

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is kind of like blaming the dog for getting into the garbage when you forgot to close the lid. Trion has a pretty weird track history with hacks and server code. XL Games isn't much better with their Lineage titles.

I wouldn't necessarily jump immediately to blaming the players on this one. Trion/XL left the garbage out for the dog to eat (for months now).
Rofl what a horrible analogy. Not shocking you defending them given your previous post(s).

Sure XL gets blame, mainly for trusting too much to client side but its the players choosing to cheat and use hacks. I've yet to see a game that didn't have teleport/duping hacks. I'm not a coder, but I am going to say its pretty impossible to ever stop cheating/hacking in a video game. When I stopped Playing WoW it still had teleport hacks, with the only difference being the only time you saw it in the open world was people gathering nodes, otherwise it was all done in instances.


Hell I clicked on one of those images randomly and it was a guy offering $200 for a hack that bypasses the RNG aspect of regrading/socketing, I mean jesus lord, $200 just to cheat one feature of a video game, it's mind boggling.
Agreed but, if you were going to spend $200 on things to help your time in a game... would you spend $200 on labor pots and archeum boxes in the Trion cash shop or would you spend $200 on that?

I mean as far as efficiency/bang for your buck goes? That's probably how people look at it who do that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
After I started on the whole farming, blue salt stuff, I got the impression that lots of ocean crossing was needed to make stuff. But since then I've figured out how trading works and got some more land and whatnot, and yea there's zero incentive for me to ever risk a contested area.

I did one ocean crossing to get my large farm, from which I returned unscathed, and another peacetime ynywhatever pack back to my own side to get some charcoal. The second time we got harpooned but made it into safe waters. I'll likely never go back into a contested area again, I just don't need to.

So really all the "feeding" the gankers are going to get is new people doing the large farm quest, impatient people wanting some extra starry stars, or really stupid people. Eventually all of that will dry up.
Yep, please take a look at Hawlord here, he pretty much figured how trading works too.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Agreed but, if you were going to spend $200 on things to help your time in a game... would you spend $200 on labor pots and archeum boxes in the Trion cash shop or would you spend $200 on that?

I mean as far as efficiency/bang for your buck goes? That's probably how people look at it who do that.
I mean if you are going to cheat I guess why not just go all out. Just crazy that someone would spend $200 to cheat in a video game.

Thankfully from what I've seen these people usually quit the game first, as they just cheat/pay to get to the top asap , get bored and quit. Though I would guess some actually do it as a business.


Molten Core Raider
I was doing a gilda run with a new elf. There is a step where at level 12 you have to kill some level 20+. Normally I do it using bubble to make them take fall damage a f ew times to do above normal damage. A legit tactic... So I was at one of the named and there were 5 of us low levels obviously doing the speed run. I radius invite and one low level guy says in broken English something like 'stay back I've got this' The second everything spawns he insta killed everything...

I'm not sure what trick he used but with people getting to the lua code from the .pak file and making mods client side it wouldn't surprise me if damage calcs were client side. Otherwise it could be sending gm insta kill commands or spamming attack packets. Either way something let him insta kill stuff way above his level.


I mean if you are going to cheat I guess why not just go all out. Just crazy that someone would spend $200 to cheat in a video game.

Thankfully from what I've seen these people usually quit the game first, as they just cheat/pay to get to the top asap , get bored and quit. Though I would guess some actually do it as a business.
I think someone who spends $200 on pots and cash shop aids would be more likely to quit first, mainly considering that they'd have to keep spending out of pocket on pots/aids to keep their play fluid (crafting/farming/fishing, etc) or any advantage (if they are getting one) in a game like this. That hacker guy spending a one-time $200 hack (probably cheaper) to regrade items has ultimate, reusable power. Although acquiring the items as a cheat would be no problem, he still has to actually go out and fight mobs/other people in order to gain any benefit which is ultimately the goal of the MMO, not necessarily to work towards that goal. Even with that weapon, baddies who cheat usually don't kill everyone they meet in fair combat, usually just other baddies who don't cheat, which is generally lots of players.

One thing that has to be repeated constantly imo, so that people understand it is that ArcheAge isn't like other mmos. It's not a pure sandbox nor a pure themepark. The economy works differently and it tied into endgame which is all PvP. This game is a perfect storm of freedom to do things, hacks, insane Western money to fund cheats and cash shop purchases, and a playerbase that is apathetic to the PvP endgame by and large.

