it's the Rift "We'll have a new expansion soon" after they announce it, maybe not too bad.
If it's the Trove "We'll have these issues worked out soon", it's not looking good.
If it's the Defiance "We'll be releasing your 5 DLC packs soon", it's gonna be awhile.

Trion doesn't do 'soon' good at all.
They said the only real time consuming task is the translations, since the game has to be translated from Korean to English before it can be translated into French, German and whatever other heathen languages, I don't remember. I'd say 3-4 months maybe. I think they would milk it out longer, but they just don't have that kinda time with this game, especially with the archeum issue.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hey Tuco - I think I'm just wanting a MMO to play with A Guild more than anything. I'm so sick of the solo MMO. Is PRX open to me joining as a F2P when that's open, and then joining in whatever guild shenanigans are happening when I'm online?

Because if so, I'll go dig up your old post and do the application steps.

I figure it's F2P, can't hurt to try it, and if I like it, I can spare a whopping $15/month.
Yes, Bruman. There are quite a few PRX members that aren't starting until official launch. You'll be at a disadvantage without owning land and the labor regen, but those can be overcome easily. And they even said you'd be able to buy the ability to post on the auction house, so that's not even an advantage anymore.

Just make sure you apply by Wednesday. After that and you'll likely have a much harder time getting in.
Elurin said it better than I could!

Honestly if you don't want to get in the farmville aspects you can still enjoy AA, especially in a guild that you can find groups easily in.


Golden Squire
Cool, just submitted my application. Man, that was a nice old school app process. I dig it. It's a social construct, and should involve some talking/typing.


Golden Squire
I was fairly brief in mine. My wife, on the other hand, spent like an hour typing hers out. Definitely old school though.


ResetEra Staff Member
Yeah, I guess I'm gonna join PRX. Probably the most sane guild to join if I am going to join with a larger guild.

Won't be joining on this name though i'll probably mention to officers who I am.

Whole site/guild looks pretty well done, obvious choice. That, and I'm not interested in being some livestreamer's mule (cough OT).

I've weighed the benefits and downsides to this cash shop fiasco and I figure it's probably not going to matter much at all if you have a guild working together to a common goal - or simply just play the game instead of worrying about how 1-2 whales that will get owned instantly by numbers affect me.
I mean, shit, sure there's gonna be one dude who spends a shit ton of cash but there doesn't appear to be much of a gear 'ceiling' where you can't get better gear after a certain point. Sure, it may be a visible ceiling, but there's no one reasonably going to spend $10k USD getting there - nor is it going to matter in organized PvP - based on what I am reading. That whole concept seems interesting. It's honestly no different than EQ1 PvP. I mean, shit, people pay for advantages in EQ1 with or without a cash shop. Look at all the people banned on Project 1999 Red who are willing to do that. The difference is going to come down to execution of tactics, playstyle, and commitment - those people will probably end up on top. Sure, you might encounter a dude with crazy gear, but he's not going to stand against your 3-4 person gank squad provided they are coordinated.

Looking back on it it's a bit silly to have made the post I had made prior in this thread. That being said, they could make it so you don't have to open those goddamn bags for Archeum, that'd be nice. I hope the livestream tomorrow reverts half of the last minute changes Trion made.