I doubt the cheaters in this game will quit anytime soon. They're likely to run off everyone else first.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone knowledgeable know a reason why games are not just full server side? Does it create some kind of lag or negative reaction for the gamers?

Does this game having almost no instances and full non instance housing with literally hundreds of individual customizations/layouts etc per house/farms customization to characters and boats effect what can all be done by server?

Or is just a matter of in korea it's not such a big deal with accounts tied directly to their RL identities(ie they can ban a SSN and not sure how plausible just up and getting a new one is, not to mention actual laws for stealing/using someone elses SSN) + cultural differences?


This has everything to do with what server you play on then, because on my server this shit just doesn't happen with any sort of frequency to give a damn. It is a rare fucking site to see any sort of coordinated trade run that does not take advantage of peacetimes. Even out on the sea, you don't see things like blockades and fleets of pirates just hanging out waiting for merchant ships on any regular basis. What you're talking is large scale stuff where yea, you would give a damn but most you see is a bunch of farmcarts travelling roads during peacetime. My guild did a shitload of traderuns over the weekend from Solz to Ysentere, in the middle of the day on Saturday. Did not run into one pirate ship (or any other ship for that matter) was the most boring thing you can do is just sit on a ship and watch the waves go by. And all we were was one galleon with 15 people on it. Rolled right up to the enemy dock with 15 reds standing right there, couldn't do a damn thing because as soon as they start the attack they were dead by guards. We told all our people not to attack, we didn't and turned on all our packs without one death and ported out. Did it 5 times in a row with no incident.

I've never seen a game where PvP is supposed to be the centerpiece of the game and most of it's players find ways to bypass it in anyway they can. I can't tell you the last time I saw a farm cart come through a zone that wasn't in peacetime.
Yeah and those players won't last long either. If you are just playing this as a glorified farmville, you are going to have a bad time. This game is what you make of it. I'll be having a blast griefing, ganking, scamming, etc. with some downtime playing farmville, crafting/gathering/fishing, dungeons, and doing trade runs. Shit, there is pvp right outside my house in sandeep. I am on another server so your experiences may vary of course.

And yes, people do avoid risk with peace only trade runs. I can still catch them in the middle of the ocean like pirates, which is pretty entertaining. And those of us willing to take risks and turn packs into a red zone, just make more profit because no one is doing them. There is risk and reward, and while I may wish it was more substantial, it still provides plenty of content for me and I still giggle like a little girl when I gank someone running packs.

Half our wormhole Eve guild came to play (we fly a Guristas pirate symbol on our ships), and while it may not be has 'hardcore' as Eve, I always have something to do and can find pvp in 5 minutes, rather than spend 4 hours in eve just trying to find a drake to gank, ganking it, and having to rinse/repeat. Imagine itty 5s, freighters, and drakes coming thru your wormhole everyday. Then imagine stealing an itty 5, flying it into sleepers, and looting the wreck. Sure you can't keep the itty 5, but that's what it feels like to steal a farmcart from your own faction. It kind of feels like eve sometimes too. You have highsec, you have lowsec (contested zones), castles (nullsec) and you have the open water (wormholes, spam that dscan!). Sure I don't have as much to lose, but that's kinda great because people don't have to pos up because they are scared to lose their ship. I'll run a tradepack thru contested zone, because it's not really any skin off my back (50s for a quality certificate). Having nothing to lose just makes an easier entrance to pvp for casual players. They don't have to farm for 3 days to get back in a ship and pvp again, which increases content. It may not be enough to get you off on ruining someones day, but fucking over someones trade run/ship is still pretty satisfying. Plus once there are castles, you definitely have something to lose (your castle, your income, all your houses, etc).


Molten Core Raider
During the update, we found that the patch managed to break the backend tool that we use for a wide variety of tasks (such as executing Game Master actions and character management). We're fixing this right now which does push our downtime out another two hours to 3:00 PM PDT.
Hmm, maybe that explains why I saw someone insta killing mobs. It was already broken but they are just fixing it now since people are abusing it.


Anyone knowledgeable know a reason why games are not just full server side? Does it create some kind of lag or negative reaction for the gamers?

Does this game having almost no instances and full non instance housing with literally hundreds of individual customizations/layouts etc per house/farms customization to characters and boats effect what can all be done by server?

Or is just a matter of in korea it's not such a big deal with accounts tied directly to their RL identities(ie they can ban a SSN and not sure how plausible just up and getting a new one is, not to mention actual laws for stealing/using someone elses SSN) + cultural differences?
The last part there. In korea you get banned for life and the police might show up at your door. They didn't plan on other cultures being different when this was created as it was korean only.


Potato del Grande
I understand that the carebears getting ganked are losing SOME degree of time/effort -- but maybe what frustrates me is that theattacker risks nothing. Eve PVP made me genuinely tense -- especially when I was obvious the target of the enemy group and needed to maneuver to stay alive. I wasn't even risking all THAT much, but the very visceral feeling of "I'm going to lose my ship if I don't do something" just isn't there for me in Archeage and, in retrospect, it is mandatory for me to enjoy MMO PVP.
From the time I spent in EVE the attackers basically risk nothing too. The only times I ever got engaged or was able to engage someone in pvp in EVE was when they were certain that their ship could take mine or at least put up a solid fight if it was a cheap ship. Expensive ship (aka actually risking something more than 4mil isk out of your 80billion wallet)? No sir, not a chance in hell to get a fight unless you catch them afk/asleep.


Trakanon Raider
Same problems as every Asian game. The culture they are made for is just too different and the companies are just slow to react or change for the western market. I think the house hacking is the biggest issue if it stays since people will notice it and quit over it, regrade hacks aren't so bad in that its hard to really measure their impact and your average player will never notice it.

I do think this game is better than the last few games like ESO and unless they just fail to stop the most blatant hacks it won't implode like those games with huge pop drop off.


If trion didn't empower themselves to release a quality product to the NA market in its agreement with xlgames, then AA is either a cash grab or trion is just really stupid. I don't see how you could reach any other conclusion. Then again, given that most major MMOs released recently have become ghost towns in six months, perhaps trion never intended a long lifespan for this game.

Still, I don't have a flexible enough schedule to be on the bleeding edge in games like this, so there is still a lot for me to do, having only recently finished my cloth and plate GHA sets (its good to be the tank). I'm sure I'll be enjoying it for a little while longer, cash grab or no, but fuck if I will ever expect trion to remove their thumbs from their asses.


Anyone knowledgeable know a reason why games are not just full server side?
Mostly this is a solved problem. The only tricky bits are physics and gunplay / twitchy dodgy movement stuff. The only thing a client should be trusted on is movement, and then periodic checks should be done to make sure they didn't move too far.

For abilities, often games will fire them instantly on your client, giving the feeling of responsiveness, but it really doesn't land until it arrives at the server and fires there. It's just an illusion. You can see how each game does it if you have a terrible connection like mine, and observe how things work when your isp is choking.

Hack prevention and encryption and such will never work on pcs as they exist today. You can always just install the hacks at a driver level where they can party on any processes memory however they want. You'd really need OS and cpu working together to prevent stuff like aimbots.

BTW the old counterstrike source hack that the vast majority of the players used cost something like 60 bucks and they had > 200k sales.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
as far as the regrade hacking goes, the post doesnt seem to be very realistic. If a guy was going to make 3 divine items, back to back to back, they would send out the server messages. Even the dumbest person would stop before sending 3 server messages just to prove he has a hack that hes not even interested in selling.


Trakanon Raider


Trakanon Raider
Apparently the second pic was from Alpha (the Mythic), but the first was witnessed in game. Either way, I don't think it was a coincidence that the GM's did a ban wave today while publicly announcing "all ill-gotten goods will be deleted" to all severs.

Glad to see they are trying to do something, but I'm not sure if it's too little too late. I'm still having fun for now but I really need to see them do more.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Apparently the second pic was from Alpha (the Mythic), but the first was witnessed in game. Either way, I don't think it was a coincidence that the GM's did a ban wave today while publicly announcing "all ill-gotten goods will be deleted" to all severs.

Glad to see they are trying to do something, but I'm not sure if it's too little too late. I'm still having fun for now but I really need to see them do more.
even then.....a level 50 with +7000 hp from his armor buff having only 13k max hp. Something is off.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not really. iirc in alpha as a caster I only had like 4-5k health before the changes. This was in Illustrious gear.